Title: Outline
- Competitive Learning continued
- Hamming network - review
- Self-organizing feature maps
- Learning vector quantization
2Hamming Network
3Hamming Network cont.
- Layer 1
- Consists of multiple instar neurons to recognize
more than one pattern - The output of a neuron is the inner production
between the weight vector (prototype) and the
input vector - The output from the first layer indicates the
correlation between the prototype pattern and the
input vector - It is feedforward
4Layer 1 (Correlation)
We want the network to recognize the following
prototype vectors
The first layer weight matrix and bias vector are
given by
The response of the first layer is
The prototype closest to the input vector
produces the largest response.
5Hamming Network cont.
- Layer 2
- It is a recurrent network, called a competitive
network - The neurons in this layer compete with each other
to determine a winner - After competition, only one neuron will have a
nonzero output - The winning neuron indicates which category of
input was presented to the network
6Layer 2 (Competition)
The second layer is initialized with the
output of the first layer.
The neuron with the largest initial condition
will win the competition.
7Hamming Network cont.
- Lateral inhibition
- This competition is called a winner-take-all
competition - Because the one with the largest value decreases
the slowest, it remains positive when all others
become zero - What will happen if there are ties?
8Classification Example
9Competitive Layer
- In a competitive layer, each neuron excites
itself and inhibits all the other neurons - A transfer function that does the job of a
recurrent competitive layer - It works by finding the neuron with the largest
net input and setting its output to 1 (In case of
ties, the neuron with lowest index). All other
outputs are set to 0
10Competitive Layer
11Competitive Learning
- A learning rule to train the weights in a
competitive network - Instar rule
- In other words,
- For the competitive network, the winning neuron
has an output of 1, and the other neurons have an
output of 0.
12Competitive Learning
Kohonen Rule
13Graphical Representation
15Four Iterations
16Problems with Competitive Layers
- Choice of learning rate
- A learning rate near zero results in slow
learning but stable - A learning rate near one results in fast learning
but oscillate - Stability problem when clusters are close to each
other - Dead neuron
- A neuron whose initial weight vector is so far
from any input vectors that it never wins the
competition - The number of classes must be known
- These limitations can be overcome by the feature
maps, LVQ networks, and ART networks
17Choice of Learning Rates
- When learning rate is small, the learning is
stable but slow - When learning rate is close to 1, the learning is
fast but slow - Adaptive learning rate can be used
- Initial learning rate is large and gradually
decrease the learning rate
If the input vectors dont fall into nice
clusters, then for large learning rates the
presentation of each input vector may modify the
configuration so that the system will undergo
continual evolution.
19Another Stability Example
20Typical Convergence (Clustering)
Input Vectors
Before Training
After Training
21Dead Units
One problem with competitive learning is that
neurons with initial weights far from any input
vector may never win.
22Dead Units cont.
- Solution
- Add a negative bias to each neuron, and increase
the magnitude of the bias as the neuron wins - This will make it harder to win if a neuron has
won often - This is called a conscience
23Competitive Layers in Biology
On-Center/Off-Surround Connections for Competition
Weights in the competitive layer of the Hamming
Weights assigned based on distance
24Mexican-Hat Function
25Feature Maps
Update weight vectors in a neighborhood of the
winning neuron.
27Self-Organizing Feature Maps cont.
28Self-Organizing Feature Maps cont.
29Self-Organizing Feature Maps cont.
30Self-Organizing Feature Maps cont.
31Self-Organizing Feature Maps cont.
32Improving SOFM
- Convergence speed-up of SOFM
- Variable neighborhood size
- Use a larger neighborhood size initially and
gradually reduce it until it includes only the
winning neuron - Variable learning rate
- Use a larger learning rate initially (close to 1)
and decrease it toward 0 asymptotically - Let the winning neuron use a larger rate than the
neighboring ones - One can use distance as the net input instead of
the inner product
33Learning Vector Quantization
The net input is not computed by taking an inner
product of the prototype vectors with the input.
Instead, the net input is the negative of the
distance between the prototype vectors and the
For the LVQ network, the winning neuron in the
first layer indicates the subclass which the
input vector belongs to. There may be several
different neurons (subclasses) which make up each
The second layer of the LVQ network combines
subclasses into a single class. The columns of W2
represent subclasses, and the rows represent
classes. W2 has a single 1 in each column,
with the other elements set to zero. The row in
which the 1 occurs indicates which class the
appropriate subclass belongs to.
Subclasses 1, 3 and 4 belong to class
1. Subclass 2 belongs to class
2. Subclasses 5 and 6 belong to class 3.
A single-layer competitive network can create
convex classification regions. The second layer
of the LVQ network can combine the convex regions
to create more complex categories.
36LVQ Design Example
37LVQ Design Example
38LVQ Design Example
39LVQ Learning
LVQ learning combines competitive learning with
supervision. It requires a training set of
examples of proper network behavior.
If the input pattern is classified correctly,
then move the winning weight toward the input
vector according to the Kohonen rule.
If the input pattern is classified incorrectly,
then move the winning weight away from the input
41First Iteration
42Second Layer
This is the correct class, therefore the weight
vector is moved toward the input vector.
44Final Decision Regions
If the winning neuron in the hidden layer
incorrectly classifies the current input, we move
its weight vector away from the input vector, as
before. However, we also adjust the weights of
the closest neuron to the input vector that does
classify it properly. The weights for this second
neuron should be moved toward the input
vector. When the network correctly classifies an
input vector, the weights of only one neuron are
moved toward the input vector. However, if the
input vector is incorrectly classified, the
weights of two neurons are updated, one weight
vector is moved away from the input vector, and
the other one is moved toward the input vector.
The resulting algorithm is called LVQ2.
46LVQ2 Example