Coker v Georgia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Coker v Georgia


Coker was in prison serving sentences for murder, rape, kidnapping, and ... 18 Years old 2(Hannah Montana Bodily Injury) = Death. Montana. Mont. Code Anno. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Coker v Georgia

Coker v Georgia
Coker v Georgia
  • The Cruel and Unusual Punishment of Executing

Fast Facts
  • Coker was in prison serving sentences for murder,
    rape, kidnapping, and aggravated assault
  • He ESCAPED!!!!!
  • That night he entered the home of Elnita and
    Allen Carver
  • He tied up Allen and raped Elnita in front of him

Conceptual Understanding of the Facts
More Fast Facts
  • Following the rape, Coker fled the home with Mrs.
  • He was apprehended by the police soon after
  • Court says Mrs. Carver was unharmed
  • Coker was tried and found guilty of Escape, Armed
    Robbery, Motor Vehicle Theft, Kidnapping and Rape

Even More Fast Facts
  • He was sentenced to death ?
  • Unfortunately for Coker his entire life was one
    big aggravating factor
  • Record of conviction for capital felony (murder)
  • Depravity of Mind (Making the husband watch)
  • Crime committed upon escape from prison

Coker v GeorgiaTHE CASE!!!!
  • The Issue before the court was whether or not
    imposition of the death penalty for the crime of
    rape violated the 8th Amendments protection
    against Cruel and Unusual Punishment

No Dice
  • The court said yes indeed it did violate the 8th
    Amendment because it was disproportionate to the
    crime committed.
  • The Court relied on Greggs language in finding
    the punishment excessive because It is grossly
    out of proportion to the severity of the crime

Counting Votes
  • Justice White announced the Opinion of the Court
  • Joined by Stewart, Blackmun, and Stevens
  • Concurrences by Brennan and Marshall
  • Felt that the Death Penalty was Cruel and Unusual
    punishment for all crimes, especially rape.
  • Concurrence and Dissent by Powell
  • Concurred in result but felt that the death
    penalty was not unconstitutional

The Dissent
  • Dissent by Burger
  • Joined by Rehnquist
  • Felt that the court was encroaching on the
    legislative powers of states and pointed out the
    obvious recidivism and future danger of Coker.

Application to Child Rape
  • Seems like death sentences for child rapists
    would be unconstitutional under Coker
  • Maybe not

Recounting Votes in Coker
  • Neither Brennan nor Marshall should really count
    in determining whether Coker allowed for
    executions of child rapists.
  • Both Justices were against the death penalty
    altogether, so in interpreting the judgment in
    regards to child rape, it should be viewed more
    as a 5-2 decision.

More Recounting
  • Additionally, Justice Powell agreed in the
    judgment (i.e. that execution of Coker for this
    particular rape would be unconstitutional) but
    felt that a decision deeming all executions for
    rape was going way too far.
  • Now in regards to the decision it becomes a 4-3

Odiferous Olfactory Opinions
  • The majority uses the words Adult Rape 8 times
    in the opinion which seems to suggest that the
    court was limiting their opinion to the
    constitutionality of executions stemming from
    adult rapes not the rape of children

Still Going.
  • Majority relies on what it terms objective
    factors to determine the constitutionality of
    these sentences
  • Public Attitudes
  • Legislative Attitudes
  • Response of Juries

Public Attitudes
  • People are more than happy now to humiliate and
    severely punish sex offenders, especially those
    whose victims are minors
  • Popularity of Datelines To Catch a Predator
  • Popularity of residency restrictions of Offenders
  • Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006

Legislative Attitudes
  • The court noted that of the 16 states which
    authorized death sentences for rape Pre-Furman,
    only 3 allowed for it in their revised statutes
  • Georgia, North Carolina, and Louisiana
  • NC and Louisianas were both struck down for them
    being mandatory
  • Florida and Miss. had the death penalty for rape,
    but only of a child

Legislative Attitudes Cont.
  • The few number of states that had the death
    penalty for rape swayed the court toward
    rejecting its use
  • As of today 7 states have statutes authorizing
    the execution of child rapists, with other states
    currently considering the move

