Title: A Learning Centered Journey A Personal and CollegeWide Path
1A Learning Centered JourneyA Personal and
College-Wide Path
- Cynthia L. Siegrist
- Faculty and Staff Development
- Delgado Community College
- New Orleans, La.
2Delgado Community College
- 5 campuses/sites
- Spring 2005
- 17,500 students
- Spring 2008 --
- 13,179
- Acclaimed Nursing, Allied Health, Jazz,
Horticulture, Culinary Arts Programs
3Fall 2007 Demographics
- 69 female
- 52 minority
- Average age 27
- 29.4 have children
- 41.4 major wage earners
- 50 indicate parents highest level of ed. is a
high school diploma
4Im a Believer!
5At this point in time, what does
learning-centered mean to you?
6Four Resonate Readings
- From Teaching to Learning A New Paradigm for
Undergraduate Education (Barr and Tagg) - A Learning College for the 21st Century
(OBanion) - The Learning College Both Learner and
Learning-Centered (OBanion) - Leadership in the New Century (Myram, ,Zeiss,
7From Teaching to Learning
- To say that the purpose of colleges is to
provide instruction is like saying that General
Motors business is to operate assembly lines or
that the purpose of medical care is to fill
hospital beds. We now see that our mission is
not instruction but rather that of producing
learning with every student by whatever means
works best.
Barr and
8A Learning College for the 21st Century
- The learning college places learning first and
provides educational experience for learners
anyway, anyplace, anytime. -
OBanion -
9Six Principles of the Learning College
- Creates substantive change in learners
- Engages learners as partners
- Creates and offers many options for learning
- Assists learners to form and participate in
collaborative activities - Defines roles of learning facilitators by
learners needs - Declares success only when learning can be
10Importance of Assessment/Data Piece
- How does this action improve and expand learning?
- How do we know this action improves and expands
11Importance of Assessment/Data Piece
- The transition from Instruction paradigm to
Learning Paradigm will not be instantaneous. The
key structure for changing the rest of the system
is and institution wide assessment and
information system- an essential structure in the
Learning Paradigm Barr and Tagg
12Useful Data
- Transfer, graduation and other completion rates
- Flow of students through learning stages (eg.
developmental programs) - Attainment of learning outcomes of program
completers - Measurement of student knowledge and skills at
multiple stages using pre and post tests, etc. - Information provided by classroom assessment
techniques (CATs) Barr and Tagg
14The Learning College Both Learner and
- If after spending a glorious two weeks at a
health spa, a satisfied client steps onto a scale
and hasnt lost a pound, he has not achieved his
learning-centered goal of losing five extra
pounds, while paying dearly for a
learner-centered experience. -
15Learning to Improve Learning,
- Everyone involved with the college, including
the president, will learn continuously how to
improve learning. -
Myram, Zeiss, Howdyshell
16(No Transcript)
17What part of the presentation up to this point
challenges, interests, or speaks to you? Do
you have a metaphor or image in mind about being
learning-centered or an aspect of it?
18What did Delgado do to become more
19Delgado Community College
- provides a learning-centered environment in
which to prepare students from diverse
backgrounds to attain their education, career,
and personal goals, to think critically, to
demonstrate leadership, and to be productive
20(No Transcript)
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23College-wide Counterpart Meetings by Unit and
Academic Division
- Roundtable Discussions
- What are some of the learning centered/active
learning practices which we already have in
place? - What are some of the steps we can take to make
our areas more learning centered? - How can we document student success?
24 Examination of Curriculum and
Syllabus Design at All Levels
- Start at the end
- Set Student Learning Outcomes (What
- do you want students to be able to do?)
- Align assessments and activities to the outcomes
- Include active and collaborative activities
25Special Challenges for Faculty
26Special Challenges for Faculty
27Learning Opportunities at All Levels
- Learning for Leaders Series
- Professional Development Academy (Staff)
- Title III Designs for Learning
- Service Learning
- Learning Communities
- QEP Going the Distance/TVC, SLOAN, QM
- Speakers and Mini-Grants
- Mentoring Program
- Valencias ScenariosOnline
- Technical Training
28Assessment and Collection of Data
- Student Learning Outcomes at the program and unit
levels - TracDat
- ATMs
- CCSSE survey and follow-up
- Title III Student Learning Outcomes/Learning
Assessment using Learner-Centered Assessment on
College Campuses by Huba and Freed
29The Importance of Being Learning-Centered
30Delgado Distance Learning Pre-K
- 10 semi-trained online instructors/400
- 20 Blackboard courses/1,500
- No formal e-learning program
- Low demand
31Delgado Entrance
32Student Services
33Student Parking
35Plantation Coffee House
37 Bursars Office
39Faculty Office
41Distance Learning Post-K
- Over 100 online instructors
- 215 online courses, 515 sections
- 30 students online
- 800 students 100 online
- DLIT Program
- QEP/Substantive Change
- DCC is a distance learning provider
42Your Conclusions
- Where or how do you see any of the previous
presentation resonating in your own circumstances?
43The End
44What does this mean for my area?
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