Title: Fast Track
1Fast Track Start-Up Toolkit
Tools designed to ensure a successful start for
your enlyten business
2Start-Up Toolkit Launching Your Business
- Day One Welcome
- Welcome and congratulations on taking advantage
of this great opportunity !!!! - Start-Up Tool Kit
- The purpose of this Tool Kit is to ensure you get
your business started the right way. Educate
yourself and learn as much as you can about the
product, the compensation plan and network
marketing. You are the CEO of your business. - Review all the materials, get enrolled properly
and make sure you start your business on a strong
foundation. - Enrollment
- Make sure you have enrolled properly and that you
are taking advantage of all the income potential
enlyten has to offer. Start your business off the
right way!!! - __ Advanced Fast Track Pack (One-time-only
opportunity to purchase 640 of product at a 53
discount) - 400 - Energy cassettes on marketing brochures mailed to
10 of your top prospects. - 250 Marketing Brochures.
- __ Auto-Ship Order (16 cassettes Four
packages of four cassettes each) - 120 (Best
Value 5 packages)
A note to newly enrolled Independent
Distributors In the beginning, it is very
important that you not talk to prospects about
enrolling as a customer or Independent
Distributor, without the benefit of upline
leadership support being on the phone or at your
side. Although it makes no sense, there are
those who will instantly become experts on the
subject of our products or network marketing.
Although they may mean well, they quite possible
no nothing about either. Do not let them steel
your dreams of financial independence! Having
the support of an experienced distributor by your
side, will allow for questions and/or concerns to
be confidently answered.
3Start-Up Toolkit Launching Your Business
First 48 Hours Checklist __ Begin sampling
product to family, friends and associates __
Review and Complete Fast Track Start-Up Tool Kit
(Opt-In to your back office email) __ Review
resources on TeamRaser.com __ Set Goals and Make
a Plan ( Fast Track Tool Kit) __ Develop a
Prospect List- TOP 5 and TOP 25 (Fast Track Tool
Kit) __ Send an introductory email to your
database. __ Begin making introductory phone
calls to prospects ( invite to meetings and/or
set a call with upline) __ Begin developing a
close working relationship with your upline team
leaders/partners __ Engage in meetings,
webinars, training, conference calls, and
contacting prospects. First Seven Days
Checklist __ Attend the next meeting in your
area, invite your prospects. __ Organize and
prepare your home office and work space (See
TeamRaser presentation forms) __ Review
Compensation Plan training on enlyten and
teamraser __ Review Products FAQs, Policies
and Procedures and ID Manual __ Attend Training
meetings/Webinars __ Review and Prepare tools
for presentations (TeamRaser.com) __ Schedule a
Home Meeting with your up line at home 3 way
calls with upline. Validates product
opportunity __ Learn to do Home Meetings and 3
way calls, they are the backbone of your
- Keys to Success Decide
- Maintain a long-term perspective Decide and
commit to your for a minimum of two years. - Attitude Be positive. This is a business there
will be both good and bad. - Realistic Expectations It takes time to build
any business, be realistic with your growth and
others on your team. - 4. Persistent and Consistent Effort Work
everyday, carry your products, talk to people
daily AND read your goals daily.
4Start-Up Toolkit Steps to Success
Step 1 Decide Decide to DO the business and
reach your dreams and goals. Treat it like a
business and it will pay you like one.
Communicate with your upline and establish a
relationship. They will help you with meetings,
3 way calls, training. Validation of Product and
Opportunity. Step 2 Schedule and Set
Goals Income, Hours and Commitment Goals. Make an
Action Plans and execute Your commitment has to
meet your expectations. Step 3 Develop Prospect
List Develop your Top 5 Make a list of your Top
20 and a list of 200 Master the skills of finding
and communicating with prospects Step 4
Communicate and Invite Communicate the product
and the opportunity. Provide samples. Contact
them via phone, email, mail or one on one.
