Title: Bienvenidos al II Seminario Anual de la TV Cable
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2Bienvenidos al II Seminario Anual de la TV Cable
- Formada y financiada por 29 Canales miembros
- Facilitar el entendimiento de la TV Cable y su
lugar en el panorama de medios en Chile y América
- Desarrollar la inversión publicitaria en TV
Cable, superando los obstáculos de la industria.
- Promover una distribución equitativa de la
inversión publicitaria.
- Compartir cifras actualizadas de la televisión de
- Discutir nuevos conceptos de mercadeo.
6Los medios tradicionales ERAN la fuente princi
pal de entretenimiento
Revolución de la información y los medios
7Los consumidores tienen muchas alternativas
8A tan solo 6 clicks y 2 segundos
9Los consumidores tienen el control
10El mundo de hoy es diferente
- Necesitamos redefinir nuestros esquemas de
comunicación y mercadeo
11Diferenciar las marcas es cada vez más difícil
12Hoy todos los productos se pueden duplicar
- cómo podemos diferenciar nuestras marcas?
14A través de
- Mensaje publicitario
- Los medios
15Pero los medios han recibido menos importancia
como herramienta para la diferenciación de marcas
Quiero más alcance!
Quiero CPMs más bajos!
Quiero estar en el canal de la Universidad
17Las personas buscan algo para ellos, y no para
18- Hacia dónde va la TV Cable?
19La penetración muestra una tendencia de
Fuente IBOPE Media (Chile). Tablas de universos
20La TV Cable tiene una penetración del 35
Fuente IBOPE Media (Chile). Tablas de universos
21La TV Cable fragmenta la audiencia de TV Abierta
Fuente IBOPE Media (Chile). Media Workstation.
Rating promedio anual 2006 Total personas,
lunes a domingo, 0600 a 3000 hrs.
22Lo que representa un 16 del share de audiencia
Fuente IBOPE Media (Chile). Media Workstation.
Share promedio anual 2006 de TV Cable.
Total personas, lunes a domingo, 0600 a
3000 hrs.
23Porque nos debemos ajustar a la realidad
- Los shares de la TV abierta ha disminuido de 84
a 81
Fuente IBOPE Media (Chile), Media Work Station,
share trimestral Enero 2005-Diciembre 2006. Total
día, lunes a domingo, target total personas.
24El share en las personas ABC1 ha mantenido un
crecimiento constante
Fuente IBOPE Media (Chile). Media Workstation.
Share promedio anual 2003-2006 En personas
ABC1, lunes a domingo, 0600 a 3000 hrs.
25La inversión mínima en la TV Cable debe ser de 16
26No hacerlo es obviar el ritmo del mercado!
27Por eso estamos aquí
28Al Ries Hay que alcanzar a la gente que cuenta
29Frans Kok, MarketResponse
30Frans demostró
ratings ? efectividad
efectividad apreciación
31Frans Kok también concluyó
- Existe la transferencia
- Buscar congruencia entre el medio ambiente y la
- Los medios transfieren sus cualidades a las
marcas que ahí se anuncian
32Dr. Edward C. Malthaouse Northwestern University
- Profesor de integrated marketing
- Especialidad en medios y minería de datos.
- Autor de publicaciones como Journal Consumer
- Co-editor en The Journal of Interactive
33Media Engagement and Advertising Congruence
- EDWARD C. MALTHOUSESills Distinguished Associate
Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications
- Senior Researcher, Media Management Center
- What is engagement?
- Why does engagement matter?
- Engagement causes advertising effectiveness (in
addition to execution factors)
- Experiential congruence between ads and
advertising vehicles make ads even more
- How can cable TV leverage its focused, relevant
content to attract advertisers?
- As time permits, which medium is most engaging?
35Two Views of Media
- Traditional view of Media
- Advertising effectiveness depends on the product
and creative execution of the ad
- Media is about optimizing exposure to the ad
- The New View of Media Advertising effectiveness
depends on
- The media context of the ad
- As well as the product and ad execution
36What is Engagement?
- Marc (1966) How disappointed a person would be
should the magazine stop publication.
- Davina Kent, TiVo Engagement is the average
time spent in a branded experience.
- Mark McLaughlin, Yahoo! Operationally, Yahoo!
defines Engagement on two dimensions Loyalty
(retention of unique users, new visitors per
month, average properties/channels per user) and
usage (average minutes per day ? average days per
month, average page views per visit ? visits per
month, share of minutes spent online). .
37Engagement ? Usage
- Instead, Engagement causes usage and me to
- Be attentive
- Regard it as one of my favorites
- Be very satisfied with it or parts of it
- Recommend it to a friend
- Think I would miss it if it were no longer
- The absence of Engagement causes me to stop using
- Engagement is more fundamental (and actionable)
than its consequences. It more actionable
because it is more directly under the control of
content producers
38What is Engagement?
