Title: Robust Combination of Local Controllers
1Robust Combination of Local Controllers
- Carlos Guestrin
- Dirk Ormoneit
- Stanford University
- Planning is central in real-world systems
- However, planning is hard
- Motion planning is PSPACE-hard Reif 79
- State and Action spaces are often continuous
- Uncertainty is ubiquitous
- Imprecise actuators
- Noisy sensors.
3Global versus Local Controllers
- Designing a global controller is hard, but
- Many real-world domains allow us to design good
local controllers with no global guarantees
How can we combine local controllers to obtain a
global solution ?
4Combining Local Controllers
- Randomized algorithm
- Nonparametric combination of local controllers
- Generalizes probabilistic roadmaps Hsu et
al.99 - stochastic domains
- Discounted MDPs
- Theoretical analysis
- Characterizing local goodness of controllers
- polynomial number of milestones is sufficient.
5Motion Planning Case
- Deterministic motion planning
- Given some start and goal configurations, find a
collision free path - Stochastic motion planning
- Given some start and goal configurations, find a
high probability of success path.
6Nonparametric Combination of Local Controllers
Use simulation to estimate quality of local
Quality prob. controller reaches neighbor
without collisions
7Nonparametric Combination of Local Controllers
8Finding a high success probability path
- Sample milestones uniformly at random
- X1, , XN-1
- Set start as X0 and goal as XN
- Simulation to estimate local connectivity
- Estimate pij for j in the K nearest neigbors of
i - Shortest path algorithm to find most probable
path from X0 to XN - Edge weights become log pij .
9Example Maximum Success Probability Path
10Example Maximum Success Probability Path
11What About Costs ?
- MDPs find path with lowest expected cost
- Implicit trade-off cost of hitting obstacles and
reward for goal - In Robotics, a successful path often more
important than a short path - Robotic museum guide
- Manufacturing
- Thus, we make the trade-off explicit
- What is the lowest cost path with success
probability of at least pmin ?
12Restricted Shortest Path
- Lowest cost path with success prob. at least
pmin - Restricted shortest path problem
- NP-hard, however, FPAS algorithms Hassin 92
- Dynamic programming algorithm
- Discretize pmin,1 into S1 values
- q(s) (pmin)s/S, s 0, , S
- V(s,xi) minimum cost-to-go starting at xi,
reaching goal with success probability at least
13ExamplesRestricted Shortest Paths
14ExamplesRestricted Shortest Paths
Success prob. 0.51 Path length 1.08
Success prob. 0.99 Path length 1.75
15Theoretical AnalysisCharacterizing quality of
local controllers
- Probabilistic roadmaps (PRMs) Hsu et al. 99
- Deterministic motion planning
- Characterize space as (?,?,?)-good
- Bound number of milestones
- Extension to stochastic domains
- Characterize space and controller as
RX points reachable using controller from X
with probability of success ? p
Space is (?,p)-good if Volume(RX) ? ? .
Volume(free space)
- For any ?gt0, a roadmap with N2?8ln(8/???)/??3/?
?2 milestones, with probability at least 1-?,
will contain a path between any two milestones in
the same connected component and this path will
have success probability of at least p 3/?1.
In words
- Complete with probability at least 1-?
- Number of milestones poly(ln(1/?), 1/?, 1/?,
1/?) - Final path has success probability of at least p
17Related Work
- Macro actions in discrete discounted MDPs
- Hauskrecht et al. 1998, Parr 1998
- Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRMs) for deterministic
motion planning - Hsu et al. 1999
- Continuous state, discrete actions discounted
MDPs - Rust 1997.
18Centralized Control of Two Holonomic Robots
19Centralized Control of Two Holonomic Robots
Success prob. 0.54 Total path length 2.79
205 dof Robot Arm
Success prob. 0.95 Path length 10.07
Success prob. 0.60 Path length 7.81
217 dof Snake
Most Success Probaility
Success prob. 0.96 Path length 27.0
Success prob. 0.11 Path length 15.4
- Algorithm for planning in stochastic domains with
continuous state and action spaces - Nonparametric combination of local controllers
- Motion planning
- Theoretical analysis quantifies local quality of
controllers - Proposed alternative objective function
- Qualitative and quantitative properties
demonstrated - Also applicable for discounted MDPs
- Describe methods for robustly combining local