Title: Instabilities driven by electron cloud: Summary Outline
1Instabilities driven by electron cloud Summary
- Principal observations
- Single bunch effects
- Coupled bunch effects
- Analytical models
- Assume some existing electron cloud distribution
- Based on impedance models
- Simulation codes
- QuickPIC
- Towards a predictive theory
2What are the principal observations?
- General characteristics and criteria
- Observed effects in positron beams and not in
electron beams - Correlation of vacuum pressure with time
structure - Correlation of instabilities with vacuum pressure
- Effect of suppression techniques e.g. solenoids
on/off - Direct observations of electrons
- Tune shifts along bunch trains (B Factories, SPS)
- Single bunch
- Beam-size blow up
- Time scales ???
- Differences in horizontal and vertical planes
- Dependence on betatron tune (KEK-B)
- Dependence on chromaticity (sometimes)
- Effect of octupoles (BEPC)
- Trailing edge multipacting
- In long, flat-topped bunches, tail becomes
unstable first - Centroid motion (uncorrelated from bunch-to-bunch)
3KEKB e beam blow up, 2000 (H. Fukuma, et al.)
IP spot size
threshold of fast vertical blow up
slow growth below threshold?
beam current
4calculated measured head-tail phase
difference for an LHC bunch train in the SPS
start of train
additional e- cloud wake field with wavelength
of 0.3-0.5 bunch length can reproduce measurement
end of train
K. Cornelis, 2002
5centroid motion bunch size tilt by
KEKB streak camera preliminary, October
2002 J. Flanagan, H. Fukuma, S. Hiramatsu, H.
Ikeda, T. Mitsuhashi
tail bunches blown up, slight evidence for tilt
6Evolution of PSR instability, beam current,
stripline difference signal, electron flux at
wall. From R.J. Macek
7Fast ion instability in the recycler ring?
?Transverse emittances took a jump and lost about
1E10 of beam. Before jump intensity was
about 126E10. Bunch length 7.3
ms. ?Usually, the growth is triggered by a
change in the cycling of the Main Injector
underneath the Recycler.
8What are the principal observations? (continued)
- Coupled bunch (the usual suspects)
- Growth in oscillations along bunch train
- Differences in horizontal and vertical planes
9- Izawa et.al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 5044 (1995).
- (Photon Factory)
BPM spectrum for V motion.
Electron 354 mA Positron 324 mA 240 mA
10BEPC mode spectra by Single Path Beam Position
Monitor (measurement)
Guo, et al, PRST (2002).
11Analytical models
- General characteristics
- Assume existence of cloud at particular
density/distribution - Pinch effect
- Based on linear perturbation theories (assume
superposition) - Beam break-up
- For growth times ltlt synchrotron period
- Fast head-tail (TMCI Resonator Model)
- Ohmi, Zimmermann, Perevedentsev
- Derive expression for the wake broad band
resonator - Apply standard theory
- Valid for ?c?t lt 1 ??? transition to coasting
beam theory? - Coupled bunch
- Derive expression for the wake, and apply
standard theory - Simulations indicate superposition ok, linearity
for first few bunches - Effect of solenoid characteristic frequency
cyclotron frequency
12Pinch Effect
13generalization of transverse impedance
- must consider wake W1(z,z), not W1(z-z)
2-dimensional Fourier transform
(E. Perevedentsev, ECLOUD02)
- the wake W1(z,z) can be obtained from
- simulations
14(G. Rumolo)
extracting the 2-dimensional wake
15Smooth transverse distribution with 8 uC
- Electron density
- Same voltage between pipe center and wall as in
previous case - Effective frequency is lower than small amplitude
value. - 9 turns plotted for electron density (in beam)
and wakefield
16average wake
wake on axis
factor 20 difference! dependence on z!
