Title: The Misconception of God
1The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
Love Is Not
2The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- I Corinthians 136 Love does not rejoice in
iniquity, but rejoiceth in Truth.
3The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- I am glad that God deals with his wayward
children differently.
Romans 58 While we were yet sinners, Jesus
died for us.
4The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- Lev. 101,2 Nadab and Abihu
5The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- Matt. 2112,13 Jesus cleansed the Temple
- Acts 5 Ananias and Sapphira
- Matt. 24 God Annihilate the city Jerusalem
6The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- Love God with all your heart
- Because of the love for Jesus the world will hate
and persecute you
- Love your brother and be his servant
- Love your brother and lay down your life for him
7The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- I Corinthians 136 Love does not rejoice in
iniquity, but rejoiceth in Truth.
8The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
9The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- 2 Cor. 510 according to what he hath done,
whether good or evil.
Heb. 1031 It is a fearful thing to fall into
the hands of the living God.
10The Misconception of Gods LoveI Corinthians 13
- Where do you stand today?