Whos got it?
  • Oklahoma
  • 21 Okl. St. 1114
  • Rape in the first degree is a felony punishable
    by death
  • Rape in 1st Degree
  • Victim is 14 or under or
  • Use of violence or force or
  • Use of Instrument which results in bodily harm
  • Use of Instrument on victim under 14

  • South Carolina
  • S.C. Code Ann. 16-3-655(c)(1)
  • If previously convicted of penetrative sexual
    offense with child under 11, defendant is death
    eligible upon conviction a second time
  • Targets dangerous men and women

  • La. R.S. 1442 Aggravated Rape
  • Penetrative Sexual Contact through the use of
    force, threat of violence, or other means of
    forcing sex
  • Life Imprisonment
  • Unless the victim is under 13 then the crime
    becomes death eligible
  • Patrick Kennedy is currently on death row under
    this statute

Rollin down Highway 41
  • Georgia
  • O.C.G.A. 16-6-1(b)
  • Carnal Knowledge of a woman against her will or
    if the victim is under 10 years of age
  • The statute still allows Georgia to punish rape
    of adult women with death despite the ruling in

Disney Death Sentences
  • Florida
  • Fla. Stat. 794.011(2)
  • The statute requires their to be a sexual battery
    where the victim is both under 12 and his/her
    sexual organs to be injured for it to be death

18 Years old 2(Hannah Montana Bodily Injury)
  • Montana
  • Mont. Code Anno. 45-5-503(3)(c)(i)
  • Much like South Carolina it requires a prior
    conviction of similar crime but also requires
    bodily injury on each victim for it to be death

Jessicas Law
  • Texas Law that is set to be enacted into law
  • Death Penalty for repeat offenders of sexual
    assault where the victim is a child

Constitutional Infirmity in These Laws?
  • Could the death penalty for child rape be cruel
    and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment?

Giving Meaning to Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  • The Eighth Amendment must draw its meaning from
    the evolving standards of decency that mark the
    progress of a maturing society. Trop v. Dulles,
    356 U.S. 86 (1958) (plurality).
  • Though the Court has at times been hesitant to
    create categorical bans through the Eighth Am.,
    it has recently held the execution of mentally
    retarded persons and juveniles to be cruel and
    unusual punishment.

Atkins v. Virginia 536 U.S. 304 (2002)
  • Death penalty for mentally-retarded persons is
    excessive and inappropriate in light of evolving
    standards of decency.
  • Court notes Growing national consensus,
    justifications for use of death penalty
    (retribution/deterrence) questionable when
    applied to mentally-retarded offenders, and
    special risk of wrongful execution.
  • Court had previously held that the Eighth Am. did
    not require a categorical exemption from death
    eligibility for mentally-retarded persons. Penry
    v. Lynaugh, 492 U.S. 302, (1989).

Roper v. Simmons 543 U.S. 551 (2005)
  • Death penalty for juveniles is excessive and
    inappropriate in light of evolving standards of
  • Court notes Similar national consensus as in
    Atkins, justifications for use of death penalty
    (retribution/deterrence) questionable when
    applied to juvenile offenders, and international
    opinion opposed to death penalty for juvenile
  • Court had previously held that the Eighth Am. did
    not require a categorical exemption from death
    eligibility for juveniles. Stanford v. Kentucky,
    492 U.S. 361 (1989).

Roper/Atkins Framework
  • The opinions seem to create/follow a three-part
    framework for evaluating the application of the
    death penalty under the Eighth Amendments
    proscription of cruel and unusual punishment in
    light of evolving standards of decency
  • 1.) National Consensus
  • 2.) Proportionality
  • 3.) International Opinion

Evolving Standards of Decency National Consensus
  • Court departed from requiring majority of states
    disapproving of a practice to find consensus.
  • Instead, Court looked at the sheer numbers, but
    additionally looked at consistency of the
    direction of change.
  • At the time of each case, 12 states prohibited
    the death penalty completely, and 18 excluded the
    group at issue (mentally-retarded persons /
    juveniles) from the reach of the death penalty.

