Title: MARC Record Review
1MARC Record Review
MARC Record ReviewWiLS Catalogers Clatsch
March 10, 2009
2MARCMAchine Readable Cataloging
Henriette Davidson Avram Mother of MARC Photo
3Todays focus
- MARC Bibliographic Format for Books
- Most commonly used tags
- Reading a MARC record
- Vocabulary and common terms
- Using the documentation
4MARC is a communication format
5MARC uses data signposts
6Fields are marked by tags
010 is the Library of Congress Control Number
(LCCN)020 is the International Standard Book
Number (ISBN)100 is a personal name main entry
(author)245 is the title information 250 is the
edition260 is the publication information300 is
the physical description 440 is the series
statement/added entry520 is the annotation or
summary note650 is a topical subject heading700
is a personal name added entry (joint author,
editor, or illustrator)
7Fields are further defined by indicators
8Subfields are marked by subfield codes and
9OCLCs Bibliographic Formats and Standards
- Guide to MARC records in WorldCat
- Tagging conventions
- Input standards
- Guidelines
- http//www.oclc.org/bibformats
10Real-life examples
http//madcat.library.wisc.edu/ http//www.linkca
11Bibliographic Format blocks
0XX Control information, numbers, codes1XX
Main entry2XX Titles, edition, imprint3XX
Physical description, etc.4XX Series
statements 5XX Notes 6XX Subject access
fields7XX Name, etc. added entries or series
linking8XX Series added entries holdings and
locations9XX Reserved for local implementation
12Authority control
- The practice of creating and maintaining headings
in a catalog. - disambiguates items with similar or identical
headings - collocates materials that logically belong
13Future of MARC
14Further Reading
- www.loc.gov/marc/
- www.loc.gov/marc/umb/
- www.loc.gov/cds/marcdoc.html
- planetcataloging.org/
- OCLC tutorial http//www.oclc.org/us/en/support/
MARC Record ReviewWiLS Catalogers Clatsch
March 10, 2009