Title: Maximum Testcross Phenotypic Recombination Frequency 0.5
1Maximum Testcross Phenotypic Recombination
Frequency 0.5
- Recomb fq 0.5 indicates genes unlinked
- Genes may be unlinked in two ways
- Genes may be
- Genes may be
2Unlinked Genes
- Genes may be on different chromosomes
- If an individual is AaBb, and genes are on
different chromosomes, expect an equal number of
AB, ab, Ab, and aB allelic combinations in
gametes if homologues segregate and align
independently of other chromosomes at metaphase
plate - Genes may be far apart on same chromosome
- If an individual is AaBb, and genes are on the
same chromosome, expect an equal number of AB,
ab, Ab, and aB allelic combinations in gametes if
diff sections of the same chromosome are as
likely to migrate to opposite poles as different
chromosomes (50 recombination fq)
3Maximum Testcross Phenotypic Recombination
Frequency 0.5
- Once recomb fq reaches 0.5, like genes on
different chromosomes, unlinked genes on the same
chromosome are equally likely to end up in the
same or different gametes - At recombination frequency 0.5
- Expect equal number of recombinant and parental
chromosomes - If AB/ab, expect 50 gametes to have parental (AB
or ab), and 50 gametes to have recombinant (aB
or Ab) types - A recomb fq gt0.5 would only occur if repulsion
4Two strand single CO
- High frequency of CO produces a recombination fq
of 0.5 between two genes an equal of progeny
with recombinant and nonrecombinant chromosomes - Two strand single CO between any pair of
nonsister chromatids results in 2 parental, 2
recombinant (50 recomb) - Because sister chromatids are just copies, it
doesnt matter which copy exchanges with the
nonsister chromatid
5Double CO also results in
6Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
- To determine the distances between three linked
genes - Could just add up the distances from two-factor
linkage - Requires two testcrosses
- It is possible to map three or more genes from
the progeny of one testcross - Steps to three-factor linkage analysis
- 1) Determine the order of the genes on the
chromosome - 2) Determine the genetic map distances among the
three linked genes from the progeny of the same
7Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
- Determine the order of the three genes
- Three possible orders
- A B C
- B A C
- A C B
- Determine order from the proportions of
individuals - in each class of testcross progeny
8Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
- AaBbCc x aabbcc produces 8 genotypes (
phenotypes) of progeny - If independent assortment, expect 11111111
ratio - Linkage would show as a deviation from this ratio
9Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
How do the 8 gamete types from the trihybrid
arise? 2 arise from NCO 4 arise from SCO 2
arise from DCO
10Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
- To determine the order of three linked genes in
testcross - Most frequent 2 classes in offspring are NCOs
- Least frequent 2 classes in offspring are DCOs
Fig. 15.14
11Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
- Which gene order explains an observed double
crossover phenotypic class? (for example below,
all genes in cis) - Three orders NCO type Observed DCO type
- 1) ABC AbC
- ____ -gt ____
- abc aBc
- 2) BAC BaC
- ____ -gt ____
- bac bAc
- 3) ACB AcB
- ____ -gt ____
- acb aCb
12Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
Testcross V v Gl gl Va va x v v gl gl va va
V_ normal, vv virescent seedlings (turning
green) Gl_ normal, gl gl glossy leaves
Va_ normal, va va variable
sterility Progeny Normal 235 Glossy,
variable sterile 62 Variably sterile 40 Varia
bly sterile, virescent 4 Glossy 7 Glossy,
virescent 48 Virescent 60 Virescent,
glossy, variably sterile 270 Total 726
13Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
- Determine the genetic map for these three genes
- Determine gene order from the possibilities
- Gl V Va Gl v Va (virescent)
- _______ -gt ______
- gl v va gl V va (glossy, variably