Evolving Standards of Decency Proportionality
  • We must balance the culpability of the defendant
    against the severity of the death penalty.
  • Roper Court quoting Atkins Court Capital
    punishment must be limited to those offenders who
    commit a narrow category of the most serious
    crimes' and whose extreme culpability makes them
    'the most deserving of execution.
  • If the justifications for punishment (both
    retributive and utilitarian) are not applicable
    in a given implementation of the death penalty,
    the punishment is excessive.

Evolving Standards of Decency International
  • Prior to Roper/Atkins, the Court had largely
    stopped considering international opinion in its
    death penalty jurisprudence.
  • The Court gave a bit of attention to
    international opinion in Atkins and quite a bit
    more in Roper.
  • Court noted in Atkins Within the world
    community, the imposition of the death penalty
    for crimes committed by mentally retarded
    offenders is overwhelmingly disapproved.
  • Court noted in Roper Our determination that the
    death penalty is disproportionate punishment for
    offenders under 18 finds confirmation in the
    stark reality that the United States is the only
    country in the world that continues to give
    official sanction to the juvenile death penalty.

International Flavor (contd)
  • The Court was quick to caution in Roper, however,
    that The opinion of the world community, while
    not controlling our outcome, does provide
    respected and significant confirmation for our
    own conclusions.
  • Justice Antonin Scalia has asserted, "The views
    of other nations, however enlightened the
    Justices of this Court may think them to be,
    cannot be imposed upon Americans through the
    Constitution." Thompson v. Oklahoma, 487 U.S. 815
    (1988) (Scalia, J., dissenting).
  • Tom DeLay does not approve.
  • This is obviously a hot topic in many
    constitutional interpretation areas, and we could
    probably debate it all day long. I thought,
    though, because it is relatively controversial,
    that this might be a good time to pause and ask
    the class if they have any thoughts specifically
    on international opinion being used to interpret
    the U.S. Constitutions Eighth Amendment.

Evolving Standards of Decency Death Penalty for
Child Rape?
  • 1.) National Consensus
  • 2.) Proportionality
  • 3.) International Opinion

Child Rape, Death Penalty, and National Consensus
  • Of the 38 capital states, only 13 permit the use
    of the death penalty for offenses other than
    murder. Put that way, it can be argued that there
    is more consensus here than in either Roper or
  • More specifically, as Jordan so effectively
    pointed out, only 7 states currently authorize
    the use of the death penalty for those convicted
    of child rape. But, 4 of those 7 passed their
    statutes within the last 2 years. So it could be
    argued that the direction of consensus is moving
    towards consensus in favor of using the death
    penalty in cases of child rape.
  • But then again, 7 of 50 states is very hard to
    call a consensus.
  • And perhaps of the other 43 states, many are
    simply attempting to comply with Coker. This is
    undercut somewhat, though, by the fact that only
    2 states authorized the death penalty for child
    rape at the time of Coker.

Child Rape, Death Penalty, and Proportionality
  • Some argue that Coker stands for the proposition
    that a crime must result in death for death to be
    a proportionate punishment, thus the retribution
    goal is not properly served.
  • The counter is obviously that the rape of a child
    is more heinous than the rape of an adult.
    Indeed, maybe there is no other crime except
    murder that is as awful as the rape of a child.

Child Rape, Death Penalty, and Proportionality
  • Are utilitarian objectives served?
  • Deterrence?
  • Rehabilitation?

Child Rape, Death Penalty, and International
  • Countries that authorize the death penalty
    specifically for child rape include China, Iran,
    Jordan, Mongolia, the Philippines, Uganda, and
  • More than half of the countries that retain the
    death penalty do not have capital child-rape
  • There is a growing trend towards abolishing the
    death penalty wholesale internationally.

Constitutional Conclusions?
  • Mine?
  • Jordans?
  • Yours?
  • Prof. Bermans?

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