Title: The BlackHole Halo Mass Relation and High Redshift Quasars
1The Black-Hole Halo Mass Relation and High
Redshift Quasars
Fan et al. (2001)
-SMBHs and dark matter halos -SMBHs and
quasars -The quasar correlation
function -Extending the SMBH -- halo relation to
earlier times. Is dark matter halo mass or
velocity more important for formation?
- Stuart Wyithe Avi Loeb
- (The University of Melbourne)
(Harvard University)
2Black-Hole Dark-Matter Halo Masses
- The bulges of all local galaxies contain SMBHs.
- There is a tight relation between ? and SMBH mass
(e.g. Merritt Ferrarese 2001
Tremaine et al. 2002). - There is a relation between ? and vhalo, and
hence a relation between SMBH and dark matter
halo mass.
Ferrarese (2002)
3How is the SMBH Related to its Host Halo at
Larger Redshifts?
- Both Mbhvhalo5 and MbhMhalo5/3 valid at z0.
- At higher redshift, galaxies form out of a denser
background, have a larger binding energy per unit
mass, and therefore a larger circular velocity. - Is halo mass or velocity the determining factor?
Three assumptions
SMBH mass dependent on halo mass
SMBH mass dependent on halo velocity
- Quasars are powered by accretion onto a SMBH.
- The velocity dispersion -- SMBH mass relation is
also seen in quasars. (e.g. McLure Dunlop 2002) - Accretion is near the Eddington Rate.
(e.g. Willott et al. 2003 Elvis et al. 1994) -
Boyle et al. (2000)
- Quasars offer a pointer to the evolution of the
SMBH population to z6. -
5The Quasar Correlation Function.
- The quasar correlation function measures, as a
function of distance R, the excess probability
above random that two quasars will be separated
by R. - Larger halos are more highly clustered.
- The Mbh-Mhalo relation, and accretion at the
Eddington rate relate luminosity to halo mass
and therefore the quasar correlation function to
the dark matter halo correlation function. -
Three assumptions
6Large Scale Distribution of QuasarsFrom the 2dF
Quasar Redshift Survey
- Redshifts for 25,000 quasars in two strips.
- The correlation function tests the relation
between luminosity and halo mass. -
Croom et al. (2000,2001)
7Comparison with Observed Quasar Correlation
Function Assuming Mbh vhalo5
Croom et al. (2000,2001)
Correlation Length
- The correlation function is in agreement with
quasars that shine near their limiting rate. -
8Evolution of Clustering Length With Redshift and
Luminosity (Mbhvhalo5)
Preliminary SDSS data
- More luminous samples are more highly clustered.
- Clustering increases with redshift in a flux
limited sample. -
9What if MbhMhalo2/3 With No Redshift Dependence?
Preliminary SDSS data
- Black-holes comprise a larger fraction of a
galaxies mass at earlier times -
10The Correlation Length Favours Larger Mbh/Mhalo
at High Redshift
- No evolution in the Mbh-Mhalo relation implies
Super-Eddington accretion at z3 -
- The quasar clustering length and its evolution
with redshift and luminosity are reproduced if
SMBH mass scales only with halo circular
velocity. - The evolution of the clustering length is too
rapid if SMBH mass scales only with halo mass. - This may imply that the mass of a SMBH is
regulated by the depth of the potential well of
the galaxy.
Black-holes comprise a larger fraction of a
galaxies mass at high redshift