Invite them to learn more with a 3 way call,
webinar, lunch meeting, home party or
TeamRaser. Step 5 Follow Up and Through Answer
questions and overcome objections. Some will
enroll immediately, others need to see it
multiple times. Timing is important. Keep a list
and be consistent and persistent in contacting
them. They might be ready in 3 months. Ask them
to participate as a customer or an independent
distributor. Enroll and Sponsor. Step 6 Enroll
and Train Walk them through enrollment and train
on the back office, TeamRaser and the Fast Track
Start Up-Steps to Success. Help them contact
their prospects. Follow up with them on their
progress. Train them to develop the same set of
skills. Step 7 Learn Learn to present the
opportunity and the industry to others. Learn
simple ways to start a conversation about the
product and opportunity Learn products and
compensation plan. Learn about network marketing
and self development. Step 8 Engage Have a home
meeting, do a webinar, set appointments. Council
your upline. Duplicate yourself. Become a
Business Builder.
5First 48 Hours Back Office Orientation Opt-In
to your back office email
Checklist for orientation to your online back
office. __ Review/Edit all Virtual Back-Office
information to ensure accuracy Distributor
Summary __ Name/ID/Contact Info/Personal
BV/Group BV Company News __
Announcements/Updates/Contests, etc. from enlyten
corporate Today __ Distributor Summary
Ensure all information is correct __ Company
News Review for latest updates and
information __ Personal BV Personal
Business Volume __ Downline BV Group
Business Volume for you and your
organization Business __ Downline Review
to ensure that your enrollers name is correct __
Downline Tree Review features, views,
etc. __ Waiting Room Review features,
procedure, etc. __ Enroll New Member __
Commissions Review features, procedure,
etc. Resources __ Email Inbox Review
features, procedure, etc. __ Downloads
Review information and forms available __
Contact Us Review enlyten corporate contact
information __ 10 Free Gifts Review and
complete names/contact info Shop __ Manage
My Autoship Review/edit information and set up
120 autoship __ Order Product for Myself
Review information/procedure __ Order
Product for Someone Review information/procedure
__ View Merchandise Review choices/ Order
Business Cards/Tools __ View Order History
Review information My Account __ Account
Info Review and/or Edit __ Billing Info
Review/Edit __ Password Info
Review/Edit __ Direct Deposit Info
Review/Edit __ Auto-Ship Info
Review/Edit __ Website Info
Review/Edit/Add __ Email Preferences
Create/Review/Edit __ Email Broadcasts Opt
In - to receive company information by email
6First 48 Hours Replicated Web Site Orientation
Checklist for orientation to your replicated web
site __ Review all website information/features
Top Tab Links Products __ Overview
Product information/ingredients __
Technology Terminology, Video, etc. __
Testimonials Customer testimonials Opportunity _
_ Overview Distributorship information,
Compensation Overview download,
etc. __ Events National calendar of
events, Business Overview and Training
meetings, Webinars, etc. __ Video Contest
Information, procedure, etc.. Enroll __
Online enrollment portal for new distributors and
preferred customers. Charity __
Overview of enlytens partnership with
JAM __ Link to JAM video download Shop __
E -Commerce portal to order products
online Login __ Distributor portal to access
Back Office __ Practice Login/Logout Bottom-
Portion Links Business Opportunity __ Tell
me more Distributorship information,
Compensation Overview download, etc. Did you
receive one of our samples or free gifts? __
Feedback portal for 10 Free Gifts sample
recipients to confirm receipt of
sample and product information Charity __
Find our more Overview of enlytens partnership
with JAM charity __ View the JAM
video from enlytens launch event here.
