Title: Carving
1- Line
- Continuous mark from a point in space that
creates contours, boundaries, forms and shapes - One-Dimensional Measured by Length Can vary
in Appearance Different Lengths, Widths,
Textures, Directions, Degree of Curve - Albrecht Durer The Four Horsemen
- Subtractive carving or reduction of initial
materials be it wood, stone or printmaking
plates(wood, linoleum, metal plate) - Michelangelo, Pieta 1499 AD
- AdditiveCreating from clay armatures or
frameworks to create molds to cast in bronze or
plaster. The finished metal can be then welded
together - Modules basic unit of measure
- Canon systems of correct or ideal proportions
- Scale can be distorted for expressive effect.
- .
4Foreshortening Perspective
The illusion of depth and three dimensional space
on a flat two dimensional plane. Representations
of a body part that seems farther away than
another, or a distortion. Andrea
Mantegna Lamentations Over TheDead Christ
5Bas Relief
6Perspective Thomas Coles Course of Empire
7View of Mount Fuji from Satta Point in the Suruga
Bay, woodcut by Hiroshige, published posthumously
9David Oath of the Horatii 1784
10Thomas Coles Course of Empire 1836
11Thomas Coles The Oxbow