Title: Contest Introduction Opportunities in Computer Science
1Contest IntroductionOpportunities in Computer
- Jeff GrayUAB CIS Department
- gray_at_cis.uab.edu
- http//www.cis.uab.edu/gray
2Software is Everywhere
- Think of some of the things that entertain and
enrich your daily life
- All of the above are driven by software
- Software developers equipped with a computer
science degree have opportunities to work on
exciting and cutting-edge projects
3Software is Everywhere
- 98 of all microprocessors control devices other
than desktop computers - Automobiles, airplanes, televisions, copiers,
razors - These devices also need software and often
require strong technical skills to develop
4The Demand for Computer Scientists
- Computing will continue to be a dominant science
on which every other science, engineering, and
business discipline will increasingly rely.
Almost all major technology breakthroughs in the
future will involve some form of computing. - High school graduates in the 21st century cannot
afford to be ignorant of Computer Science
principles. This is important for Alabama, which
is one of the major developing technology centers
in our nation. Having a technology literate
workforce will be necessary for continued
economic growth.
5The Demand for Computer Scientists
- Offshore hysteria Many companies with high
paying jobs within the US are unable to fill
positions with computer scientists.
Source http//money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/be
6The Demand for Computer Scientists
- According to Business 2.0 magazine, 5 of the
top-10 growing jobs have a computer science focus
Source http//money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/n
7The Demand for Computer Scientists
- National Job Outlook
- 50,500 is the expected starting salary for
computer science degrees in the class of 2006
(among top 5 highest starting salaries) - 1000s of openings each at Microsoft Game Studios,
Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Google - Epic Games President We do not hire anyone
under 100k
8The Demand for Computer Scientists
- Local Job Outlook
- In Birmingham, Sungard recently had a need for
200 Java programmers exceeded universitys
ability to deliver employees - CTS hiring several new developers each month
- Summary of recent openings in Birmingham
- JAVA/J2EE/EJB (60/hr)
- Peoplesoft (Technical - 85/hr) (Functional -
95/hr) - SAP Technical (85/hr), SAP Functional (95/hr)
- Corba (55/hr)
- Oracle DBA (70/hr)
- DB2 DBA (70/hr)
- Sybase DBA (75/hr)
- .Net,vb.net,C,asp.net (60/hr)
- C/C (55/hr)
- Cobol (55/hr)
9The Potential for Alabama
Source Entrepreneur magazine
10Myth of Computer Science
- According to the Alabama Learning Exchange
(ALEX)1, computing is equated to learning
Microsoft Word and various mechanical tasks this
is not Computer Science!
1 http//alex.state.al.us/standardAll.php?grade9
11High School Outreach at UAB CIS
Mentoring for Science Fair Competitions
Summer Robotics Internship
- Weekly mentoring at UAB throughout academic
year students treated like a PhD student with
office space
- Four-week internship
- Students taught Java through series of
robotics projects
High School Programming Contest
Computer Graphics Camp
- Week-long summer camp in computer graphics
- Students use C and OpenGL to create
projects focused on geometric modeling,
algorithm visualization, and motion design
- May 13, 2006
- 46 students from 11 schools (Huntsville to
Mobile) - 6 problems in 3 hours
- Prizes Xbox, software, books, gift
certificates -
12CS 201
- CS 201 is our introductory programming course in
Java - Greatly speed up mentoring experience in Fall
- Prepare students for programming contest next May
- Concurrent/Dual enrollment agreement
- Requirements 3.0 GPA and 25-ACT (1140-SAT)
- Receive 4 college credit hours over summer for CS
201 - Approximate tuition 700
- However - A deal to consider
- We will pay for 1/3 tuition for this course
upfront for those who qualify for Concurrent
enrollment - If you later commit to UAB CIS, we will reimburse
the full amount - Those not qualifying for Concurrent enrollment
may still sit in on the course, but without
receiving credit hours
13Overview of Contest
- In 2005, impressive Juniors/Sophomores
- Only 2 of the top-10 were Seniors
- Six of the top-10 from last year are here today
- In 2006
- 46 Registrations
- Eleven schools represented (among 470 in AL!)
- Alabama School of Fine Arts
- Alabama School of Math and Science
- Bob Jones High School
- Grissom High School
- Heritage Family Academy
- Hoover High School
- Jefferson Count Inter-Baccalaureate
- Mountain Brook High School
- Randolph School
- Oak Mountain High School
- Vestavia Hills High School
14Schedule Overview
- Noon-3pm Contest Period
- 3pm-4pm Two tour groups
- 4pm-??? Awards presentation Questionnaire
15What to expect at the competition
- Split into different rooms (CH-430 or CH-145)
- Fair start (1 minute difference between 2nd and
3rd place in 2005!) - Everyone log on and find programming tools
- Every one starts at same time
- Volunteers have their watches synchronized
- After completing a problem, fill out the top part
of the result form and copy your answer to a
floppy - Name your source file appropriately (e.g., p1.cpp
for Problem 1) - Submit all required source files that are not
standard (except Keyboard,java already at
grading stations) - Warning do not erase answer from hard drive in
case of media failure on the floppy! - Raise your hand and a volunteer will record the
submission time and begin the judging process for
your submission - A result will be returned to you, along with
floppy and new result form - If incorrect, the specific reason will be circled
- A counterexample will be provided
- 20 penalty minutes will be assessed