Title: General Education A1
1General Education (A1)
- Ministry of Education and Science
- 2004
2 Everyone is entitled to education The state
shall provide for acquiring basic education and
secondary education free of charge Basic
education is compulsory
Satversme (Constitution) of the Republic of
Latvia, Chapter 8, Article 112
3Legislation On General Education
- Latvian Education Concept (1995)
- Education Development Concept for 2000 2005
- Law On Education (1998)
- stipulates the main organizational principles
and procedures of education services - Law On General Education (1999)
- stipulates in detail the main organizational
principles and procedures of general education
services - Regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers
- Normative documents issued by the Ministry of
Education and Science (decrees, instructions,
methodology guidelines etc.)
Legislation, laws and regulations regulating
general education in Latvia are being adopted in
compliance with international legal norms for
4Main international documents on general
education (1)
- UNO Convention On Childrens Rights (1989)
- UNESCO Convention On Discrimination In Education
(1978) - Global Declaration Education For All (Jomten
Declaration) (1990) Dakar guidelines (2000)
5Main international documents on general
education (2)
- Lisbon Strategy (2000)
- Reports and recommendations of European Councils
Commission for Education and Culture - European Council General Convention On The
Protection of Ethnic Minorities (1995)
6Main objectives for general education identified
in international documents (1)
- Strategic Objective 1 improving the
quality and effectiveness of general education
system in the EU - improving education and training for teachers and
trainers - developing skills for the knowledge society
- ensuring access to ICT for everyone
- increasing recruitment to scientific and
technical studies - making the best use of resources
The Work programme of European Commission and
European Council of Ministers for Education
Education and Training in Europe multiple
systems, common goals for 2010 in compliance
with Lisbon Strategy, 2002
7Main objectives for general education identified
in international documents (2)
- Strategic Objective 2 facilitating the access
of all to general education - creating an open learning environment
- making learning more attractive
- supporting active citizenship, equal
opportunities and social cohesion -
The Work programme of European Commission and
European Council of Ministers for Education
Education and Training in Europe multiple
systems, common goals for 2010 in compliance
with Lisbon Strategy, 2002
8Main objectives for general education identified
in international documents (3)
- Strategic Objective 3 opening up education
system to the wider world - strengthening the links with work and research,
and - society at large
- developing the spirit of enterprise
- improving foreign language learning
- increasing mobility and exchange
- strengthening European cooperation
The Work programme of European Commission and
European Council of Ministers for Education
Education and Training in Europe multiple
systems, common goals for 2010 in compliance
with Lisbon Strategy, 2002
9Developmental target for general education system
- Providing for such changes in the system
- of general education, which facilitate the
development of democratic and socially integrated
knowledge based society and advance the
competitiveness - of Latvian national economy, thus ensuring
- that Latvia joins the European Union as an equal
member state, while retaining and - developing the special culture values that are
characteristic to Latvia
From Education Development Concept for 2002 2005
10Developmental objectives for general education
- increasing education quality of all stages and
types of education in line with the development
needs of society and national economy - facilitating the access to education for all
people of Latvia within the context of lifelong
learning - raising the cost efficiency of education in all
stages and types of education
Education Development Concept for 2002 2005
11Stakeholders in the provision of general
education services
- the following three main stakeholders are
involved in ensuring the achievement of goals and
objectives for general education system - state
- municipalities
- non-governmental sector
- the rights, duties and division of
responsibilities of stakeholders have been
stipulated by the legislation on education
12The responsibilities of state (government) for
general education (1)
- adopting legislation on general education
- developing normative documents on the
organization of general education services,
following the principle of equal opportunities
for all, irrespective of the region, social
status, nationality or religious beliefs, gender
or special needs, and in compliance with the
legislation adopted in Latvia and the European
13The responsibilities of state (government) for
general education (2)
- determining the curriculum standards for general
education, content of general education
programmes and guidelines for the development of
teaching and learning resources - stipulating the requirements for general
education institutions for commencing their
activities, registering of education institutions
and licensing of education programmes
14The responsibilities of state (government) for
general education (3)
- coordination of education quality assessment
systems (national examinations and tests,
accreditation of education institutions and
programmes, operation of State Education
Inspectorate, common requirements for teacher
training and qualifications) - projecting the minimum costs of general education
programmes, disposition of allocations for
teacher salaries and stimulating the attraction
of different funds and investments in education
15The main responsibilities of municipalities for
general education (1)
- organizing the development of education
institutions network, ensuring the access to
qualitative general education - coordinating the inclusion of children, who have
reached the age of compulsory schooling, in the
system of general education - providing financially the maintenance of
education institutions, allocating the earmarked
subsidies from national budget
Article 17, Law On Education
16The main responsibilities of municipalities for
general education (2)
- responsibility for the operation of each general
education institution in general - organizing teacher professional development
- coordinating and supporting methodological
activities - participation in the provision of hobby education
17Participation of non-governmental sector in
general education (1)
- organizing the provision of general education
services in private education institutions (in
the school year of 2003/04 in 63 private general
education institutions) - ensuring the availability of text books and
teaching and learning resources following the
conditions set by free market (16 publishing
houses and publishers) - participation in the provision of teacher
in-service training services (programme
Step-by-step, School Support Centre, activities
of Environment School for Children, etc.)
