Title: Help On Board
1Help On Board
Gary Bondegary_at_helponboard.orgphp use
casewww.helponboard.orgWeb based client sales
tracking application
2Why are we here?
- Learn how php and MySql were chosen for the Help
On Board project management application.
- Understand the challenges of using the same
application code with multiple sites at multiple
hosting locations.
- Deal with the use of technology to support remote
3Session Topics
- Development experiences
- What is Help On Board?
- Php and MySql solutions
- Help On Board application development
- Application feature highlights
- Technology to support remote clients
- Questions and Answers - ?
41. Development experiences
51. What have I done?
- 10 years of business system development
experience with Canadore College in North Bay,
Ontario. Managed and enhanced in-house student
and financial business systems in an Oracle
database and development environment.
- 2 years of development on a web based community
information portal project that included
integrated G.I.S. on a windows coldfusion server
- Proprietary environment proved financially hard
to sustain and opened the door to open source
solutions for development including products like
phpnuke, phpwebsite and MySql.
62. What is Help On Board?
72. Help On Board Is
- A fundraising solutions company that develops and
manages unique programs for a variety of
cause-related and tourism organizations.
- The largest game manufacturer in Canada over the
last 4 years.
- Located in North Bay, Ontario, about 4 hours
north of Toronto, with a US sales office in
Denver, Colorado.
82. What does Help On Board produce?
- Custom Opoly style real estate trading game for
the clients community. 3,500 games are usually
produced for each client.
- Clients sell sponsorships that are used on the
finished game board and package.
92. Where are Help On Boards clients?
- 28 games since 1999, with 21 current projects
across North America.
102. What needs to be tracked?
- 39 game board sponsors
- Media sponsors
- Retail sponsors
- Donors list sponsors
- Box top photos
- Game tokens
Sponsor information is tracked and used in the
finished game.
112. Help On Boards business needs
- Business model included move to a comprehensive
web based client tool set to support increasing
number of remote clients.
- Original web based client tools were based on
active server pages and an access database for
each client site. This proved difficult to scale
and move to alternate hosting service providers.
- New tools would require dynamic pdfs, and images.
- Decision was made to move to php development
because of included dynamic pdf and image
creation along with portability across many
hosting providers.
123. Php and MySql solutions
133. Search for php and MySql solutions
- Started project with no php programming
experience and used web research to find php
144. Help On Board application development
154. Development environment
- Started with Virtual PC windows server
environment for early php and MySql development.
- Decided on Dreamweaver MX for development because
of visual design, built-in php highlighting and
ftp client.
- FreeBSD remote hosting environment and local
windows server development created a number of
file conversion issues.
- Stopped using local windows server development
environment and moved to remote file editing on
master application site.
164. Development Starts
- The existing Group-Office framework for security,
themes, menu and module structure were used and
the rest of the modules and tables were removed.
- The example module was used to start the
development and after
- The first version of the application was
completed in 18 days and was used during a
webconference training session for our Kelowna,
British Columbia client.
174. Application feature challenges
- The application included sponsor input, dynamic
pdf contracts, project input, and manual content
arranged in five menus.
- Started with pdflib but converted to fpdf when
one site was moved to a web server not having
- Dynamic jpegs with truetype fonts using GD 2.
became an issue when one site was moved to a web
server that had GD 1.62.
184. Development synchronization
- Dreamweaver synchronization was an issue with
more than one site sharing the same application
code and requiring client edited files.
194. Application evolution
- Worked with the first client over 2 months to fix
most of the bugs and to create new features.
- My knowledge of the business increased over the
next 4 months and the application required a
number of major adjustments.
- Development continued and 6 new clients were
added. The number of new sites to synchronize
became a time issue.
- The php ftp synchronization script tool saved
many hours by using the files since last update
option. The tool is also used to create new
sites based on a master site file set.
204. Where are we now?
- I took on the role of client trainer for the
application after the first 9 months. Through
this role I learned how the application needed to
change for workflow and new features.
- Added phpMyAdmin to the development environment
to ease testing and updates to each client site.
- We now use a dedicated hosting server in North
Carolina to isolate our client sites from other
hosted clients.
- The application has been used on over 30 sites
and is increasing in features and stability in
response to client requests.
215. Application feature highlights
225. Data driven public website
- Public website draws information entered in the
application. - Minor amount of manual html file editing.
- Graphic designer created site template and is
updated for each client.
235. Public website visual sales board
- Dynamic jpeg visual game board on the public and
tools side. - Quick visual cue to what is sold, on hold or
available for sale. - Image is recreated as sponsors are updated.
245. Application Dashboard
- Password protected application for project
leaders and committee members.
- Dashboard with sales chart and quick links to
other areas within application.
255. Application menus
- Data driven, collapsible content menu system.
- When a top menu is clicked the left content menu
is updated to show all items.
- The left menu is always shown expanded.
265. Client project manual content
- Online Help On Board project manual with sample
documents and images for client use.
- Replaces printed client project manual, adds more
information and reduces printing costs.
275. Saleable components top half
- Clients must understand what components can be
sold and is crucial to a successful project.
- Mouse over on game components displays a graphic
description of component.
285. Saleable components bottom half
- Left side has detailed component description.
- Right side is javascript based input for each
component group and displays totals for
sponsorship revenues.
- This is used to pre-populate the pricing input
and link to a project financial forecast.
295. Sales kit documents
- A number of documents are provided to help create
a sales kit.
- Project logo graphics, letterhead template,
presentation labels, and sales sheets.
- Nine different game blank pdf sponsor contracts
can be generated with the project logo and
contact information.
305. Project input
- Basic project information used on public website
contract, invoices, and thank you letters.
- Application settings only available to Help On
Board personnel.
315. Photo/Token input
- Photography and game token input displays choices
- Inputs are done using a common popup dialog.
325. Game component pricing
- Ability to control pricing of individual game
components and shows the items colour keyed to
space on game board.
335. Homes/Hotels plastics colour
- Javascript based colour selection for homes and
hotels. - Email sent to Help On Board on colour selection
345. Interactive visual sales board summary
- Interactive dynamic jpeg visual sales summary
- Tabbed interface to sponsor summaries.
- Quick view advanced component edit popup.
355. Sponsorship sales spreadsheet
- Game sponsor sales summary is colour coded to
game board and shows payment details and totals.
- Control display order on public site.
- Common add, view, delete functions.
365. Prospect edit and convert
- Sales leads are entered and pre-filled pdf
contracts can be generated.
- Sales lead can be converted to a sold game board
375. Sponsorship edit and convert
- Sponsor information is used in pdf contract,
invoice, and thank you letter.
- Sponsor can be converted back to a prospect.
385. Sponsor game purchases
- Sponsor game purchase summary shows games
pre-purchased and payment and balance details.
- Quick edit popup updates payment and games
delivered status.
395. Document generation
- Document generation and storage.
- Dynamic word .rtf file templates for invoices and
thank you letters.
405. Sponsor csv export
- Sponsor information is available in 3 excel
compatible comma separated values files for use
in client side applications.
415. Retail inventory management
- Master and retailer inventory tracking with
inventory distribution and sales charts.
- Summary and details screens for master and
retailer inventory.
- Inventory task popup for both master and retailer
426. Technology to support remote clients
436. Webconferencing
- Webconferencing is used to train our clients and
has saved many miles of travel and cut down costs
to our clients. We use webconference.com as our
service provider.
- Firewalls and spyware applications can interfere
with the webconference software.
447. Questions and Answers - ?