Link to JAM video download Contact Us
(Bottom) __ Link to Distributor contact page
John Doe
7Start-Up Toolkit Support Training Resources
Upline Leadership Support Upline Leader
_____________________ Home _______________
Cell _______________ Email
_______________________ Upline Leader
_____________________ Home _______________
Cell _______________ Email
_______________________ Enroller Name
_____________________ Home _______________
Cell _______________ Email
_______________________ Sponsor Name
_____________________ Home _______________
Cell _______________ Email
_______________________ Your Name
_____________________ Home _______________
Cell _______________ Email
Schedule of Business Overview Presentations and
Training Opportunities Check enlyten.com/Teamraser
.com/Upline for a schedule Business Overview
Presentations Conference Call Day
_______________ Time _______________ Phone
_______________ Code _____________________ Con
ference Call Day _______________ Time
_______________ Phone _______________
Code _____________________ BOP Meeting
Day _______________ Time _______________
Location _______________ Contact
___________________ BOP Meeting Day
_______________ Time _______________
Location _______________ Contact
___________________ Training Meeting Day
______________ Time _______________
Location _______________ Contact
Enlyten Distributor Support Distributor Support
Phone 888-436-5983 Email
8 Goal setting is vital to your
success! Hopes and dreams become goals when they
are written down with a plan of action. Your
goal should be so exciting that its the first
thing you think of in the morning, and the last
thing you think of as you drift off to sleep at
night. Setting a specific goal unleashes the
power and determination within us to overcome any
challenge or obstacle in our path to its
achievement. Four key components of effective
goal setting Goal Target Future Picture
Destination Decision Conviction Motivation
Certainty Fuel Plan Road map Strategy
Way-points toward goal Action Initiative
Applying constant pressure toward goal Make a
Goal Statement Example It is January 9, 2010
and I am a Regional Executive with enlyten. I
lead 2,500 IDs in my organization and have
developed 300,000 in GBV. I earn 25,000/mth
and I drive a black, 2009 Range Rover with gray
leather interior, iPod integration kit and
panorama sunroof. I am financially
independent. The Yale Graduating Class of 1953
Study 3 had specific written goals 97 had
incomplete goals or none at all Twenty Years
Later Study Follow-up The 3 who had set
specific goals had accomplished more and achieved
greater wealth than the other 97 combined
Start-Up Toolkit Goal Setting
- "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and
believe, it can achieve. Napoleon Hill - "Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle
of a plan, in which we must fervently believe,
and upon which we must vigorously act. There is
no other route to success." Stephen A. Brennan
9Start-Up Toolkit Goal Setting Worksheet Give
little effortget little results Give medium
effortget medium results Give tremendous
effortget tremendous results
Income Goals One Mth _______ Three Mths
_______ Six Mths _______ One Yr ________
Five Yrs ____________ Savings/Retirement
Goals I would like to retire at the age of
_______ in the year of ________Years to
retirement______ Months to Retirement
_______ I would like to have _______________ in
savings when I retire.
enlyten Achievement Goals 30 Day Goal
Achieve Business Builder Position by ____
/____ /____.
Enrolled IDs per month _________ Per week
_____ Total of _______ IDs in my
organization by __________ 20___ Total of
_______ Business Builders developed by _____
20___ Total of _______ PEIDs in my
organization Personal Time Goal To attain your
goal, you must put forth an amount of effort that
is equal to your expected results. Hours per day
_______ per week _______ per month
_______ for _______ years
Goal Statement __________________________________
_______________________ __________________________
_______________________________ __________________
_______ ____________________________________
___________ _________________
10Start-Up Toolkit Immediate Money
Goal Business Builder in 30 Days
- Two Qualified Legs (500 BV/ea) - Two
(2) Personally Enrolled IDs - 3,000 GBV
Independent Distributor Advanced Marketing Kit
49.95 Fast Track Pack
400.00 Monthly Auto-Ship
120.00 Initial Total
570.00 Monthly Auto-Ship 120.00
Fast Track Bonuses426 Leadership Bonus60
Level 1 (5)
E-1 (5)
Residual Monthly 48
Level 2 (5)
This simple model of success enrolling two IDs
and helping each of them enroll two IDs of their
own, will be duplicated again and again for every
person in your organization.
Level 3 (5)
11Start-Up Toolkit Foundation
Business Builder
When you personally enroll a new ID, your focus
should be to assist them, and every distributor
in their organization , in achieving the Business
Builder promotion/position. This is the simple
and duplicatable model of success for growing
your enlyten business.
