Title: Los Angeles County Evaluation System
1Los Angeles County Evaluation System
- Accomplishments and Next Steps toward Outcomes
and Performance Measurement of Treatment Services
in LA County - 2008
2Why was LACES Implemented?
- LA County Commissions on Alcoholism and Narcotics
and Dangerous Drugs recommended to ADPA that a
system for measuring the effectiveness of LA
County AOD Treatment services should be
developed. - This sentiment was reinforced by the LA County
Board of Supervisors and LACES was funded and
initiated. - SAMHSA instituted the NOMS
- California instituted CalOMS
- Data required to support SACPA and NORA
- LA Board of Supervisors Resolution to require
health services in LA County to move provider
contracts to a performance based platform.
3Overview of LA County Evaluation System LACES
- LACES is an eight year collaborative partnership
between ADPA, contracted providers, UCLA/ISAP and
other county and state representatives. - The purpose of LACES is to design, implement, and
conduct an evaluation of the adult alcohol and
other drug treatment/recovery system in Los
Angeles County.
4Goals of LACES
- Gather information on the alcohol and other drug
treatment system - Obtain additional insight into the clients who
receive treatment at ADPA contracted sites. - Develop a system-wide data collection system to
evaluate the outcomes for individuals in
treatment in AOD LA County and to assess
performance of LA AOD treatment service agencies. - Use data to influence the future development of
the AOD system.
5Accomplishments of LACES
- To date LACES has
- Laid the foundation and developed many of the
fundamentals of the ongoing evaluation system. - Designed and implemented evidence-based,
standardized evaluation procedures. - Collects client data at admission and discharge.
- Demonstrates treatment benefits to individuals
who receive treatment. - Reported findings in LACES Status Report.
6LACES Accomplishments, contd.
- Led the efforts to review and improve existing
treatment forms and instrument. - Revisions were required to bring LA County
compliant with the federal mandates (NOMS/PPG). - Revisions adopted by California (CalOMS).
- Conducted extensive training of
treatment/recovery staff. - Provided instruction to staff to improve validity
and reliability of LACPRS information. - Instructed over 1500 staff in various trainings.
7Additional Accomplishments
- Designed and implemented LACES reports.
- LACES Clinical Narrative Report.
- Encourages and builds off of accurate completion
of admission information by treatment/recovery
staff. - A summary of clinical related information.
- LACES Discharge Outcome Report
- Admission discharge information on a single
individual. - Useful report treatment outcomes to others.
- LACES Site Report.
8What is a Site Report?
- Brief Six pages
- Provides demographic, client outcome, and program
performance measures. - Information is gathered from the admission
discharge forms. - Includes site specific information as well as
information from other sites of the same type. - Reports provided to all programs on an annual
basis and to those programs with high admissions
every quarter.
9What is the Purpose of the Site Report?
- To provide information concerning how
participants are benefiting from treatment. - To provide information concerning areas of
program functioning and short-term (admission to
discharge) treatment outcome. - To identify provider performance strengths and
areas needing improvement.
10Program Functioning Treatment Outcomes
- Areas included in the Site Reports include
- Program Performance
- Number of admissions and discharges.
- Percent of cases with complete discharge
information collected. - Participants who completed treatment.
- Treatment Outcomes
- Retention in treatment (average days).
- Changes in alcohol and other drug use.
- Changes in other areas including health problems,
employment, and social support.
11Performance Measurement and Outcomes Monitoring
in the US A Two Day Meeting
- Sacramento, California
- November 15, 16 2007
12Objective 1 Major Activities
- Develop a set of performance and outcome measures
using CalOMS data to improve accountability and
treatment quality and meet national standards. - Review and synthesize literature on performance
measurement and outcomes monitoring. - Bottom line Develop some models to define and
measure program performance.
13What do we want to accomplish?
- Some specific issues for discussion
- Which CalOMS data elements, alone and in
combination, provide meaningful performance and
outcomes measures? - Are there data elements that need to be added to
CalOMS data set to optimally measure performance
and outcomes? - Is it possible to operationally define treatment
success and how can this issue be communicated
to the public and policy makers?
14What do we want to accomplish?
- Determine how to adequately measure access to
care? - Determine how feedback from clients can be used
to improve program performance and treatment
outcomes (e.g., satisfaction surveys)? - What is the role of Evidence-based Practices in
improving performance and outcomes? - How are these defined? How is their
implementation measured?
15Objective 2 Activities
- A 2-day meeting in Spring of 2008 with experts
and stakeholders to understand promising
performance improvement strategies. - Provide trainings for county administrators and
treatment providers on how to use CalOMS data for
performance and outcome improvement. - Develop CalOMS updates to facilitate
communication between State and counties.
16Summit Using Performance and Outcomes Measures
to Improve Treatment
- Los Angeles Sheraton
- March 20, 21, 2008
17LACES Next Steps
- Provide input to shape the way performance is
measured in LA County - Refine data collection procedures
- Advise on technical assistance support activities
needed - Provide input into models for improving program
performance with data.
18The End