Title: Benefit Cost Analysis and the Entanglements of Love
1Benefit Cost Analysis and the Entanglements of
2How do we do the counting?
- A parent reports that she is willing to pay 100
to save her child from one day of cold symptoms. - How do we use her answer and those of others in a
sample to evaluate public projects that affect
child health?
3Some entanglements
- Do we measure benefits of a project that reduces
cold symptoms by multiplying number of child days
times average willingness to pay of parents? - But what if the child has 2 parents?
- Do we calculate the sum of the 2 parents answers?
Or the maximum? Or the minimum? - Should we count the childs own evaluation?
4The logic of benefit cost for families
- What can benefit cost accomplish?
- How are families governed and how does it matter?
5What can benefit cost do?
- Without explicit instructions about how to
compare one persons benefits with those to
another, benefit cost cannot tell us whether a
project should be adopted. - Best we can expect is to learn whether a project
is potentially Pareto improving. - But this is very useful.
6Standard Justification for B C
- With selfish individuals, a project is
potentially Pareto improving if and only if the
sum of individual willingnesses to pay for the
project exceeds its cost.
7Utility Possibilities and Benefit Cost
8But what about families?
- We will need a theory of family decision making.
- We will suppose that government cannot intervene
in intra-familial distribution. - We consider a project potentially Pareto
improving only if there is a way to assign costs
to families so that given the household decision
structure in families, no one is made worse off
and someone benefits.
9Benefit cost of child health with
single-parent households
- Parents utility function is U(x,v(k,h)) where
- Parents consumption x
- Childs consumption k
- Childs health h
- Parent chooses x and k to maximize U subject to
10Willingness to pay
- Define U(m,h)max U(x,v(k,h)) s.t. xkm.
- A public project increases childs health from h
to h?. - Willingness to pay for this improvement is W
where U(m-W, h?)U(m,h).
11BC and WTP for single parents
- Result 1If a project is potentially Pareto
improving, it must pass BC cost for parents. - CorollaryTo count childs valuation as well
would accept too many projects.
12Is the converse true?
- Even if parents and kids agree about what is good
for kids (ie parents aggregator v(k,h) is also
kids utility function - Result 2 A project that passes BC test for
parents might not be Pareto improving when kids
utilities are accounted for.
13Moms consumption, kids utility
14Lovebirds without kids
- Archie and Bess care about their own consumption
and health and about each others happiness. - UA(t)vA (xA (t),hA (t))aUB(t-1)
- UB(t)vB (xB (t),hB (t))aUA(t-1)
15Utilities for allocations
- This dynamical system is stable if abrun utilities converge to functions of
consumption and health. - UA(xA,hA,xB,hB)vA (xA,hA)avB (xB,hB)
- UB(xA,hA,xB,hB)vB (xB,hB)bvA (xA,hA)
16Archie the dictator
- Archie controls allocation of private goods,
while health depends on public policies. - Model used in Beckers Rotten Kid Theorem,
- Except that Becker assumes that Bess is selfish.
- Appropriate for non-Western patriarchies?
17A womens health project will improve Besss
health by ?.
- Survey Archie and/or Bess about their willingness
to pay. - What do we ask and who do we ask?
18Asking Bess
- B.1 What is the largest amount of your own
consumption that you would give up to improve
your health by ?? - B.2 Given the way Archie allocates consumption in
your family, what is the largest amount of family
income that you would give up to pay for a
project that improves your health by ??
19Asking Archie
- A.1 What is the largest amount of family income
that you would be willing to give up in order to
improve Besss health by ??
20How do the answers differ?
- If Besss health and her consumption are not
strong substitutes, Archies willingness to pay
for Besss health will exceed her willingness to
pay out of her own income. - In general, Besss willingness to pay out of
household funds, given that Archie controls the
private allocation, will be the same as Archies.
21Non-Dictatorial Households
- Fairness-Based Consensus
- Households with bargained outcomes
22Household welfare function
- Perhaps successful marriages share a notion of
household fairness that overrides self-interest. - Plausible case that this leads to decision making
according to a social welfare function W?UA(1-
?)UB - The weights ? may depend on long run bargaining
23BC with household welfare functions
- Archie and Bess know that household allocation
maximizes household welfare function. - Besss willingness to pay for an improvement in
her health would be based on household welfare
function--the same as Archies - BC study should count only one of their
valuations to determine whether a project allows
potential Pareto improvement.
24Household bargaining
- Nash-Rubinstein theoryHousehold allocations will
be those that maximize the Nash product - (UA -T A )(UB-T B)
- subject to xAxBm, where TA and TB are the
threat point utilities that Archie and Bess
could achieve if agreement is not reached.
25Differing answers
- If the household outcome is the result of
bargaining, then in general Archie and Bess will
have different willingnesses to pay for a public
project. - Each will consider whether his or her own utility
is higher in the bargaining equilibrium with or
without the project. - Project may shift threat points and twist
utility possibility frontier.
26Bargaining and Benefit Cost
27Annoying paradox?
- Although utility possibility sets in previous
example are nested, if that outcome will be
bargained, there is no way to implement the
project without harming someone. - Similar difficulty observed by Lundberg and
28Couples with kids
- Kids are a household public good.
- How do answers to interview questions relate to
potential Pareto improvements? - Depends on household governance structure.
29Possible structures
- Intact household, father is dictator
- Intact household, adults share a social welfare
function - Intact household, bargained solution.
- Divorced parents with kids
30Dictatorial case
- Where father is benevolent dictator, fathers
willingness to pay for childs health is same as
childs. - Mothers willingness to pay out of family income
for childs consumption may exceed fathers. - Potential Pareto optimum criterion recommends
using minimum of fathers and mothers wtp.
31Shared social welfare case
- Archie and Bess agree in their willingness to pay
for child health. - Appropriate BC measure is answer of either one of
them, not the sum.
32Divorced households
- If neither Archie nor Bess voluntarily gives
money to the other then taxes paid by either to
pay for health project do not affect budget of
the other. - Appropriate answer for benefit cost is now the
sum of the willingnesses to pay of the two
parents for an improvement in the childs health.
33How about grandparents and Uncle Charlie and Aunt
- Biological theory and empirical observation
suggests that people care strongly about
well-being of their near relatives such as
grandchildren, nieces and nephews. - If budgets are not shared across households, a
good case for adding willingness to pay of these
relatives. - Hamiltons calculus suggests magnitudes.