- MI4 Committee Working Definition Engagement is
turning on a prospect to a brand idea enhanced by
the surrounding context.
- Mike Pardee, Scripps Networks Scripps defines
viewer engagement in terms of four factors ad
receptivity, life enhancing, trusted source, and
Near Dear TV.
39What is Engagement?
The collective experiences with
contentExperiences are the thoughts, feelings
and beliefs of readers about their program
40Engagement The collective experiences with
41Our Research Approach
- (Exploratory Research) Qualitative interviews
with consumers generate descriptive statements
- Watching this TV program gives me something to
talk about.
- (Descriptive Research) Survey (agree-disagree
with items)
- Exploratory factor analysis to identify latent
dimensions and purify scales
- Social talk-about-it experience, also indicated
- I bring up things I have seen on this program in
conversations with many other people.
- I use things I have seen on this program in
discussions or arguments with other people I
- A big reason I watch it is to make myself more
interesting to other people.
- I give advice and tips to people I know based on
things Ive seen
- Confirmatory survey and factor analysis (CFA)
- Higher-order CFA models identify Engagement
- Evaluate effects on readership and advertising
42Published Engagement Studies
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46I am a better person for using this site/watching
this show
I like for other people to know I watch this show
Self-Esteem Experience
Reading this newspaper/magazine/site makes me
feel good about myself
Watching this news program makes me feel like a
better citizen
47I lose myself in the pleasure of watching this
Its an escape
Going to this site improves my mood, makes me
feel happier
It takes my mind off other things that are going
Timeout Experience
Its a quiet time
I like to kick back and wind down with it
I like to go to this site when I am eating or
taking a break
Reading/Watching is my time alone
It is my reward for doing other things
I feel less stress after reading it
48I look at the pictures in it and think Wow!
Its an escape
I can picture myself at the scene of the events
and places described
I like to picture things in my own mind while I
am reading it
Visual / Transportation Experience
I sometimes show a picture in it to someone else
I like to look at the pictures even if I dont
read the story
I like to look at the pictures for a while
Most often I look at the pictures before reading
the article
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50Timeout and Visual Experiences in Country Home
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53The stories in the news affect me emotionally
When watching the news, I want to learn how
stories end
Some stories on the news touch me deep down
Positive Emotional Experience
I find myself wondering how things could have
turned out differently
It features people who make you proud
It helps me to see that there are good people in
the world
Bold items measure positive emotional experience
for TV news
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55This newspaper has columns that give good advice
I learn about things to do or places to go in
this newspaper
It shows me how to do things the right way
I really like the tips in the magazine
Utilitarian Experience
You learn how to improve yourself from this site.
It helps me make up my mind and make decisions
I look at the magazine as educational. I am
gaining knowledge
This site provides information that helps me make
important decisions
I get good ideas from this web site
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58It addresses issues or topics of special concern
to me
I look at it as educational. I am gaining
Its important I remember later what I have read
Makes Me Smarter Experience
It updates me on things I try to keep up with
Even if I disagree with information on this site,
I feel I have learned something valuable
This program stimulates my thinking about things
59It always has something that surprises me
It often makes me laugh
Entertainment Experience
It is definitely entertaining
I like stories about the weird things that can
Once you start surfing around this site, its
hard to leave
I really do have a lot of fun visiting this site
60Im as interested in input from other users as I
am in the regular content on this site.
A big reason I like this site is what I get from
other users.
On-Line Community Experience
Overall, the visitors to this site are pretty
knowledgeable about the topics it covers.
This site does a good job of getting its visitors
to contribute or provide feedback.
Ive gotten interested in causes I otherwise
wouldnt have because of this site.
Id like to meet other people who regularly visit
this site.
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63Watching the news makes a difference in my life
Watching the news makes me feel like a better
It makes me feel more a part of my community
Civic Experience
Our society would be much weaker without TV news
/ NP
I count on this NP to investigate wrongdoing
I think people who do not read this NP or one
like it are at a disadvantage in life
64I tend to watch TV news at the same time or times
each day
I always go through the same routine when I read
It helps me get my day started in the morning
Routine Experience
Its part of my daily routine
I use TV news to get my news for the day
This is one of the sites I always go to when Im
surfing the web
I know the layout well and where to find things
65Disengagement Experiences
- Negativity Experience
- There is so much sad and scary news that it is
hard to watch.
- Too much time is spent on negative things.
- Not enough effort is made to cover the good
things that happen.
- They are always trying to catch people or tear
them down.
- Hype Experience
- The local news that I watch covers accidents and
crimes way too much.
- I wish they would talk less and show me more.
