Title: RateConstrained Conditional Replenishment with Adaptive Change Detection
1Rate-Constrained Conditional Replenishment with
Adaptive Change Detection
EE368B Project
- Xinqiao Liu
- December 8, 2000
- Conditional replenishment ---- method of reducing
temporal redundancy between successive frames - Efficient in video conferencing with stationary
cameras and slow motion. - Study shows that less than 3 of the pixels need
to be replenished in most head-and-shoulders
scenes in desktop video - Computational complexity is significant simpler
than other video compression methods - Software-only CODEC is possible
- Appealing for on-sensor compression where pixel
array and simple image processing are integrated
on the same chip, i.e, camera system-on-chip
3Previous Work
- Most of the research concentrate mainly on the
image quality (Haskell, et al72, Haskell79) - Recently, a perception-based change detection
method was proposed (ChiuBerger 96,
ChiuBerger99) - Reduces the perceptual redundancy in addition to
the spatial and temporal redundancy - Change detection threshold is set based on Webs
law - However, the correlation between transmission
bit-rate and the choice of change detection
schemes still need to be explored.
- Introduction Problem formulation
- Context-based Arithmetic Encoder
- Change detection --- direct methods
- Subsampling
- Threshold adjusting
- Adaptive change detection
- Noise characteristic
- Adaptive algorithm
- Conclusion
5Conditional Replenishment Diagram
Goal Given a rate-constrained transmission
channel, find the optimal change detection
algorithm that minimizes the distortion
6Model and Assumptions
- Assumptions
- Transmitted separately under certain bit-rate
constrain R1, R2 - Lossless coding for both mask and signal
- Only intra-frame compression is considered
7Rate-Constrained Change Detection
- Three ways to control the bit rate in the change
detector - Subsampling the mask and signal after detection
- Adjusting the detection threshold
- Using adaptive threshold for each pixel based on
the noise characteristics -----eliminate those
pixels that have changed due to noise rather than
the input - Use unconstrained Lagrangian cost function to
find the optimum detection parameters for each
8Problem Formulation (I)
Given previous frame A1, current frame A2, binary
change mask C, the reconstructed frame at decoder
end is
The mean-square distortion is defined as
Assume R1 kR2 since they are proportional to
the number of changed pixels. The total bit-rate
R is
The above assumption allows us to study the
rate-distortion function of conditional
replenishment by only implementing the
compression scheme of the mask.
9Problem Formulation (II)
- The constrained problem of
Can be converted to the unstrained problem by
introducing the Lagrangian cost function given
Lagrange multiplier l
where s is the adjustable change detection
parameter. The optimal value of s is given by
The desired optimal slop value l is not known a
priori but can be obtained using a fast bisection
search algorithm
- Introduction problem formulation
- Context-based Arithmetic Encoder
- Change detection --- direct methods
- Adaptive change detection
- Conclusion
11Test Video Sequence
- Captured by a stationary high-speed digital
camera with a person moving cross the screen
12Context-based Arithmetic Encoder (CAE)
- Binary bitmap-based shape coding scheme used in
the MPEG-4 standard - Three types of 16x16 macroblocks
- "black" block none of the pixel changed (all 0)
- "white" block all pixels changed and to be
replenished (all 1) - boundary block encoded with a template of 10
pixels to define the causal context for
predicting the binary value of the current pixel
For black and white blocks, only the block type
need to be transmitted For boundary blocks, use
conditional entropy
- Introduction problem formulation
- Context-based Arithmetic Encoder
- Change detection --- direct methods
- Subsampling
- Threshold adjusting
- Adaptive change detection
- Conclusion
14Change Masks With Subsampling
- Subsample the macroblock by a factor of 2, 4 or 8
- Subblocks are encoded using the CAE
- Upsample at the decoder end using pixel
replication filter combined with a 3x3 median
15 Rate-distortion of Subsampling
16Change Masks With Threshold-adjusting
- Control the bit-rate by globally adjusting the
change detector threshold. As the threshold
increased, few pixels will be detected
17Rate-distortion of Threshold-adjusting
- Introduction problem formulation
- Context-based Arithmetic Encoder
- Change detection --- direct methods
- Adaptive change detection
- Noise characteristics
- Adaptive algorithm
- Conclusion
19Noise Characteristics
- A fundamental problem in designing an optimum
change detector is how to separate pixels whose
change is due to noise from pixels whose change
is due to real input signal change - For cameras using either CCD or CMOS image
sensors, the final image is formed by the
photo-charge Qi,j (or voltage) integrated on each
photo-detector during the exposure time. Two
independent additive noise corrupt the output
signal - Shot noise Ui,j which is zero mean signal
dependent gaussian distribution with - Readout circuit and reset noise Vi,j (including
quantization noise) with zero mean and variance
20Adaptive Change Detection
- Thus the total noise variance of pixel (i,j) is
- The noise is signal dependent
- The stronger the luminance level, the noisier the
pixel will be - The threshold Ti,j is thus set as
- where m is the sensitivity factor that is set
globally - is local average value over a small
area with size 8x8. - Note that by changing m, we effectively adjusting
the detection sensitivity while the threshold is
still locally adapted
21Adaptive Threshold
22Change Masks With Adaptive Threshold
23Rate-distortion of Adaptive Threshold
24Performance Comparison
- Subsampling is the most efficient in reducing
bit-rate - Adaptive thresholding achieves the best PSNR
- Studied three change detection algorithms
- Subsampling
- Threshold-adjusting
- Adaptive threshold based on the noise
characteristics - The adaptive change detection algorithm
efficiently separates pixels whose change is due
to noise from pixels whose value change is due to
real input signal change - Simulation proves that the adaptive change
detection algorithm achieves the best PSNR among
all the three algorithms