sterile) - V Gl Va V gl Va (glossy)
- _______ -gt ______
- v gl va v Gl va (virescent, variably
sterile) - Gl Va V Gl va V (variably sterile)
- _______ -gt ______
- gl va v gl Va v (glossy, virescent)
14Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
Once gene order is known (V Gl Va), can identify
crossover types Normal 235 No
crossover Glossy, var. ster. 62 Single crossover
(V Gl) Variably sterile 40 Single crossover
(Gl Va) Var. ster., virescent 4 Double
crossover Glossy 7 Double crossover Glossy,
virescent 48 Single crossover (Gl
Va) Virescent 60 Single crossover (V
Gl) Vir., glossy, var ster 270 No crossover
15Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
2) Determine genetic map distance Map distance
between v and gl Single crossover (glossy,
var. ster. and virescent) 62 60 Double
crossover 4 7 (62 60 4 7)/726 0.183
or 18.3 cM Map distance between gl and va
Single crossover (variable sterility and glossy,
vir) 40 48 Double crossover 4 7 (40
48 4 7)/726 0.136 or 13.6 cM V 18.3
Gl 13.6 Va
16Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
Previous example was from a cis arrangement of
dominant alleles (coupling conformation) How do
you determine which genes are in cis and which
are in trans? NCO progeny tell you which alleles
are in trans Then what? Det. gene order by
comparing DCO and NCO classes (the middle
allele changes position) Det. total crossovers
between two genes and make map
17Three-Factor Linkage Analysis
Determine which genes in cis and trans cl cl
colorless, wx wx waxy, sh sh shrunken Progeny
of a testcross Colored, starchy,
full 4 Colored, starchy, shrunken 2538 (no
crossover) Colored, waxy, full 113 Colored,
waxy, shrunken 601 Colorless, starchy,
full 626 Colorless, starchy, shrunken 116 Color
less, waxy, full 2708 (no crossover) Colorless,
waxy, shrunken 2 Colored, starchy, shrunken
(Cl _ Wx _ sh sh) Colorless, waxy, full (cl cl wx
wx Sh _)
18Map Distance Issues
Factors that alter crossover frequencies Chromoso
mal location of a gene Age Sex Genotype Enviro
nmental influences Ex Drosophila no crossovers
in male flies, crossovers in females depend on
age, temperature, diet
19Map Distance Issues
- Two-factor mapping experiments underestimate map
distance when recombination frequencies exceed
0.07 (true map distance exceeds 7 cM) because of
undetected double crossovers (DCOs) - Double crossovers
- A second CO between two genes reverses the
effects of the first CO, restoring the original
combination of alleles
20Mapping Issues
- As the actual map distance exceeds 7 cM, the
observed recombination frequency p becomes
substantially less than the actual recombination
frequency d (due to undetected DCOs) and map
distances become substantially underestimated - Frequency (probability) of DCO is the square of
the genetic map distance - Ex A and B are separated by 20 cM
- Frequency of DCO (0.2)2 0.04
21Mapping Functions
- Equations used to correct approximate crossover
fqs - Haldane Function (1919 JBS Haldane) for DCO
effect - d -0.5 ln(1-2p)
- d estimated map distance (crossover fq)
- p phenotypic recombination fq
- Relationship doesnt account for interference
- V 18.3 Gl 13.6 Va
- d -0.5 ln(1-(20.183))
- d -0.5 ln(1-(20.136))
Interference Presence of one crossover prevents
another in its immediate vicinity Example (Cl
Sh Wx) Given frequency of crossover between cl
and sh 0.035 and the frequency between sh
and wx 0.184 Using product rule
Expected frequency of double crossover (one
between cl and sh, and one between sh and wx)
0.035 x 0.184 0.00644 This assumes no
interference Total number of progeny 6708
Expected number of double crossover progeny
0.00644 x 6708 43.2 Observed number of
double crossover progeny 6
Coefficient of Coincidence Quantification of
interference C observed number of double
crossovers expected number of double
crossovers From previous example C 6/43.2
Interference I 1 - C From previous
example I 1 - 0.139 0.861 Positive
interference I gt 0 Complete interference I 1
When genes are very tightly linked Negative
interference I lt 0