Title: Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
1Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
- An European Army in the 1950s?
- October 1950 France proposes the establishment
of an integrated European force between France,
West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and
Luxembourg - But was it purely an initiative to counter US
demands for West Germany rearmament i.e.
Europeanisation vs Transatlantic western
2Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
- The Puzzle How to tackle the perceived Communist
Threat to the Atlantic/Western Community without
reviving German militarism? - Jean Monnet, the father of the European Coal
and Steel Community (ECSC) worried that US
support for West German Rearmament would make
Germany less interested in fully participating
in an integrated ECSC - Therefore
- He decided to model the rearmament project in the
same lines as the ECSC i.e. to make it part of a
fully integrated European project with strong
backing from the US
3Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
- Monnet believed that by Europeanising the
question of German rearmament, one could start
thinking about creating a functioning European
Federation - 24 October 1950 Monnet drafts a declaration in
the name of the French PM Pleven, proposing the
establishment of an European Army to be attached
to the new political institutions of Europe - This included a complete integration of human and
material components under a single political and
military European authority the creation of the
post of European Minister of Defence, and a
European Defence Council finally, the plan also
including drafting a European defence budget
4Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
- Monnet acknowledged the enormous potential of
defence integration for the fully development of
a European political community thus, he quickly
became an enthusiast of creating a European Army - By this time, the US had made their political and
financial support to Europe contingent on the
successful establishment of a European Defence
Community Italian PM De Gasperi further
proposed, in 1952, that the future Common
Assembly of the EDC would have the powers to
develop a political structure enabling the
creation of a European Federation
5Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
- May 1952 EDC Treaty signed (but yet to be
ratified by national parliaments) No rush in
making the EDC fully operational before
elaborating upon Europes political architecture
within ECSC - New US Republican Administration
(Eisenhower/Dulles) Dulles to Monnet, November
1952 I believe the prompt creation of a United
States of Europe is essential and I know you
share this conviction Transatlantic federalist
appeal - Yet, the political tide starts swinging in
France, new Socialist government in power, first
with PM Mayer, later with Mendès-France less
enthusiasm for the EDC project, priority given to
national interests over broad international
6Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
- Anti-EDC Gaullist Party (RPF) part of coalition
government Calls for new negotiations over the
EDC, in order to protect the national character
of the French Army and its unity and the unity of
the French Union - Plans for a European Political authority
perceived as a threat to having France as an
independent Western Power - For the French military and policymakers, the EDC
was no longer about German rearmament but about
the future of France as an independent global
actor - Monnet, on the other hand, firmly believed that
any European Political arrangement that fell
short of transferring national sovereignty to
common (European) institutions would open the way
to the renaissance of militaristic nationalism in
7Jean Monnet and the European Defence Community
- The linkage between the creation of a European
Political Community with that of a European
Defence Community was now threatening European
and Transatlantic unity as a whole i.e. those
opposed to supranational institutions (as in the
EPC) and those who firmly opposed West German
rearmament (as in the EDC) quickly found common
ground - 24 August 1954 The French national assembly
votes against the ratification of the EDC treaty
(319 against, 264 in favour) - Nevertheless, Monet insisted that a supranational
European path was the sole and last hope for
peace and prosperity in Europe
8NATO Transatlantic Crisis of 1966
- 7 March 1966 US President Lyndon Johnson
receives a letter from his French counterpart,
General Charles de Gaulle - France has decided to recover the entire
exercise of her territorial sovereigntyterminates
her participation in NATO integrated commands
and no longer places her forces at the disposal
of NATO - US- European relations strained i.e. No European
solidarity with the US in Vietnam, US doubting
the loyalty of European allies - De Gaulle defended that the US should not have
the monopoly of military control and of defining
the global geopolitics of Western relations
9NATO Transatlantic Crisis of 1966
- De Gaulle had in fact questioned the
organisations own legitimacy in an era of
détente as a result of French withdrawal from
NATOs integrated military command structure (but
not from NATO itself), both the UK and West
Germany expanded their influence within the
organisation - De Gaulle on NATO hegemony disguised as
Atlantic solidarity America was Europes
daughter, and not its Master - Defence vs DĂ©tente British agreed with the
content of French criticism to NATO, but not with
its methods they saw it as an opportunity to
reform NATO and make the organisation streamlined
and more economical, with an agreement on nuclear
sharing and a new focus on détente
10The Beginning of the End of the Cold War
- December 1979 Why were Cruise and Pershing II
missiles deployed in Europe? - Mary Kaldor Political reasons to reassert US
commitment to the defence of Western Europe
Deployment was also supposed to display NATOs
ability to take and execute collective decisions - Yet, on the other hand, deployment per se quickly
became self-defeating as it greatly undermined
both West and East European public opinion
consensus about international security policy - Therefore, the beginning of the end of the Cold
War began/was accelerated by an unexpected?
remilitarisation of the mind in both West and East
11The Beginning of the End of the Cold War
- Late 1970s and early 1980s (Carter and Reagan
US administrations) firm belief that US global
role could be re-established through military
superiority - US-Soviet Union parity in strategic nuclear
arsenals raised the question of US credibility in
relation to its European partners and a perceived
decline of Western influence (defeats in Vietnam
and in the African continent) - What was the dilemma for European Atlanticists
1) to re-establish a working transatlantic
relationship 2) to contain both new elements of
European Nationalism and the rise of the Left 3)
to constrain increasing US belligerency
12The Beginning of the End of the Cold War
- European Public Opinion Perceptions of the
deployment of the missiles Risk for European
lives without risk for American lives i.e. the
Soviet missiles deployed behind the Iron Curtain
could only reach European cities - Cruise and Pershing to be deployed in the UK,
West Germany, Holland, Belgium and Italy - Attempt to compromise West German and Dutch
insisted that deployment must include
negotiations with the Soviet Union in order to
limit the deployment and/or use of theatre
nuclear forces - Massive demonstrations in Eastern Europe against
the presence of Soviet SS-20 missiles peace
activism became intense in East Germany and
Czechoslovakia mostly
13The Beginning of the End of the Cold War
- The Euromissile crisis was mostly, at the broader
European level, an attempt to Europeanise the
gains of détente - It was a means to find ways on insulating
détente from superpower nuclear confrontation,
and about creating a healthy political space in
Europe that could help slowing down the renewed
arms race of the time - According to European interpretation, deployment
of missiles/nuclear weapons in their territory
means that the host countries offer their
territory as a target without getting a credible
guarantee in return