- Too much of what they do is done mainly to try to
get more people to watch.
- The same stories on the news are repeated day
after day.
- All-the-Same Experience
- The different news programs I watch are all very
similar in the way they do the news.
- The different news programs all have the same
- Selective Surfer Experience
- When watching the television news I try to see
what stories are coming up so I can catch the
ones I want to see and avoid the ones I dont.
- I always wonder what the other news programs are
covering when I am watching the news.
- I pick and choose what I pay attention to on the
- I often turn on the news to see if there is
anything going on.
- Background Experience
- I like to have the television news on in the
background while I am doing other things.
- When I watch the news I prefer to sit and focus
on it. (negative loading)
- While Im watching, usually the activity going on
in the room around me is on my mind.
66Engagement The collective experiences with
67Does Media Engagement affect Usage and Reactions
to Advertising?
- Engagement predicts usage across TV News,
magazines, web sites and newspapers based on
correlations and multiple regressions see
papers for details - Engagement-Advertising studies
- Magazines Pure Water ad (n3654, 100 mags)
- Newspapers Pure Water ad (n4100, 101 NPs)
- Web iPod Orbitz banner ads (n11541, 7 sites)
- Magazines Affinity ad copy-testing study
(n25000, 5,000 ads executions, 72 mags)
- Magazines Meredith Study (n1511, 5 ads, 4
68Design of Ad Studies
- Measure experiences with a specific publication
- Measure confounding variables, e.g., product
usage, ad receptivity
- Show ad that either appeared or tell respondents
it will appear in their publication
- Measure reactions to ad
- Pure Water copy test
- Web intent to click, copy test
- Affinity recall, actions taken
- Mag and Web studies context-free control groups
Affinity study experiences measured after ad
measures, no confounding variables measured
69Effect of Some Magazine Experiences on Pure Water
70Pure Water Ad, 101 Newspapers, 4,100 Respondents
71Orbitz Ad, 7 Web Sites, 11,541 Respondents
72iPod Ad, 7 Web Sites, 11,541 Respondents
735,000 ads, 72 Magazines, 25,000 Respondents
Engaged readers are those with an average of 3.5
or more on the scale. Results hold across ads and
magazines after controlling for characteristics
of execution
74Meredith Congruency Study
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77Meredith Congruency Study
- Magazines evaluated on Visual, Timeout, Positive
Emotional, Utilitarian, and Inspirational
- Ads evaluated on Transportation
- The ad took my mind off of other things
- An ad like this is a bit of an escape
- I could picture myself in the scene of the events
in the ad
- I felt I was right there in the ad experiencing
the same thing
- We compute the experiential congruence between
each ad and each magazine
78Average Experience Levels
79Visual Distances Between Ads and Magazines
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84Does Media involvement Affect Advertising?
- Conclusion we have shown that involvement with
web sites, newspapers, and magazines affects
reactions to many different ads and vehicles
- See papers for multivariate hierarchical linear
model analysis conclusions hold across
- Hundreds of Publications in different media
- Thousands of Ads
- Multiple effectiveness measures (recall, copy
test measures, intention to click, attitude
toward ad and product),
- Even after controlling for general ad liking and
product category interest, and comparing with a
context-free control group
- The more congruent the experiences between the ad
and magazine are, the more effective the ad is
85How can cable TV leverage its focused, relevant
content to attract advertisers?
- Identify a set of experiences that your network
delivers and support with data
- Improve ad effectiveness by
- Evaluating fit of an ad in a program using our
Contextual Fit Index. (Ad Experiences determined
through copy testing)
- Encouraging advertisers to create experiential
86Cross-Media Experience and Involvement Comparisons
- Which medium is most engaging?
- Compute engagement measures for large samples of
web sites, magazines and newspapers (measure
average over respondents)
- Compare distributions of engagement measures
across publications within a medium and across
Credibility / Trust
88Cross-Media Conclusions
- There are many ways that media can be engaging.
Different vehicles within a medium can be
stronger or weaker on delivering specific
experiences. - For each experience, there is substantial
variation across titles within a medium.
- While there are differences in the median
engagement/experiences levels across media, there
tends to be more variation across titles within a
medium. - For magazines and to a lesser extent for web
sites, there is substantially more variation
across titles in experiences than for overall
89Efectividad publicitariaContexto del medio
90Efectividad publicitariaContexto del medio
91Buscando la afinidad entre
92Algunos ejemplos
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99Ejemplos de Anuncios Locales
100Práctico Económico
101Cámaras Digitales - Chile -
102Quién es el comprador de cámaras digitales?
