Title: Web Development Environments
1Web Development Environments
Session 1 WDV102
2WDV102 Overview
What we will cover this module
- Running a local server
- Hosting companies and environments
- Working with images
- Creating forms
- Mobile development
- Styling for print
- The state of browsers and browser hacks
- Final project
3WDV102 Overview
Tonights agenda
- Introductions
- Review
- Your projects?
- Effective use of images
- Images with CSS
4WDV102 Overview
- Your name
- Goal for program
- Favorite web design resource
5WDV102 Overview
About your professor
- Zac Gordon
- Webucator
- Business Owner
6WDV102 Overview
Tonights agenda
- Introductions
- Review
- Your projects?
- Effective use of images
- Images with CSS
7WDV101 Review
What do we know?
- File structure
- XHML / CSS Syntax
- Semantic markup
- CSS for layout
- Questions, concerns
8WDV102 Overview
Tonights agenda
- Introductions
- Review
- Your projects?
- Effective use of images
- Images with CSS
9Working with Images
Good examples of web images
- Go to a gallery site http//cssloaf.com
- Find 3 sites with good use of images
- Share why they are good examples
10Working with Images
What types of images
- How to get images info
- What type of images do they use?
- Why?
11Working with Images
Image formats
12Working with Images
Where to find images?
13WDV102 Overview
Tonights agenda
- Introductions
- Review
- Your projects?
- Effective use of images
- Images with CSS
14CSS and images
What properties to set?
- The problem Want to set header image as
background for header div. - Justification for technique
- Solution for technique
15CSS and images
What properties to set?
- width
- height
- image
- position
- repeat
- display
- padding
- margin
16CSS and images
Setting image as background
header background-color ededed background-i
mage url(images/header.png) background-positio
n top center background-repeat none
17CSS and images
Setting image as background
header width 800px height
100px padding 40px 0 10px background-color
ededed background-image url(images/header.png
) background-position top center
background-repeat none
18CSS and images
Exercise CSS Background images
- Find an image
- Resize to 200 x 200 pixels
- Optimize in best format
- Place as background image for div using using
19CSS and images
Using CSS shorthand
header background ededed url(images/header.pn
g) none top center
20CSS and images
Exercise CSS Background images (shorthand)
21CSS and images
Exercise CSS Background tiling
- Find a tiling image
- http//www.squidfingers.com/patterns/
- Make a 200 x 600 (or 600 x 200) div
- Tile the image
22WDV102 Overview
Tonights agenda
- Introductions
- Review
- Your projects?
- Effective use of images
- Images with CSS
23Wrap Up
Images make web sites pretty
- Effective use of images
- Background images with CSS
- Design skills might come in handy