Title: Routes to Education and Training
1Routes to Education and Training in
University of Ulster
Friday 8th October 2004
2Steven Lavery
- Head of School
- Applied Science and Computing
Website www.causeway.ac.uk
3What options are available to me at age 16?
4Foundation Degrees
National Diplomas/Certificates
Vocational A-Levels (AVCE)
NVQs Level 1-3
Intermediate GNVQs
First Diplomas
5Foundation Degrees(Level 4)
- Employer led curriculum
- Recognised by employers for recruitment at Senior
Technician/Developer level - 240 credit points - compulsory and optional
modules - Taken over 2 years full-time study 4 years
part-time - Receive Foundation Degree in Computing (or
similar) with possibility of progression to
Honours Degree in Computing
6BTEC National Diplomas(Level 3)
- Provide direct entry to Degree, HND/C and
Foundation Degree courses - Recognised by employers for recruitment at
Technician level - 18 units compulsory and optional
- Continuously assessed using tests and assignments
- Taken over 2 years full-time study
- Receive 3 grades between DDD and PPP
- (counted as 3 A-levels)
7BTEC National Certificates(Level 3)
- Provide direct entry to Degree, HND/C and
Foundation Degree courses - Recognised by employers for recruitment at
Technician level - 12 units some compulsory and optional
- Continuously assessed using tests and assignments
- Taken over 2-3 years part-time study
- Receive 2 grades between DD and PP
- (counted as 2 A-levels)
8BTEC National Diplomasin IT/ICT at Causeway
- IT Practitioners (FT)
- E-Media (FT and PT)
- Game Development (FT PT from 2005)
9The Vocational A-Level (AVCE)(Level 3)
- Available in ICT
- Made up of Compulsory and Optional units
- Assessed Externally and Internally
- Portfolio of Evidence - assignment based
- Graded A to E as A-Levels
1012 Unit AVCE(Double Award) (Level 3)
- 6 Compulsory plus 6 Optional units
- Taken over 2 years full-time
- Receive 2 grades between A and E
- (counted as 2 A-levels)
- Attracts UCAS points
- Normally studied along with complementary Single
Award or A-Level
116 Unit AVCE(Single Award) (Level 3)
- 3 compulsory plus 3 optional units
- Receive 1 grade between A and E
- (counted as 1 A-Level)
- Attracts UCAS points
- Can be taken over 1 or 2 years
12GNVQ Intermediate/BTEC First Diploma (Level 2)
- Available in ICT
- Made up of Compulsory and Optional units
- Assessed Externally and Internally
- Portfolio of Evidence - assignment based
- 1 year course
- Pass is equivalent to 4 GCSE grade C
- Progression to level 3 course such as National
Diploma or AVCE
13UCAS Tariff
14NQF Levels(Proposed)
15(No Transcript)
16Value Added Professional Qualifications
- NVQ Level 2 Traineeship
- NVQ Level 3 Modern Apprenticeship
- Work with an Employer
- Training Allowance
- Travel Allowance
18eLearning/Virtual Learning Environments
19Key Skills (Level 2 and 3)
Application of Number
Information Technology
Key Skills count towards UCAS points (20pts _at_
Level 3) (10pts _at_ Level 2)
FE College
21Thank You