Title: Technology and Environment: A Changing Climate
1Technology and Environment A Changing Climate
- Kevin Hallinan
- Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
- University of Dayton
2Overview of My Talk
- History of Technology
- The Consequences of Our Actions
- Can We Still Hope?
- What Can You Do?
3Anatomy of a Television
4Anatomy of a Television - Where does it come from?
Copper Mine
5Anatomy of Technology
6The Consequences of Our Actions
Energy and Material flows are core physical
causes of these consequences
a material flow intrinsically tied to energy use
8The History of Stored Carbon
9CO2 Gas Emission Trends
10CO2 in the Atmosphere
(IPCC Climate Change 2001 The Scientific Basis)
11How Much Stored Carbon Is Left?
12How Much Stored Carbon is Left?
Dr. Colin J. Campbell geologist, exploration
manager, and VP for oil companies such as Amoca,
BP, Fina, Texaco
13Importance of CO2 in Atmosphere - Greenhouse
14Global Warming
(IPCC Climate Change 2001 The Scientific Basis)
CO2 emissions are a major cause of global warming
15Why is global temperature rising?
(IPCC Climate Change 2001 The Scientific Basis)
16Glaciers Melting
Glacier in Perus Andes Mountains, 1978 and 1995
17Increased Severe Storm Events
18Relevance of Carbon Impacts to Engineering Design
- Energy Use!!!!
- electricity (from coal, oil, or natural gas power
- gasoline
- natural gas
For instance...
- cell phone battery chargers are only 12.7
efficient when plugged in for 10 hours (i.e.,
- they are only 8.2 efficient if the charger in
the phone is used
(Hoffman, Nicolaescu, 2001, IEEE Symp. on Elect.
and the Env.)
19Non-Carbon Impacts of Technology
All things connect. Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves.
Chief Seattle
20Ozone Layer Depletion - Localized Effects
21Acid Rain
22Toxic Materials
Chronic Hazard YES Signal Word CAUTION! Acut
e Health Hazard-Slight X Contact Hazard-Slight
X Fire Hazard-None X Reactivity Hazard-Slight
X Special Hazard Precautions INHALATION UPP
23Other Problems
all are systems issues
- multiple causes/effects
- interrelated
- broad in scale
- -- resource depletion
- -- topsoil erosion
- -- genetic altering of life
- -- population pressures
- -- reduction in biodiversity
- -- habitat destruction
- -- space for all this waste!
Love all of the children of all of the
species for all of the time.
William McDonough - Sustainable Architect - 19
Pollution is nothing but the resources we are
not harvesting. We allow them to disperse
because weve been ignorant to their value.
Buckminster Fuller
26Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature
be your teacher. --William Wordsworth
27The Story of the Cherry Tree
28Natures Rules
- Use the Suns energy
- No extraction of materials
- No centralized systems
- Coexistence
29Exciting Development I - Natural Step
I. Substances from the Earths crust must not
systematically increase in the biosphere
II. Substances produced by society must not
systematically increase in the biosphere.
30Exciting Development I - Natural Step
III. Natures functions and diversity are not
systematically impoverished by physical
displacement, overharvesting, or other forms of
ecosystem manipulation.
IV. Resources must be used fairly and efficiently
in order to meet basic human needs globally.
31Exciting Development II Specific Companies
- Inteface
- Electrolux
- IBM product takeback
- 3M
- and the list goes on!
The Essential Range Washing machine is placed
above the toilet and has a water tank that
reserves the last rinse for the next wash or to
flush the toilet.
32Exciting Development III
Renewable plastic sources
33Exciting Development IV - Renewable NRG
34Not So Exciting Development
- Dick Cheney conservation does not have a role
in the energy policy in the U.S. increasing
production is the only way to accommodate the
people of the U.S.
35What I am doing
- Education --- Design for Environment course
- New Engineer Program - teaming, leadership,
sustainability - more holistic problem solving
- Establishing educational programs with local
industries Trying to establish frameworks to
influence how they design. Trying to establish
databases that designers can rely upon to design
green. - Ride my bike to work
- Recycling purchasing based on environmental
issues investing based on environmental record
36What can you do?
- As an individual?
- As an engineer?