Title: Basic Laser Safety Training class IIIb and class IV
1Basic LaserSafety Training (class IIIb and
class IV)
- United States Naval Academy
Administrative Laser Safety Officer (ALSO) USNA
Safety Department 410-293-5666 or 5660
2L.A.S.E.R. is the acronym for
- Before you begin. . .
- Left click the link below and select print.
Complete the assessment as you are viewing the
Power Point presentation. - http//www.usna.edu/SafetyOffice/LaserSafetyTest.p
df - To return to the slides click the back button
and select open or read only. - After reviewing the training and completing the
FY04 Evaluation please forward it to the Safety
Department - Yard Mail Stop 18B or fax to 410-293-4849
- Basic knowledge, safety procedures and hazards
associated while working with lasers. This - presentation on lasers is aimed at class IIIb
and class IV laser operators. - Applicable Instructions
- gt ANSI Z136.1-2000 (Industry Standard)
- gt OPNAVINST 5100.27A (Navy Laser Inst)
- gt OPNAVINST 5100.23G (NAVOSH Policy)
- gt BUMEDINST 6470.23 (Medical Mgmt)
- gt USNAINST 5100.13C (Local Laser Inst)
- gt USNAINST 5100.11C (Local NAVOSH Inst)
5Laser Outline
- Elements of the laser program
- Laser Terms ( . . .just a few)
- About Lasers
- Types of Lasers Classifications
- Biological Effects of Lasers
- Warning Signs and Workplace Controls
6Elements of the laser program (contd)
- Beam Hazards
- Non-Beam Hazards
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Authorized Personnel
- Medical Surveillance
7Elements of the laser program (contd)
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Mishap Reporting
- Annual Audit and Inventory
- Evaluation Feedback
- Points of Contact
8a few laser terms
- should understood as advisory
- shall understood as mandatory
- diffuse reflection change of the spatial
distribution of a beam of radiation when it is
reflected in many directions by a surface or by a
medium - specular reflection a mirror-like reflection
(may be nearly as harmful as direct exposure to
the beam - continuous wave laser a laser operating with a
continuous output for a period gt 0.25 s - pulsed laser delivers its energy in the form of
a single pulse or a train of pulses (duration of
pulse lt 0.25 s) - Q-switched laser - emits short (approx 10-250
ns) , high-power pulses by means of a Q-switch
(device for producing very short intense laser
pulses by enhancing the storage and dumping of
electronic energy in and out of the lasing
medium, respectively - collecting optics lenses or optical instruments
having magnification and thereby producing an
increase in energy or power density (i.e.
binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, loupes)
9About Lasers
- The idea of the laser was kicked off by Al
Einstein in the early 1900s. Serious work on
laser applications began in the 1940s and 50s.
The first true laser came about in 1961. - Basic components of a laser
- - Lasing material or medium could be gas
(HeNe), liquid, solid (ruby) or semi-conductor
(diode). - Excitation mechanism or energy source can be a
flash bulb, arc, another laser or electricity. - Optical cavity nearly sealed cylinder that uses
mirrors to collect, concentrate and produce a
coherent beam.
10Types of Lasers
- ANSI Laser Classifications
- The laser category is based on the power and
physical nature of the laser beam. - Class I Visible laser that under normal
operating conditions does not pose a hazard. - Class II Low power visible laser, which because
of the normal human averse response to light
normally does not pose a hazard. May cause
damage if viewed directly and for prolonged
periods does not exceed 1.0 mW.
11Types of Lasers (contd)
- Class IIIa Visible medium power laser with a
power density between 1.0mW and 5.0mW. Hazard
potential when using binoculars or other
collecting objects. - Class IIIb Slightly higher powered
invisible laser yet in the
ultraviolet - (180 nm 400 nm) and near infrared
- (700 nm 1400 nm) regions of the
- spectrum lt 0.5W.
- Class IV High power laser in excess of 0.5W.
Laser is capable of causing injury from direct,
reflected or even diffuse reflections.
12Biological Effects(a.k.a. Potential Hazards)
- A significant laser injury means damage to the
eyes however, the more powerful lasers (class
IIIb and class IV) can affect other biological
systems. - Even incidental exposure to a class IV laser can
cause serious skin burns and retinal damage
(causing possible cataracts depending on the
type of laser and length of exposure).
13Biological Effects (contd)
- Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
- the level of laser radiation to which a person
can be exposed without hazardous effects or
adverse biological changes in the eyes or skin. - For most of you it means the room where the
laser is located is considered inside the MPE
area. - Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD)
- the distance from the laser where the beam is
- not expected to exceed the MPE.
14Warning Signs and Workplace Controls
- Laser labels All lasers must be labeled it
must provide the class, power and wavelength of
the laser. - Area warning signs
- Areas where lasers are used must be posted.