(G. Rumolo, F.Z., PRST-AB 5, 121002, 2002)
17in TMCI calculation pinch effect acts stabilizing!
no incoherent tune shift DQ0
real part
imaginary part
incoherent tune shift DQ(/-sz)/-2.5Qs
(E. Perevedentsev, ECLOUD02 see also V. Danilov
et al., PRST-AB, 1998)
head-tail mode tunes in units of synchrotron
tune vs. the cloud density in units of 1012 m-3
at Nb1011
The e-cloud makes the vertical impedance look
more than a round chamber.
Flat vertical
Flat vertical E-cloud
Flat horizontal
19Simulation Codes PEHTS
- Principles
- PIC code
- Based on beam-beam strong-strong simulation model
- Observations in simulations
- TMCI instability
- Benchmarking
- Comparison with observations at KEK-B
- Agreement with TMCI threshold 30
- with some assumption for cloud density
- Comparison with results from HEADTAIL
20Scaling of ns and cloud density
- In the theory of the strong head-tail
instability, the instability should be scaled by
the ratio of the wake strength (cloud density)
and the synchrotron tune.
21Electron motion in the beam potential
Electron cloud instability in coasting proton beam
beam position modulation of 1mm
Red fixed beam. Green 10 turn. Blue 100 turn
22Simulation Codes HEADTAIL
- Principles
- Single bunch instabilities
- Interaction between bunch/cloud at N points
around ring - Need large N to converge results
- Bunch sliced longitudinally cloud modeled by
macroparticles - Includes chromaticity, chamber boundary
conditions etc. - Observed effects in simulation
- Incoherent emittance growth
- Fast head-tail (with threshold for fast emittance
growth) - Effect of (large) chromaticity in suppressing
instability for LHC - Benchmarking
- Agreement within factor 2 with QuickPIC (in
discrete interaction mode) - Should be exact agreement for same physics
- Agreement with resonator model (for thresholds
of fast head-tail) - but without pinch enhancement
23Simulation Codes HEADTAIL (continued)
- Agreement with experimental observations
- Thresholds for fast blow-up in SPS and KEK-B
- Agreement with threshold in KEK-B within 30
- ...with some assumption for cloud density
- Effect of chromaticity in SPS
- Needed to suppress instability in the real
machine - Consistent with simulations if machine impedance
included - Other examples?
24Resonator Model (1)
Reson r 9 1011 m-3
Reson r 6 1011 m-3
Reson r 3 1012 m-3
- Emittance growth for different electron cloud
density - comparison between the Resonator Model and
Reson r 15 1011 m-3
PIC r 9 1011 m-3
PIC r 3 1012 m-3
Vertical emittance m
PIC r 15 1011 m-3
PIC r 6 1011 m-3
PIC r 4 1011 m-3
Reson r 4 1011 m-3
Time s
25Benchmark with QuickPIC code
Collaboration with Ali Ghalam and Tom Katsouleas
Horizontal Beam Size m
Vertical Beam Size m
Time s
Time s
- Horizontal (right) and vertical (left) beam size
vs. time. - For purpose of comparison in both HEADTAIL and
QuickPIC the electron cloud has been modeled
using 1 IP per turn.
26Simulation Codes QuickPIC
- Principles
- Plasma code, adapted for electron cloud
- Single bunch instabilities
- Continuous interaction around ring
- Constant focusing lattice (at present)
- PIC code, 3D, parallel
- Quasi-static approximation
- Bunch dynamics slow compared to e cloud dynamics
- Observed effects in simulation
- Fast head-tail
- Stabilizing effect of the pinch enhancement
- Consistent with Perevedentsev calculation
- Tune shifts
- Is the physics the same in QuickPIC and HEADTAIL?
27Growth rate changes with number of kicks
Green 4 Kicks/Turn Blue 2
Kicks/Turn Red 1Kick/Turn Aqua 16Kicks/Turn
QuickPIC Results for LHC
- Growth rate changes with the
- number of kicks!
HEAD-TAIL results for LHC
28Effects of Dipole Magnets on Beam-cloud
- CERN_SPS Ring Specifications
- 750 bending of length 6.26m.
- 70 percent bending sections.
- Straight sections 9m.
- Dipole Strength 0.117T.
