Title: J' Sowinski
1Run 8 Spin Plan for STAR
- J. Sowinski
- Indiana University
- for the Spin PWG
Many thanks to Carl Gagliardi for his slides!
2Primary goals for Run 6 and Status
- Longitudinally polarized protons
- Use ALL for inclusive jet production to
distinguish between GRSV-std and ?g 0 scenarios
at the 45 sigma level - Preliminary result announced recently at DNP
- First statistically significant ALL measurement
with di-jets - Di-jet analysis is well underway
- Transversely polarized protons
- AN for forward rapidity jet-like events
distinguish between Collins and Sivers effects - ?0 AN found a surprise! Paper moving thru
process in STAR - Measure gluon Sivers effect with mid-rapidity
di-jets - First publication from RHIC Run 6
- Unpolarized protons
- Significant sample of gammajet events to
optimize algorithms for future measurements - Work in progress
3Transverse polarization Run 6
- Forward ?0 AN measurements during Run 6
- Fit to Sivers effect in semi-inclusive DIS
provides qualitative description of the xF
dependence - Relates the observed asymmetry to parton orbital
motion - Data do not show the 1/pT behavior expected by
4Transverse polarization Run 8
- Acceptance of FMS and projected RHIC performance
will enable - Further reach for inclusive p0 and heavy mesons
- Spin-dependent near-side correlations (p0-p0) ?
separation of Sivers and Collins effects - Spin-dependent away-side correlations (p0-jet) ?
isolation of Sivers effect - Embark on spin-dependent inclusive g and gjet
Projections for run-8
5Transverse spin direct g
Theory expects repulsive color charge
interactions to result in an opposite sign to
spin-correlated momentum imbalance for gjet.
Magnitude of effect requires gt105 events to see
significant effect.
Bacchetta et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 212002
Comparison of run-6 data to simulation provides
indication that prompt g can be extracted. The
large acceptance and dynamic range of the FMS is
needed to veto daughter g from p0,h,
decays. Expect gt0.5M g events into small fiducial
volume in 30 pb-1 sample with Eggt25 GeV.
6Longitudinal polarization Run 6
- ALL for inclusive jets from Run 6
- ?G is small or negative at least within the
GRSV framework
7Longitudinal polarization Run 8
- There is still room for further improvement in
the inclusive jet ALL determination, but need to
watch for diminishing returns - Will focus on pT gt 15 GeV/c in Run 8
- This is the sweet spot to distinguish negative
?G scenarios with inclusive jets
8Looking beyond inclusive ALL measurements
Highest bin in Run 5 paper
Lowest bin in Run 5 paper
- Inclusive ALL measurements at fixed pT average
over a broad x range. - Need a global analysis to determine the
implications - Can hide considerable structure if ?G(x) has a
9Next few years Investigate x dependence of DG
Leader et al, hep-ph/0612360 ?G 0.13 0.16 ?G
0.006 ?G -0.20 0.41
10The next few years ?G(x)
- Di-jets access LO parton kinematics
- Involve a mixture of qq, qg, and gg scattering
- Choose large x1, small x2 to maximize qg
scattering with highly polarized quarks - g-jets isolate qg and offer better pT resol.
11Estimates of di-jet sensitivity for 2008
20 pb-1 recorded and 65 polarization Uniform
pTgt5GeV (should be optimized by region) Separated
by calo region coinc. to emphasize xmin
ranges M-gtx1x2 (h1h2)-gtx1/x2 (h1-h2)-gtcosq
Will also have FMSBEMC and FMSEEMC to sample
the low x region
12Each combination of detectors covers different x
Trigger on dijets with graded thresholds by
region to emphasize kinematics with at least one
parton with xgt0.2
Endcap-West Barrel
Endcap-East Barrel
FMS- endcap
13Projected future sensitivity with ? jet events
Goal is 80 pb-1 recorded over 2008-9 1/4 1/3 in
- ? jet provides very good event-by-event
determination of the parton kinematics - 90 of the yield arises from qg scattering
- Can choose the kinematics to maximize the
sensitivity to ?G(x) - Outstanding question How low in photon pT can
we go?
14Planning for Run 8
- Need 90 pb-1 delivered with 65 polarization to
reach our physics goals - Plan a 1/3-2/3 transverse-longitudinal split,
with transverse first - Need to carefully balance triggers and use of
fast detectors to optimize use of available
bandwidth - Emphasis on forward program in transverse
- Emphasis on 2-body final states over full
calorimeter acceptance in longitudinal