Residual Monthly
Bonuses 566
L1 (5)
E-1 (5)
MG (5)
L2 (5)
MG (5)
L3 (5)
MG (5)
12Start-Up Toolkit Taking Action to Build Your
- Taking Action Three Basic Skills
- There are three basic skills necessary to build a
successful network marketing business -
- Prospecting Identifying those persons who
will be your personally enrolled customers and/or
IDs - Communicate/Invite Contacting, inviting and
presenting product and business opportunity
information to prospects, - overcoming possible objections and
enrolling them as customers or independent
distributors - Follow-Up Taking personal initiative to
contact prospects, customers or distributors as
needed/requested to answer - questions, deliver requested information
or products or to determine a prospects interest
and answer questions - following the prospects attendance at an
enlyten business overview presentation. -
- Preparation is crucial to your success. Below are
tools and information available at enlyten.com
AND TeamRaser.com - -Multiple Scripts
-How to enroll
-Videos - -Overcoming Objections
-Compensation Cheat Sheet
-Letter and Email templates - -Network Business Tips
-PowerPoint Presentation
-Marketing Forms
Things may come to those who wait...but only the
things left by those who hustle. Abraham
Lincoln Never, never, never quit" Winston
13Start-Up Toolkit Taking Action to Build Your
- Taking Action Prospecting
- Prospecting - Identifying those persons who you
will be your personally enrolled customers and/or
IDs - List Building - Build a prospect list of 200 or
more prospects using the memory jogger - -Natural Market and Cold Market
- Asking for Referrals - Train yourself to
consistently ask for referrals to identify
customer and - Independent Distributor prospects
- The question Who do you know is a
powerful tool for receiving referrals for your
business. - Customers
- Who do you know who might have an interest in
our enlyten products? - Who do you know plays on a sports team or
exercises regularly, that could benefit from
enlytens Electrolyte strips? - Who do you know who has a child that plays on
a sports team? - IDs
- Who do you know who might have an interest in
earning significant income by owning their own
home-based - business as an enlyten distributor?
Money isn't the most important thing in life,
but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the
"gotta have it" scale. Zig Ziglar
14Start-Up Toolkit Taking Action to Build Your
- Taking Action Communicate and Invite
- Recruiting - Contacting, inviting and
presenting product and business opportunity
information - to prospects and enrolling them as
customers or Independent Distributors - Preparation for Recruiting
- Read and understand all product related
information, terms, phrases and pronunciations - Study and master Overcoming Objections
- Practice and master the One Minute Infomercial
- Study Three-Way-Calling info and practice the
three-way-calling script - Identify and calendar all upcoming business
overview opportunities in your area - The Invitation
- Inform your prospects about the technology and
the opportunity - Offer to let your prospects sample the product
- Invite your prospects to see a business
overview presentation - The Presentation
- Two-On-One Presentations Utilize your up-line
leadership to present a Business Overview
Presentation to your
15Start-Up Toolkit Taking Action to Build Your
- Taking Action Follow-Up
- Follow-Up - Answering questions,
delivering requested information or products or
determining a - prospects interest and answering
questions following the prospects attendance at
an enlyten - business overview presentation.
- Preparation for Follow-Up
- Study Distributor Manual, Policies Procedure
Manual, Compensation Plan and all available - product information etc. to ensure that you
can confidently answer questions from you - customers and downline distributors.
- Follow-Up
- Follow through on all requests made by
prospects, customers or IDs in your organization,
for information, - materials or product samples.
- Following your prospects attendance at a
Business Overview Presentation, follow up by
calling them and - and answering any questions they might have
about our business. Ask them to join you as an
enlyten - Independent Distributor, or to utilize our
products by being your customer. - Upon enrolling a new distributor, personally
walk them through this Start-Up Tool Kit to
ensure that they get a
16Start-Up Toolkit Taking Action to Build Your
- Taking Action Prospecting Building a Prospect
List -
- Your Prospect List is one of the
most powerful tools in your business - Build a list of at least 200 names using all
available tools - - Criteria Every person you know on a first
name basis who is 18 years of age or older. Do
not edit your - list in any way. Everyone knows someone
who could do well in this business. - - Tools Email contacts, address book, club
and church directories, cell phone contacts,
yearbooks, etc. - Remember to include contacts in other
areas, cities and states. Use the attached
Memory Jogger as a reference. - - This is a sorting business. You will be
sorting through prospects to discover those that
want to be your - customer, those who want to become a
distributor and those for whom the timing may not
be right (yet) to do either. - Prioritize your list based on the following
profile and question - - Profile Successful - Regardless of their
chosen profession, strive to be the very best - Positive - Positive mental attitude outgoing
personality - Influential - Well respected opinion valued by
17Start-Up Toolkit Taking Action to Build Your
Memory Jogger List Building Tool
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