18Participation of non-governmental sector in
general education (2)
- solving the problem issues of education with the
help of financial assistance from public funds
(Soros Foundation Latvia, Latvian Childrens
Fund, Velku Fund etc.) - raising public awareness on the issues of quality
and accessibility of general education
(researches and reports of non-governmental
organizations Save the Children, Apeirons,
Soros Foundation Latvia etc.)
19State institutions providing for the functioning
of general education system
- Ministry of Education and Science
- Curriculum and Examination Centre
- State Education Inspectorate
- State Youth Initiative Centre
- town and regional Education Boards
20Curriculum and Examination Centre (1)
- a state administrative body established in 1994,
and its activity is regulated by the Regulation
approved by the Minister of Education and Science
21Curriculum and Examination Centre (2)
- main areas of activity
- development, piloting and revision of the
curriculum for general education - evaluation and approval of text books
- establishment of a single national test system
and introduction of centralized examinations - diagnostics and monitoring of learning
achievements - organization of examinations in the State
Language - coordination of teacher in-service training
- identification of very talented students,
coordination of the participation in national and
international Olympic competitions
22State Education Inspectorate (1)
- a state control and education quality monitoring
institution established in 1991, which is
independent in its activity - consists of five regional branches Riga,
Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale. It employs
39 inspectors and staff members - the activity of State Education Inspectorate is
regulated by Article 20 of the Law On Education
and the Regulation approved by the Cabinet of
23State Education Inspectorate (2)
- main areas of activity
- systematic control of the compliance of the
activities of education institutions with laws
and regulations - assessment of the quality of curriculum
implementation - provision for respecting public rights in the
area of education
24State Youth Initiative Centre (1)
- a state administrative body established in 1996
for implementing youth policy - the activity of State Youth Initiative Centre is
regulated by the Regulation approved by the
Minister of Education and Science
25State Youth Initiative Centre (2)
- main areas of activity
- provision of methodology assistance to
municipalities and their bodies in the areas of
hobby education, education and youth affairs - coordination of the system of annual national
events for children and young people - organization of in-service training for teachers
and youth trainers
26Regional and Town Education Boards
- An institution established by a region or town,
which carries out the functions of a municipality
related to education, by ensuring - possibilities to acquire pre-school education,
general basic and general secondary education - maintenance of education institutions
- support for methodology activities and in-service
training - social assistance to the children of low income
families - the activity of regional or town Education
Boards, which carry out the functions of a
municipality related to education, is regulated
by the Regulation approved by municipality
27Regional Reform (1)Model of 102 municipalities
28Regional Reform (2)Model of 33 municipalities
29Levels of general education (1)
- pre-school education
- including the acquisition of compulsory education
for five- and six-year old children - compulsory general basic education (grades 1 9)
- general secondary education (grades 10 12)
30Levels of general education (2)
- the possibilities to acquire education is
provided in all the levels of general education
for - children with special needs
- children of ethnic minorities (Russian,
Byelorussia, Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish, Gypsy,
Lithuanian, Estonian) - children of foreign citizens
- Every resident of Latvia, irrespective of his/
her age shall be entitled to acquire or continue
general basic and general secondary education in
the form that suits his/ her needs in full time
or par time studies (Article 8, Law On Education)
31Level of pre-school education (1)
- a level of education, where comprehensive childs
development, health strengthening, preparation
for the acquisition of basic education takes
place (Article 1, point 18, Law On Education) - encompasses childs mental, physical and social
development up to the age of 7 - pre-school education is provided by implementing
pre-school curriculum in pre-school education
institutions, pre-school groups or in families
(Article 22, Law On General Education)
32Level of pre-school education (2)
- includes the preparation of 5 and 6 year old
children for the acquisition of basic education
(Law On Education 4Article) - the compulsory preparation of five and six year
old children for the acquisition of basic
education is provided in pre-school education
institutions, special pre-school education
institutions, preparatory groups of general
education institutions, as well as in families
(Article 22,Law On General Education)
33Level of general basic education (1)
- a level of education, where the preparation for
secondary education level or professional
activity, acquisition of basic knowledge and
skills required for persons social and
individual life, development of value orientation
