Title: Combining Individual Securities Into Portfolios Chapter 4
1Combining Individual SecuritiesInto
Portfolios(Chapter 4)
- Individual Security Return and Risk
- Portfolio Expected Rate of Return
- Portfolio Variance
- Combination Lines
- Combination Line Between a
- Risky Asset and a Risk-Free Asset
2Individual Security Return and Risk
- Expected Rate of Return
- where
- E(rA) Expected rate of return on security (A)
- rA,i i(th) possible return on security (A)
- hi probability of getting the i(th) return
- Variance and Standard Deviation
3Portfolio Expected Rate of Return
- A weighted average of the expected returns on the
portfolios component securities. - where
- E(rp) Expected rate of return on portfolio (p)
- m Number of securities in portfolio (p)
- xj Weight of security (j)
- Note The contribution of each security to
portfolio expected return depends on - 1. the securitys expected return
- 2. the securitys weight
4Portfolio Variance
- To compute the variance of a portfolio, you need
- (1) the covariances of every pair of securities
in - the portfolio, and
- (2) the weight of each security.
- Example (Three Security Portfolio)
5- Take each of the covariances in the matrix and
multiply it by the weight of the security
identified on the row (security j) and then again
by the weight of the security identified on the
column (security k). Then, add up all of the
6The Covariance Between a Security and Itself is
Simply Its Own Variance
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8Each Element Above the Diagonal is Paired With an
Identical Element Below the Diagonal
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10Using the Correlation Coefficient Instead of
- Recall
- As a Result
- Therefore
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- A curve that shows what happens to the risk and
expected return of a portfolio of two stocks as
the portfolio weights are varied. - Example 1 (Perfect Negative Correlation)
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14- Now, for various weights, portfolio risk and
return can be calculated
15- Students are encouraged to prove that the
following portfolio standard deviations and
expected rates of return are indeed correct for
the weights given. - Note With perfect negative correlation, we can
create a riskless portfolio by taking positive
positions in both stocks.
16COMBINATION LINE(Perfect Negative Correlation)
Expected Rate of Return ()
xA .5, xB .5
xA -.3, xB 1.3
All (B)
xA .75, xB .25
xA 1.5, xB -.5
All (A)
Standard Deviation of Returns ()
17- Example 2 (Perfect Positive Correlation)
- E(rA) 5 E(rB) 11
- ?(rA) 2.236 ?(rB) 6.708
- Cov(rA,rB) 15 ?A,B 1.00
18- Note When the stocks standard deviations are
not equal and the stocks are perfectly positively
correlated, we can always create a riskless
portfolio by selling one of the two stocks short.
19COMBINATION LINE(Perfect Positive Correlation)
Expected Rate of Return ()
xA -.3, xB 1.3
xA .5, xB .5
All (B)
All (A)
xA 1.5, xB -.5
xA 1.75, xB -.75
Standard Deviation of Returns ()
20- Example 3 (Zero Correlation)
E(rA) 5 E(rB) 11 ?(rA) 2.236
?(rB) 6.708 Cov(rA,rB) 0 ?A,B 0
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22COMBINATION LINE(Zero Correlation)
Expected Rate of Return ()
xA -.3, xB 1.3
xA .5, xB .5
All (B)
xA .9, xB .1
All (A)
xA 1.5, xB -.5
Standard Deviation of Returns ()
- E(rp) is influenced by E(rj) and xj
- ?(rp) is influenced by ?(rj), ?j,k, and xj
- ?j,k determines the path between two securities
- Moving along the path occurs by varying the
Expected Rate of Return ()
? -1.00
Stock (B)
? 1.00
Stock (A)
? 0
Standard Deviation of Returns ()
25Combination Line Between a Risky Stock (or
Portfolio) and a Risk-Free Bond
- Example
- Risky Stock (A) E(rA) 10, ?(rA) 20
- Risk-Free Bond (B) E(rB) 6, ?(rB) 0
- Note on Risk
26Combination Line Between a Risky Stock (or
Portfolio) and a Risk-Free Bond (Continued)
27Combination Line When one of the Assets is
Expected Rate of Return ()
xA 1.5, xB -.5
xA 1.0, xB 0
xA .5, xB .5
xA 0, xB 1.0
Standard Deviation of Returns ()
28Combination Line Between a Risky Stock (or
Portfolio) and a Risk-Free Bond (Continued)
- Note When one of the two investments is
risk-free, the combination line is always a
straight line. - Lending When you buy a bond, you are lending
money to the issuer. - Borrowing Here, we assume that investors can
borrow money at the risk-free rate, and add to
their investment in the risky asset.