Title: FSI 1st Week Conclusions May 9, 2003
1FSI 1st Week ConclusionsMay 9, 2003
- Ten pounds of experience and knowledge into a
five pound sack
- Interactive mix to spice up the stew
- Need for advanced preparation
- Early identification of participants
- Pre-session for topics needed for startup
- Focus of fewer topics but in more depth
- Option for more time in one stretch
- Need for a 3 to 5 year vision
33 to 5 Year Vision for Instructional Delivery at
Florida Tech
4Business Model/Value Chain
5Model of the Educational Structure
6Instructional Technology Impact ModelFocusing on
Instructional Delivery
7Opportunities for Florida Tech
- Incremental expansion of Instructional Technology
by waves of faculty
- Focus on the pedagogy not the technology
- Expand the base of faculty experience and optimal
usage of the right technology at the right time
- Understand our institutional target audience
(client/customer) as well as the specific
characteristics of each class
8Constraints on Various Student Populations
9Incremental Goals
- Establish the Center for Teaching and Learning
- Faculty Summer Institute
- Raise the competency of the 1st wave of faculty
- Focus on pedagogy and assessment
- Generate test projects or 1st phase of large
- Cycle through the next years activities
- CTLE and FSI
10Next Phase of Opportunities
- Generate Research Funding
- Expansion of faculty projects
- Funding for Instructional Technology research
- Incremental funding for joint projects
- Move CTLE FSI to Provost
- Secure more permanent funding
- Expand to Fellow other recognition
- Expand the use of Instructional Technology in new
11Opportunities to Customization and Leverage
- Focus on Learner (not on delivery)
- The way students learn (Learning Styles)
- Kohls Learning Styles
12Expanded Usage of Instructional Technology
Typical Course
Lesson Content by module/learning unit
Number of Lessons
13Nth Lesson -- Matching Learning Styles to Lesson
14Choose Best Lessons for Optimal Use of
Instructional Technology Opportunities
15Added Benefits
- Instructional Technology offers significant
opportunities to enhance the total educational
- Based on wise use / application of sound
educational wisdom
- Shift focus from delivery to consumer (using
pedagogy etc.)
- Match technology to both target populations
best pedagogical practices
17Conclusions - continued
- Opportunities for leadership from this team
- Seek external funding recognitiopn
- Net impact
- Internal Competitive, retain students, improve
educational process, improve faculty efficiency
- External Recognition, funding, increased
tuition income