Title: Europa Scout Lander 2020
1Europa Scout Lander 2020
- Concept Design Review
- Wednesday, February 18, 2015
2Proposal Overview
- I. Introduction
- II. Team Roles and Responsibilities
- III. Science Theme and Objectives
- IV. Science Baseline and Floor
- V. Instrumentation
- VI. Traceability Matrix
- VII. Mission Architecture
- A. Timeline and Key Events
- B. Launch Vehicle
- C. Cruise Stage
- D. Landers
- VIII. Trade Studies
- IX. Work to be Completed
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
- The following Pre-Phase A Mission System
Concept for this mission is presented in response
to the National Space Administration Europa Scout
2020 Announcement of Opportunity released on 5
Jan 2015 - The proposed mission launch date is January 2021
with the proposed surface science completed by
November 2028 - Level 1 Objectives
- Extend the science missions of Galileo and
Jupiter - Utilize a platform that allows in-situ analysis
of the Europa crustal ice - Employ a mission architecture that is redundant,
and assumes a low level of overall risk - Maximize potential scientific return
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
4 Team Roles and Responsibilities
PI Wes Patterson Brown University
Project Manager Bob Thompson
Project Systems Engineer Scott Francis
Flight Systems Randy Olsen
Payload Systems Michael Parsons
Mission Systems Robbie Coffman
Disciplinary Specialists
CAD Michael Parsons Scott Francis
Trajectories Performance Scott Francis Bob
Propulsion Power Robbie Coffman Randy Olsen
Masses Structures Randy Olsen Robbie Coffman
Cost Estimation Bob Thompson Michael Parsons
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
5 Science Theme and Objectives
- Theme Geochemistry
- Survey the dynamics of the icy crust of Europa
- Identify potential energy and nutrient resources
- Assess the suitability of the crustal ice to
supporting life - Characterize recent sub-surface environmental
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
6Science Baseline and Floor
- Science Baseline
- Survey of three sites
- Site context imagery
- Microscopic imagery at each site
- Spectroscopic and chemical analysis of three
samples at each site - Science Floor
- One site survey
- Site context imagery
- Spectroscopic and chemical analysis of two
samples - Currently working with PI to establish baseline
and floor resolution requirements
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
- Panoramic Camera
- - A high resolution stereo color panoramic
imager for imaging of local environment - - Location Stereo pair mounted on mast
- Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer
- - Determines presence and characterization of
pre-biotic and biotic compounds - - Location Warmed electronics bay
- Geophone
- - Passive seismic sensor for subsurface
structure determination - - Location Placed in drilled hole near
spacecraft. Data transmitted via attached cable - Microscopic Imager
- - Fine-scale imager combining optical
microscope, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray
diffraction - - Location Deployed Instrument Array
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
8Instrumentation (Cont.)
- Aqueous Chemistry Laboratory
- - Suite of chemical sensors for detecting
chemical properties such as pH, conductivity - - Location Warmed electronics bay
- Visible/Near-IR Point Spectrometer
- - Remote molecular / elemental analysis of
surface - - Location Mirrors on camera mast send light to
instrument in warmed electronics bay - Environmental Sensors
- - Suite of sensors for measurement of ambient
temperature, the rate of delivery of direct solar
radiation per unit of horizontal surface ambient
surface radiation - - Location Sensors on outside of spacecraft bus
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
9Instrumentation (Cont.)