- Modeling bending sections/Magnets on QuickPIC
- Effect of magnetic field on cloud dynamics is
significant - Resolving the spatial profile of the magnets
increases the run time by a factor of ten. - Assume average B on the whole ring
B 0
B 0.117T
Vertical Plane
Horizontal Plane
Shallow Cloud Compression
Severe Cloud Compression
Cloud Density in Horizontal Plane
3D cloud density with magnetic field
29Simulation Codes BEST
- Principles
- Vlasov-Maxwell solver for two-stream instability
- Numerical evaluation of perturbation to
stationary distribution (delta-f) - Observations in simulations
- Unstable modes
- Benchmarking
- Comparison with data from PSR
- Good agreement for instability mode structure and
frequency - Poor agreement for saturation
- Stronger effects observed in machine than in
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32Simulation of instability with CSEC/NCSEC
- The effective electron density as a function of
bunch/gap length is crucial. - How do we dead-reckon this? (Compare pink and
red!) - Threshold estimates for future machines require
33Simulation Codes Coupled Bunch Effects
- Results for KEK-B presented by Ohmi-san
- Excellent agreement with data
- Mode structure frequencies and amplitude
- Effects of solenoids
- some assumptions needed about cloud distribution
- Longitudinal wake may also drive coupled-bunch
Su Su Win et al,(EC2002)
35Wake force and unstable mode caused by electron
cloud for KEKB
- Very rapid growth time (10 turn for KEKB at 2.6
A, 5000 bunch) - Broad mode spectrum
Dy1 mm 2 mm
KEKB design report (1996 or 7)
36Longitudinal wake force
Shifted bunch
Super KEKB sz3mm, N1.17E11, L3016m, h2E-4,
37Predictions for future machines
- Is requirement set by heat load or slow emittance
growth? - To avoid emittance growth, present estimate
iscloud density lt 31010 m-3 - SNS
- Using linear models for uniform cloud density
- Accumulator ring still looks like it will be
stable - GLC/NLC
- For TMCI, threshold 1012 m-3, but
- outside regime for rho/Qs scaling (other
instability modes important) - Coupled bunch growth times few hundred us
- Work in progress
- Should be stable (for pressure lt 10-6 Torr)
38Towards a Predictive Theory
- Input parameters are important, but not always
well known - Materials science ? cloud development ? beam
dynamics - Still some way from self-consistent model
- Observations are often difficult to interpret
- e.g. current limits in DA?NE
- Coupled bunch instabilities
- Some success already shown for analysis of KEK-B
results - More data already available, to be analyzed and
understood - APS, PSR, SPS
- Feedback systems provide powerful diagnostics
- But what are the conditions? i.e. what is the
cloud distribution? - Analytical models in relatively good shape
- IF linearity and superposition are good enough
39Towards a Predictive Theory (continued)
- Single bunch instabilities
- Possible to measure emittance growth, tune
shifts - Possible to observe head-tail modes
- Streak camera data
- Quantitative measurements are difficult
- Analytical treatments based on perturbation
theory - May provide reasonable estimates for thresholds
- Not able to predict detailed dynamics
- Simulations need to push parameters for results
to converge - Number of interaction points/turn, number of
bunch slices - Computationally expensive
- Need to include all sources of tune spread
- May reduce number of kicks per turn needed in
simulations? - Small number of kicks may (anomalously) lead to
chaotic behavior - Do we know how far existing preventive measures
will work? - Solenoids in high current B-factories
41Directions for Developments
- Various effects to be included
- Real magnetic field profiles
- Beta function variations
- Pipe impedance
- Boundary conditions
- Develop useful reduced models
- Ability to make fast simulations of long-term
behavior, possibly using parameters found from
more detailed simulation - Several possibilities
- Some good ideas and studies needed
- Find scaling laws to access long timescales
- E.g. rho/Qs (Ohmi-san)
- E.g. Apply many kicks per turn, but all in one
betatron period - Aims
- Reliable simulation of LHC behavior over 2000
turns - Reliable simulation of LHC behavior over 30