- CAUTION signs and labels for class I through
class IIIa - DANGER signs and labels for class IIIb and IV
- (also, some class IIIa lasers)
15Warning Signs and WorkplaceControls (contd)
- Interlock system
- - The room containing the laser must be
interlocked with the laser system thus the laser
cannot operate with the door open. - - A light system will also illuminate when the
interlock system is operational green (safe),
yellow (caution), red (laser in use)
16Warning Signs and Workplace Controls (contd)
- Eliminating beam reflections
- (whenever possible remove all reflective
materials from within the NOHD and preferably
from the room.) - - Remove mirrors and other brightly polished
objects from the room also avoid glossy paints
and finishes. - - Remove all jewelry including watches.
- - Use non-reflective materials and supplies.
17Warning Signs and Workplace Controls (contd)
- Beam stops limits the laser beam penetration
for a specific exposure time. (It is located at
a distance from the laser so as not to exceed the
threshold limit in the worst case scenario.) -
- - specially designed laser barriers or
- curtains which can withstand
either direct - and/or diffusely scattered beams
- - flammability is an important consideration
- the material cannot support
combustion or - be consumed by flames during and
at the - termination of the laser
- - also ensure decomposition of the products
- does not create a new hazard
18Warning Signs and Workplace Controls (contd)
- a class IIIb should be provided with a
permanently attached beam stop or attenuator - a class IV laser shall be provided with a
permanently attached beam stop or attenuator
19Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Laser eyewear (protect from beam hazard)
- Mandatory use with all
procedures. - - Essential equipment for personal protection
reduces the energy that reaches the eye to below
the MPE (maximum permissible exposure level).
Required for beam alignment as well as operating
a laser - - Optical density (OD) Is a measure of how
much - light or more specifically energy
(visible and - invisible) is filtered out by the lens.
A higher - number means that more energy is filtered
out - providing a greater level of protection.
20Personal Protective Equipment (contd)
- Laser glasses or goggles
- Mandatory use with all procedures.
- - Laser specific (i.e. optical density
wavelength required). Do not use with other types
of lasers. - - Check laser goggles/glasses periodically for
cracks, scratches, pitting dispose of eyewear
if found to be damaged or defective - - Handle laser eyewear carefully replacements
are expensive
21Personal Protective Equipment (contd)
- Skin Protection
- - appropriate gloves and/or clothing is
sufficient - for lasers requiring skin protection
- - sunscreen (wipes off or comes off with sweat)
is - not recommended for UV systems
- for extremely high-powered lasers, there is no
- protection available for direct exposure
- inaccessibility is the only answer
22Non-beam Hazards
- Chemical must have Material Safety
- Data Sheets (MSDS)
available - - laser generated air
- contaminants LGAC
- - compressed gases
- - dyes and solvents
- - high powered laser beam interacting with
- metal
- Biological
- - LGAC
- small pieces of viral products,
- blood, tissue and bacteria that
- are vaporized by the procedure
23Non-beam Hazards (contd)
- Physical (non-beam)
- - Flammable chemicals/solvents
- - Collateral radiation (electronic
- product radiation from operation)
- - Electrical hazards and controls
- (shock, electrocution)
- - Fire hazards and controls
- - Explosion and controls
- - Plasma radiation (aka plume
- radiation)
24Lasers can be high voltage devices! -
Electrical - Disconnect the power
source to the laser before performing
any work or opening the housing. - Use
Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) procedures when
performing maintenance. - Before providing
power to the laser make sure the area is DRY
and the electrical cord is in good
25Authorized Personnel
- Laser Operator (s)
- Midshipmen (class instruction, special projects)
- Midshipmen working as laser operators on
special projects (Trident, etc.) will need
documented training by designated Professor -
laser operator - Maintenance personnel (maintenance performed by
the designated laser operator in many cases) - Spectators (prior approval by ALSO required)
26Medical Surveillance
- To establish a baseline of visual acuity and
ocular health. - For Whom
- - All class IIIb and class IV laser operators
and/or anyone assisting, - maintenance personnel and any individual (as
part of their job) who may be exposed to laser
radiation. - Whats Involved
- - Visual acuity and fundoscopic
- examination of your eyes along with a very brief
medical history.
27Medical Surveillance (contd)
- Where To Go
- A two step process involving both the
Occupational Health (410-293-2009) and Optometry
Clinics (410-293-3617). The process begins with
an interview and medical history in Occupational
Health and ends with an eye exam in Optometry - How Often
- Currently the Navy requires a baseline and
termination exam. Also, an exam immediately
following any laser mishap. - EMERGENCY NUMBER
- X410-293-3333
28Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (must be
posted on the outside of the door where the
laser(s) are operationally ready)
- Laser Specific
- Guidelines for Preparing a Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP)/Operators Checklist for Laser
Operations - These guidelines are intended to assist Laser
Personnel in preparing SOP/Operators Checklist
for Laser Operations. This information applies
to Class IIIb or IV lasers only. No SOP is
required for other class lasers. All laser
operators must review laser SOPs annually and
forward a copy to the Administrative Laser Safety
Officer (ALSO).