- Raman Spectrometer
- - In-situ molecular analysis of surface
- - Location Deployed Instrument Array
- ? Ultrasonic Corer
- - Piezoelectric corer capable of drilling and
collecting surface samples to depth of 20 cm - - Location Deployed Instrument Array
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
10Science Traceability Matrix
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
11Mission Summary
- Launch Vehicle
- Delta IV Heavy
- Atlas V Heavy
- Trajectory
- Chemical propulsion with Triple Venus flyby, with
an earth escape energy, C3, of 16.5 km2/s2 - Cruise Stage
- Provides navigation and communication during
interplanetary cruise - Landers
- Three Landers
- Apollo-style landing scenario
- Full suite of geochemical analysis instruments
- Ultrasonic corer for sample extraction
- RTG for power
- Landing sites at locations of newly surfaced
material (TBD) - Two lower risk landing sites (i.e. Linea
terrain) - One higher risk landing site (i.e. Chaos
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
12Landing Sites
Linea Terrain
Chaos Terrain
- Landing Sites will be based on a combination of
scientific interest and landing safety, and will
be selected by a workshop of the scientific
community and engineers familiar with the landing
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
13Timeline Key Events
- Europa Scout 2020 AO Released 5 Jan 2015
- Pre-Phase A Mission System Concept Design
Review 18 February 2015 - Pre-Phase A Mission System Concept Completed
21 April 2015 - Proposal Selection Announced September 2015
- Phase A concept Study Report Completed March
2016 - Confirmation of Investigation for Flight June
2016 - Project Preliminary Design Review June 2017
- Launch January 2021
- First Venus Fly-by June 2021
- Second Venus Fly-by September 2022
- Third Venus Fly-By March 2025
- Enter Jupiter Orbit September 2027
- Enter Europa Orbit September 2028
- Landers Descend to Surface October 2028
- Surface Science Completed November 2028
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
14Launch Vehicle Selection
- The capabilities of a wide range of the
expendable launch vehicles (ELVs) provided by NSA
were investigated - The heavy launch vehicle class was chosen because
of its capability of launching the desired
boosted mass of approximately 6770 kg with a C3
of 16.5 km2/s2 - Within this category, the Boeing Delta IV H
launch vehicle best matches the required
performance - The Lockheed Martin Atlas V H launch vehicle has
similar capabilities and is also available, thus
providing dual compatibility
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
15Cruise Stage
- Communications Ka-band (32 GHz)
- Use of one or more lander antennas
- Receivers Deep Space Network 34 m dishes
- Attitude determination Star trackers, Sun
sensors, Miniature IMU(s) - Attitude control Four reaction wheels, redundant
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
16Lander Mass and Power
- Estimated total mass for one lander 490 kg
- Instruments 20 kg
- Total instrument power required 33 W
- Each lander will have one advanced RTG to power
its instruments and subsystems - RTG mass 40 kg
- Average power supplied over duration of mission
110 W
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
17Lander Visualization
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
18Lander Communications
- Parabolic high-gain antenna
- Frequency 32 GHz (Ka-band, DSN supported)
- Diameter 30 cm
- Mass lt 0.5 kg
- Power 6 W
- Data transmission rate 1 kbps
- Receivers DSN 70 m dishes
- Redundant electronics and smaller low-gain
Ka-band antenna for backup
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
19 Other Lander Considerations
- Lander life expectancy Approximately one month
due to radiation - Shielding and radiation-hardened electronics
- Planetary protection concerns
- Category IVb
- Lander will be maintained with no greater than
3x105 spores pre-sterilization levels - Dry heat microbial reduction used on certain
parts of the spacecraft - Heat sensitive instruments will be sealed with
HEPA filters
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
20Lander Mass Breakdown
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
21Cruise Stage Mass Breakdown
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
22Interplanetary Trajectory
- Launch
- Triple Venus gravity assist maneuver
- Deep space maneuvers
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
23Jupiter System Trajectory
- Jupiter orbit insertion
- Ganymede gravity assist (GGA)
- Chemical Perijove Raise (PJR) maneuvers
- Europa gravity assists (EGAs)
- Europa orbit insertion (EOI)
- 100 km altitude
- Landing
PJR Maneuvers
Inbound Trajectory
Initial Joviocentric Orbit
Perijove Raise Orbits
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
24Propulsion ?V Summary
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
25Risk Assessment
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
26 Key Trades Completed to Date
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
27 Solar-Electric Propulsion Option
- Provides insufficient gains over chemical
trajectory with flybys - Seven xenon electrostatic thrusters
- Isp 3000 sec.
- Required power 423 to 2,288 Watts each
- Large solar array needed
- Thrust range 19.0 to 92.7 mN
- Trajectory modeled as patched conic
- Launch to Earths sphere of influence
- Heliocentric spiral out to Jupiter
- Approximately 5 years
- Joviocentric spiral in to Europa
- Possible use of tether for kinetic energy
dissipation/power generation
45 meters tip to tip
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
28 Solar Electric Propulsion Trajectory
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
29Descope Options
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020
30Work to be Done
- Refine Baseline
- Determine landing scenario
- Investigate instrument data collection rate and
total data volume - Perform cost versus launch mass trade study
(descope to 2 landers) - Determine cruise stage configuration
- Design instruments and Lander layout determine
necessary instrument tolerances/resolutions - Create Management Plan
- Perform Cost estimation
- Draft Proposal
February 18, 2015
Europa Scout Lander 2020