103Perfil demográfico
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Total Chile
Cámaras Digitales
104Perfil demográfico
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Total Chile
Cámaras Digitales
Más del 60 se concentra en NSE ABC1C2
La mitad se concentra entre los 12 y 29 años
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
105Perfil demográfico
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Total Chile
Cámaras Digitales
TV Abierta
La TV Abierta no se concentra en ningún segmento
específico de la población
arriba del total poblacional de Chile
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
106Perfil demográfico
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Total Chile
Cámaras Digitales
La radio tampoco
arriba del total poblacional de Chile
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
107Perfil demográfico
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Total Chile
Cámaras Digitales
OOH tiene ligeras concentraciones en jóvenes y
gente de NSE medio-alto, pero éstas no son
arriba del total poblacional de Chile
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
108Perfil demográfico
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Total Chile
Cámaras Digitales
TV Paga
Congruencia en NSE
Congruencia en edades
arriba del total poblacional de Chile
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
109Perfil demográfico
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Total Chile
Cámaras Digitales
TV Abierta
TV Paga
Los medios selectivos, como la TV Paga
ofrecen una audiencia demográficamente
similar a los consumidores de cámaras digitales
arriba del total poblacional de Chile
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
110- Y no solo demográficamente
111Perfil psicográfico
Opiniones y actitudes Top 2 Box. Top 15 de
opiniones generales más representativas para los
consumidores de cámaras digitales.
Fuente TGI Latina 2006. Base personas de Chile
Cámaras Digitales
Total Chile
Index vs. Total Chile
Preocupadas por el cuidado de su higiene
personal. Interesados en cuestiones internaciona
les como viajes, culturas y comida extranjera.
Tratan de estar al día en los avances
tecnológicos. Son buscadores de calidad y valor p
or su dinero
Opiniones más representativas de los consumidores
de cámaras digitales
112Perfil psicográfico
Opiniones y actitudes Top 2 Box. Top 15 de
opiniones que diferencian a los poseedores de
cámaras digitales del resto de la población
Chilena. Fuente TGI Latina 2006. Base personas
de Chile
Categoría vs. Total Chile
Prefiere Canales de TV Abierta
Prefiere Canales de TV Paga
Opiniones de los consumidores de cámaras digitales
113Perfil psicográfico
Opiniones y actitudes Top 2 Box. Top 15 de
opiniones que diferencian a los poseedores de
cámaras digitales del resto de la población
Chilena. Fuente TGI Latina 2006. Base personas
de Chile
Categoría vs. Total Chile
Prefiere Canales de TV Abierta
Prefiere Canales de TV Paga
Las personas que prefieren canales de TV Paga
tienen una psicografía más cercana
a los consumidores de cámaras digitales.
Index vs. total Chile
114Qué canales de televisión son más congruentes
con la categoría?
115Perfil demográficoCanales preferidos de TV
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Preferencia Opinion acerca del canal Uno de
mis favoritos Muy bueno
Universidad Catolica TV
Cámaras Digitales
Total Chile
Tlevisión Nacional
Red Televisión
Ningún canal de TV Abierta tiene una
configuración demográfica similar a los consumido
res de
cámaras digitales
arriba del total poblacional de Chile
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
116Perfil psicográficoCanales preferidos de TV
Preferencia de los canales Uno de mis favoritos
Muy bueno Opiniones y actitudes Top 2 Box.
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Categoría vs. Total Chile
Universidad Catolica TV
Tlevisión Nacional
Red Televisión
Tampoco psicográficamente
Index vs. total Chile
117Y los canales de la TV Paga?
118Perfil demográficoCanales preferidos de TV Paga
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Preferencia Opinion acerca del canal Uno de
mis favoritos Muy bueno
Cámaras Digitales
Total Chile
TV Cable I
TV Cable II
TV Cable III
TV Cable V
TV Cable VI
TV Cable IV
En la TV Paga podemos encontrar canales
que son demográficamente congruentes con los
consumidores de cámaras digitales
arriba del total poblacional de Chile
Concentraciones demográficas más importantes para
cámaras digitales
119Perfil psicográficoCanales preferidos de TV Paga
Preferencia de los canales Uno de mis favoritos
Muy bueno Opiniones y actitudes Top 2 Box.
Fuente TGI Latina 2006 W III. Base personas en
Categoría vs. Total Chile
TV Cable I
TV Cable II
TV Cable III
TV Cable V
TV Cable VI
TV Cable IV
También psicográficamente
Index vs. total Chile
120Los variedad en los canales de TV Paga nos ofrece
distintos vehículos de comunicación que tienen
alta afinidad hacia los consumidores de ciertas
121Los consumidores son DifEreNtes
Chile debe seguir los nuevos ritmos del mercado
Lo más contraproducente es mantener el status quo
- Recordemos que el panorama de medios es diferente
Por lo que se necesitan estrategias diferentes