and involvement in public life take place(Article
1, point 15, Law On Education) - the acquisition of general basic education
usually starts at the age of 7 or, in exceptional
cases, a year earlier or later (Article 4, Law On
Education Article 32, Law On General Education)
and it lasts 9 years, or is continued till the
age of 18 -
- Within the context of some other countries,
grades 7 9 are regarded as the stage of lower
secondary (pre-secondary) education. -
34Level of general basic education (2)
- depending on the structure of education
institution and organization of teaching and
learning process, the programmes of general basic
education are provided in primary schools and
basic schools (Article 29, Law On General
Education) - basic education can be acquired in vocational
schools, special education institutions, night
(part time) secondary schools, education
institutions or classes of social or pedagogic
correction (Article 29, Law On General Education)
35Level of general secondary education (1)
- a level of education, which provides
- comprehensive growth of personality
- purposeful and deepened development in the
consciously chosen area of general education or
professional education and training - preparation for the studies in higher education
level or professional activity -
- involvement in social life
(Article 1, point 28, Law On Education)
36Level of general secondary education (2)
- general secondary education is acquired in three
years (grades 10 - 12) - depending on the structure of education
institution and organization of teaching and
learning process, the programmes of general
secondary education are provided in secondary
schools, night (part time) secondary schools,
gymnasiums (Article 40, Law On General Education)
37The structure of general education
38Classification of general education programmes
Instruction No.381 of July 21, 1999, issued by
MoES On Classification And Approval of the
Codes of General Education Programmes
39General education institutions in the school
year of 2003/04
Data source LR Central Board of Statistics, 2003
40A general education institution (1)
- founded by state, municipality, other legal
entities or physical persons - its activities are regulated by the legislation
on education, laws and regulations, and charter
of general education institution approved by the
founder - managed by its manager (principal), who is
employed by the founder of general education
institution, coordinating it with the Ministry of
Education and Science
Article 7, Article 8, Article 9, Article 10 and
Article 11, Law On General Education
41A general education institution (2)
- the manager of a general education institution
shall have the following responsibilities for - implementing education programmes
- staffing with teachers
- ensuring functioning of general education
institution - rational use of financial and material resources
- ensuring self-government of education institution
- provides one or more programmes of general
Article 7, Article 8, Article 9, Article 10 and
Article 11, Law On General Education
42Charter of a general education institution
- is a document, where the education institution
shall give - its title, legal address, founders
- targets and areas of activity
- education programmes to be implemented
- rights and duties of students, teachers, other
staff members - procedures for establishing education
institutions Council, School Board (Teachers
Board) and self-government, and their
responsibilities - economic activities
- financing sources and procedure
- other provisions that are in compliance with the
respective laws and regulations
Article 9, Law On General Education
43Democratic institutions in an education
institution (1)
- Education Institutions Council
- a collegiate institution that has been
established for ensuring the cooperation with
community, municipality and parents - main tasks
- devising recommendations for the development of
education institution - promoting the activity of education institutions
support funds - coordinating the disposition of donations for
education institution
Article 12 and Article 13, Law On General
44Democratic institutions in an education
institution (2)
- School (Teachers) Board
- a collegiate institution established by the
teachers working in the respective education
institution - main tasks
- resolving various issues related to teaching and
learning processes
45Teaching staff of general education establishments
- psychologist of education
- special teacher
- teacher speech therapist
- methodologist of education
- librarian of education institution
- teachers of hobby education groups
- Head Teacher Deputy Principal responsible for
education issues - teachers of subject areas
46Services provided by education institutions (1)
- range of education programmes (different levels
of education, education programmes of different
paths, special types) - access to book stocks in libraries
- access to computers and Internet
- day care centre for grades 1 3
47Services provided by education institutions (2)
- optional and individual classes
- offer of hobby education and in-service training
programmes - catering service
- hotels for service use (dormitories) and boarding
schools - services of medical staff
48Number of general education institutions,
students (children), teaching staff
Data source LR Central Board of Statistics,
2003 Information on the stage of pre-school
education from MoES GED, 2003
49Number of children (students) in education as to