- 1. Introduction
- Location of laser (building and
- room number)
- Description of laser authorized laser
- and the normal operations
- - Purpose or application of beam
- - ANSI Z136.1 classifications
- Other applicable information as
- required
- Review annually and submit a copy of
- the SOP(s) of the laser(s) under your
- responsibility
- 2. Hazards - (very important)
- - Identification of laser hazards (beam)
- - Identification of associated hazards
- (non-beam)
- - Authorized hazardous materials allowed and
conditions permitting use, including personal
protective equipment (PPE), firefighting
equipment, ventilation requirements, storage
containers, allowed amounts and emergency
response procedures.
31- SOP GUIDELINES (contd)
- 3. Controls
- - Access controls (entry restrictions, door
- interlocks, signs, signals, etc.)
- Beam controls (activation of key interlock,
- enclosures, laser curtains, shutters, beam
dumps, - types of beam stops, area clearance procedures
etc.) - - Electrical controls (power supply
- indicator lights, high voltage signs, etc.)
- Eye protection required (type of eye protection
- approved, wavelength and optical density, etc.)
- Spectator controls if authorized (PPE, etc.)
- Conditions for unattended operation if
- permitted by ALSO
- Other controls as required (i.e., no smoking,
eating - or drinking)
4. Operating Procedures - Initial preparation
of laboratory environment (key position,
warning lights on, door interlocks activated,
identification of personnel present, PPE
issued, etc.) - Personnel protection (isolation
barriers in place, eye protection donned) -
Alignment procedures specific eyewear use -
Target preparations - Shut down procedures
- 5. Maintenance Procedures
- - Authorized personnel
- - Phone numbers of authorized personnel
- - Shutdown procedures in place
- - Lockout/Tagout implementation
- 6. Emergency Procedures
- Potential emergencies and corresponding
- procedures
- Specific rescue and/or evacuation procedures
- Emergency phone numbers (laser operator,
- Laser Safety Officer, fire, ambulance, etc.)
- 7. Training
- Indoctrination for authorized laser
- personnel (prior to operating a laser
- authorized midshipmen working on a
- project must be trained by the
- Professor and the documentation
- must be submitted to the Laser
- Safety Officer)
- - Indoctrination for authorized
- incidental laser personnel
- - Briefing for authorized spectators
35Annual Audit Inventory Reporting
- An annual review and inventory will be conducted
to determine the effectiveness and compliance of
the USNA Laser Program - The ALSO and Safety Office will conduct the
review and inventory. -
- An inventory of all class IIIb and class IV
lasers and will be forwarded upon request to
BUMED by 31 August of every year.
36Mishap Reporting
- Call 410-293-3333 for any personnel injured
directly or indirectly by lasers. Individual
will be followed up jointly by Occupational
Health and Optometry - Report all mishaps and near misses (both beam and
non-beam related) as soon as possible to the - ALSO (410-293-5666) or the Safety Manager
(410-293-5660). -
- A mishap report will need to be generated by the
injured individuals Supervisor and forwarded to
the Safety Manager and ALSO. - This mishap report form can be obtained at the
following website www.usna.edu/SafetyOffice or
by contacting the Safety Department on
410-293-5660. -
37 Evaluation Feedback
- 1. c
- 2. lasing material
- optical cavity
- energy source
- 3. I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IV
- 4. c
- 5. (a) eyes (b) skin burns retinal damage
- 6. b
- 7. level of radiation to which a person can be
exposed without hazardous effects - 8. a
- 9. d
- 10. The room containing the laser must be
interlocked with the laser system thus the laser
cannot operate with the door open. A light
system will also illuminate when the laser is
38Evaluation Feedback
- 11. (a) Remove mirrors and brightly polished
objects - (b) avoid glossy paints and finishes remove
all jewelry - (c) use non-reflective materials and
supplies - 12. d
- 13. (a) Limits the laser beam penetration for a
specific - exposure time.
- (b) Laser curtains/barriers specially
designed to withstand - either direct or diffusely scattered beams,
flammability, - will not support combustion or be consumed
by flames - during and at the termination of use of
laser, - decomposition of products does not create a
new hazard. - 14. Shall
- 15. (a) reduces (b) wavelength
- 16. (a) chemical (b) biological (c) physical
39Evaluation Feedback
- 17. Electric hazards, collateral radiation,
flammable chemicals/solvents, fire hazards,
explosions, plasma, radiation - 18. laser operators (b) midshipmen who have
permission (c) maintenance personnel (d) approved
spectators - 19. 3333
- 20. IIIB IV anyone assisting, anyone who may
be exposed as part of their job - 21. Baseline and termination experienced a mishap
40- Evaluation Feedback
- 22. 3333 2009 3617
- 23. d
- 24. c
- 25. T
- 26. F
- 27. T
- 28. T
- 29. F
- 30. T
- 31. T
- The Laser Safety Officer
- must approve new lasers
- prior to their purchase
- Please call 410-293-5666
42The USNA Safety Department will assist laser
operators in procuring Personnel Protective
Equipmentfor use with their lasers
- Please contact the ALSO or the Safety Manager
- for assistance