Title: The Brookings Institution, Washington, D'C'www'brookings'edu
1Untitled A Study of Formal and Informal
Property Rights in Urban Ecuador
- Jean O. Lanjouw
- UC Berkeley
- The Center for Global Development
- The Brookings Institution
- Philip Levy
- Yale University
2ConclusionThe importance of formal property
rights institutions depends on the availability
of informal sources of rights.
- Quantify value via Hedonic Price Regressions
- Unobservable quality characteristics
- Endogeneous rights
- Estimate within household and property
3Model of Transactions
- Sale Price (Utility, Transactions Uncertainty)
- ?Price (? Utility, ?Transactions Uncertainty)
4Example The two effects of title on property
? Hedonic price regression 75 ? Utility derived
from property (what we want) 50
5Key Distinction in ownership claims is not
formal vs. informalbut rathertransferable vs.
- The differential effect of non-transferable
rights in sale and rental markets, and between
family and outsiders, provides empirical evidence
that transactions uncertainty matters
- Community/Organizer/Formal overlay
- Titling Programs underway during study period
- Are they a good idea?
7Benefits of Title and Tenure Security
- Increased utility from security
- Increase in returns to private investment
- Similarly in contributions to community assets
- Enhanced ability to transfer property, thus
- The use of property as collateral
- An expanded market for sales and rental
- All of which lead to higher property value
8Household and Community Surveys
- Fielded July - August 1996
- The Sample Stratified random sample of 20 low
and middle-income communities. Stratified by age
of the community and by percentage of households
having title. - Simple random sample of 20 households within
each community. - Contents LSMS plus new modules related to
property rights issues.
9Are they a good idea?
- Costs of titling
- To squatters
- About 5 of value of untitled property
- Equal to avg annual p/c consumption
- To government
- maintaining land registry
- subsidies
- enforcement
10Are they a good idea?
- Benefit of title - within estimates
- Upper bound average increase in utility - 23.5
- 1 year old community with no organizer - as much
as 52 - Greater effect on utility of more vulnerable
households ? distributional effects
11Paper just out in the Economic Journal (2002)
Vol. 112. pp 986-1019.