their ethnic origin
Data source LR Central Board of Statistics,
2003 Information on the stage of pre-school
education from MoES GED, 2003
50General special education institutions and number
of children in them
Data sourceMoES Statistics Department, 2003
51Private general education institutions (1)
- founders of private general education
institutions are legal entities or physical
persons, whose one of the areas of activities is
the provision of education and training
programmes - state and municipalities participate in the
financing of private general education
institutions if the language of instruction for
providing the programmes of general basic and/ or
general secondary education is the state language
52Private general education institutions (2)
- in the school year of 2003/04, in pre-school
education there were 22 private pre-school
education institutions, in general basic and
secondary education 41 private education
53Network of private general education
institutions in the school year of 2003/04
Not including private pre-school education
54Changes in the number of students in private
education institutions
Data source LR Central Board of Statistics, 2002
55Quality assurance measures for general education
- national curriculum has been devised for all
levels of general education and the requirements
for its implementation have been stipulated,
irrespective of the language of instruction
(Regulations No.462 Regulations On National
Standard For Compulsory Education issued by the
Cabinet of Ministers, Regulations No. 463
Regulations On National Standard For General
Secondary Education issued by the Cabinet of
Ministers) - the programme principle has been introduced in
general education, licensing and accreditation
procedure has been implemented for the programmes
of general education
56Quality assurance measures for general education
- single examination system has been established
(tests are devised in three languages Latvian,
Russian, Polish), at the end of the levels of
general basic education (grade 9) and general
secondary education (grade 12) centralized
examinations are organized, and at the end of
grade 3 and 6 national tests - evaluation system of education institutions
operation (accreditation of education
institutions) has been introduced
57Quality assurance measures for general education
- laws and regulations on the cost minimum of
general education programmes have been stipulated
- requirements for teacher training and
professional qualifications have been stipulated
58Quality assurance measures for general education
- development process of text books and teaching
learning resources has been upgraded (in Latvia,
text books and resources are developed and issued
in at least two languages), and the publishing of
text books and teaching learning resources
takes place in the conditions of free market,
following the criteria set by the Ministry of
Education and Science - participation in international comparative
researches in education (IES, OECD etc.)
59The proportion of students under 18 involved in
general education (in ) in 2002 (out of the
total number of children in Latvia)
Data source MoES GED, 2002
60Projected number of students in classes in the
school year of 2007/08 if compared to the school
year of 2002/03
Information source MoES GED, 2002
61The breakdown of students, who have completed
general basic education programmes, in further
education in 2002
Data source LR Central Board of Statistics, 2003
62Quality assessment of the curriculum for basic
SKDS surveyThe distribution of students
learning load in curriculum acquisition in the
opinion of students parents October November
, 2002
63Expenditure per one student of secondary
education (talking into consideration the
purchasing power)
European Commission/ Eurydice, Eurostat,
2002 Data presented in the forum of Latvian
education leaders and teachers My school in the
EU, 2004
64The breakdown of students, who have completed
general secondary education programmes, in
further education in 2002
Data source LR Central Board of Statistics, 2003
65The breakdown of students in higher education
specialization fields (according to ISCED97
Data source LR Central Board of Statistics, 2003
66State financing for general education (1)
- earmarked subsidies for the salaries of teachers
working in municipal general education
institutions - earmarked subsidies for the salaries of teachers
working in municipal general special education
67State financing for general education (2)
- earmarked subsidies for municipal special
pre-school education institutions, boarding
schools and sanatoria type boarding schools,
special boarding schools for children with
physical and mental disabilities - earmarked subsidies for the salaries of teachers
working in municipal education institutions for
educating the five and six years old children - investment projects (Education Improvement
Project, Latvian Education Computerization System
project, school renovation projects initiated by
municipalities, projects of European Union
Structural funds)
68Expenditure for education (in ) from GNP (1999)
European Commission/ Eurydice, Eurostat,
2002 Data presented in the forum of Latvian
education leaders and teachers My school in the
EU, 2004
69The share of capital expenditure in education (in
European Commission/ Eurydice, Eurostat,
2002 Data presented in the forum of Latvian
education leaders and teachers My school in the
EU, 2004
70Capital expenditure in education
From Eurydice 2002 and OECD 2003