Title: The Strengthened ISDR System
1The Strengthened ISDR System
Institutional Arrangements
Roles and Responsibilities
Side-event at ECOSOC 2006 Briefing on the
process of strengthening of the ISDR system
Thursday, 13 July 2006 1315 1445
2Global Hotspot study (World Bank with ProVention
Risk levels? Top 30Red Middle 30yellow
Lowest 40 Blue
35 countries have more than 5 pop in areas at
risk from three or more hazards 96 countries have
more than 10 pop in areas at risk from two or
more hazards 160 countries have more than 25 pop
in areas at risk from one or more hazards
3Why strengthen the ISDR system
- Respond to current disaster trends and increased
demand for support - Increase political space for disaster risk
reduction (finance, development sectors, MDGs)
at all levels
4Why strengthen the ISDR system (continued)
- Increase capacity to support national and local
level implementation - Build coherence and coordination (global and
regional) - joint system planning and prioritized
deliverables - Promote disaster risk reduction as part of
sustainable development and prerequisite for
Millennium Development Goals
5Build a disaster risk reduction movement ISDR
- Our objective To reduce disaster risk,
worldwide, focussing on nations and
communities - The instrument Hyogo Framework for Action
2005-2015 - The vehicle ISDR system - movementÂ
6Main elements of the strengthened ISDR System in
support of the Hyogo Framework for Action
Responsible for national strategies and
programmes, baselines studies, reporting
Nations and communities
National Platforms, Government agencies, local
authorities, NGOs, CBOs, technical
organisations, private sector , media
Global coordination
Supporting mechanisms
UN General Assembly, ECOSOC
ISDR regional and thematic platforms
International and regional org. UN Country
Teams, Red Cross/ Red Crescent societies
Global Platform for DRR and subsidiary bodies
(PAC) USG Humanitarian Affairs Management
Oversight Board ISDR secretariat
Support and technical advice to agencies,
authorities, institutions and organizations
Management, oversight, programme guidance,
support, joint work programmes, monitoring
7ISDR system Levels of Action (platforms)
National National frameworks will determine
composition and functions Support from UN country
team when appropriate
Regional Based on existing regional and
sub-regional strategies and mechanisms
ISDR programme coordinated international and
regional efforts to support national and local
Global Annual sessions Subsidiary Programme
Advisory/Standing Committee
Thematic Building on existing networks, clusters,
programmes and other mechanisms
8Ongoing strengthening of the ISDR system
Full involvement of Governments in the Global
Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction The Global
Platform meets once a year, and nominates a
Programme Advisory Committee to elaborate on a
ISDR system joint work-programme in support of
national implementation of HFA A Management
Oversight Board will assist USG for Humanitarian
Affairs to oversee the ISDR Secretariat and
provide strategic guidance to the ISDR system (a
first preliminary MOB meeting held in March
2006 A transitional Reference Group nominated
to prepare first Global Platform and joint
work-programme of ISDR
9Plus moves to strengthen science and technology
(ST) inputs to ISDR System
- Recognises core role of ST in disaster risk
reduction, and building on IDNDR advancements - Concern about potential major hazards and mega
events (c.f. the Indian Ocean tsunami) - Institutionalise ST inputs to the ISDR system,
e.g. through sub-committees and/or international
panels - Regional networks and regional specialist
centres to stimulate knowledge development
10Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Functions
- Discuss overall progress made with the Hyogo
Framework, advise on risk reduction policies and
strategies - Ensure synergy with other policies and
strategies of the United Nations system in the
development, humanitarian and environmental
fields - Review the annual report of the Chair of the
ISDR system - Â
- Â
11Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
(GP/DRR) continued
- Functions
- Approve a joint work programme for the ISDR
system - Receive the reports of the thematic networks,
platforms and panels - Share information on and discuss global efforts
on resource mobilization and fundraising in
support of disaster risk reduction - Elect every two years the Chair of GP/DRR
- Â
- Â
12Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
(GP/DRR) continued
- Programme Advisory Committee
- Functions
- Prepare work plan for GP/DRR, ensuring
programmatic coherence, adherence to standards
and identifying and addressing gaps - Establish a reporting and monitoring mechanisms
for the work plan and follow-up on its
implementation - Foster exchange of good practices and lessons
learned through review of reports from national
platforms, regional and thematic networks
13Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
(GP/DRR) continued
- Programme Advisory Committee
- Functions
- Establish and give guidance on work programmes
to thematic networks, platforms and panels for
specific thematic purposes - Review and recommend programmes seeking
financial support, to ensure coherence with the
Hyogo Framework and ascertain budgetary viability - Ensure that the work of the GP/DRR and the
thematic networks and platforms fully reflect and
support the needs of the national platforms for
disaster risk reduction.
14Modalities for Government participation in the
ISDR system
- An open participation of Governments in the
GP/DRR, along with other stakeholders - Six Government representatives (5 from each
region Chair of ISDR Support Group), on a
rotational basis, in the proposed Programme
Advisory Committee and - The intergovernmental Governance would remain
with the General Assembly (Second Committee) and
strengthen through the addition of an agenda item
15Outstanding issues
- Do we have appropriate modalities for Government
participation in the ISDR system? - Specifically on ECOSOC, how would the subject of
disaster risk reduction best be addressed in the
future? - How to best address the proposed strengthen ISDR
system in this years General Assembly
For update information on the strengthening of
the ISDR system please go to http//www.unisdr.or