Title: Foundations of the Semantic Web: Ontology Engineering
1Foundations of the Semantic WebOntology
- Building Ontologies 1cDefinitions, Descriptions,
Restrictions Axioms - The mechanics of untangling
- Alan Rector colleagues
2The mechanics for adding necessary restrictions
depends on whether a concept is defined or
- Primitives may have necessary restrictions on the
main frame in OilEd - Definitions must have necessary restrictions
expressed as separate axioms - The transition from one to the other is a common
operation - New tools will make it easier, but for now it is
a bit painful
3Describing defined concepts
- Suppose we want to say
- All professors have salary some kind of
acceptable - All lecturers have salary some kind of derisory
- The salary is not part of the definition of being
a professor or lecturer - The sufficient conditions are Person and
academic_rank - You dont recognise somebody as being a lecturer
because they have a derisory salary you
conclude that they have a derisory salary because
they are a lecturer. - Lecturer ? Person hasAcademicRank
someValuesFrom Lecturer_rankLecturer ? hasSalary
someValuesFrom Derisory - Note the double arrow vs single arrow!
- The single arrow is expressed as an axiom
- subclass-of(Lecturer (restriction hasSalary
someValuesFrom Derisory)) - subclass-of means implies
- Otherwise we would have to know that somebody had
a derisory salary to recognise them as a lecturer
4To do it
- Create a functional property hasSalaryRange
- Create a ValueType SalaryRangeValueType with
values acceptable_salary and derisory_salary - Create a subclass axiomsubclass-of(Lecturer,
(restriction hasSalaryRange someValuesFrom
derisory_salary)) - Test it by creating a class probe_poor_paid?
(restriction hasSalaryRange not acceptable_salary)
5AxiomLecturer ? hasSalaryRange someValuesFrom
Note that the axiom appears upside downin
OilEd Lecturer ? hasSalarRange
(Class hierarchy inset from viewer)
6What happens if we just add it on the main pane?
This is wrong why?
7How will Black_lecturer be classified? Why?
If you are not sure, try it, find out, and fix
itTo be correct, this probe should be
classified under lecturer. Ontology
8Suppose we want to change ACS_module to a defined
- ACS_Module ? Module and (restriction
ratedAs someValuesFrom ACS_rating) - What do we have to do?
9Move current restrictions to an axiom
These move to axioms(see next slide)
10Equivalent Subclass Axiom
11Then redefine ACS_module
complete button pressed
Definition in terms of rating
12This is a common pattern as ontologies evolve
- In fact it is what we would like to encourage you
to do - First sketch things in as primitives
- Then define them as appropriate
- A better User Interface coming Real Soon Now.