Title: Recruiting the iPod Generation
1Recruiting the iPod Generation
- Jim Crone
- Electronic Communications Manager
- Bradley University
- Peoria, ILE-mail jcrone_at_bradley.edu
- May 3, 2006
2PowerPoint Download
3History of Admissions Tech
- Pre-Technology EraBeginning of Time
Mid-1990s - Web 1.0Mid-90s 2004
- Web 2.02004 Present
4Web 2.0
- Web 2.0 generally refers to a second generation
of services available on the World Wide Web that
let people collaborate, and share information
online.To some extent Web 2.0 is a
buzzword, incorporating whatever is newly popular
on the Web (such as tags and podcasts), and its
meaning is still in flux.From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0
5Web 2.0 Themes
- Interactivity
- Read/Write
- Place of Business
- Personalization
- More Mediums/Devices
- Loss of Control
6Web 2.0 Technologies
- Personalized Web Site
- Blog
- RSS Feed
- Podcast
- Text Message (SMS)
- Online Social Network
- Wiki
7Personalized Web Site
- Released Oct. 05
- Every prospect given an account
- Over 2,500 active users
- Linked to prospect/ applicant database
- Take a tour.
8Personalized Web Site
- SFSinteractive
- Released Feb. 05
- Financial Assistance Awarding
- Payment Plan Simulation
- Bill Payment
- Take a tour
- A weblog (usually shortened to blog, but
occasionally spelled web log) is a web-based
publication consisting primarily of periodic
articles (normally in reverse chronological
order)Some blogs function as online
diaries. A typical blog combines text, images,
and links to other blogs, web pages, and other
media related to its topic.From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog
- Admissions Marketing
- Lewis Clarke Collegewww.lclark.edu/org/students
- Bradley Universityadmissions.bradley.edu/freshman
- Personal
- School Hosted
- Online Blog Service
- I'd had a headache ever since I had to keep
chewing my gum because i couldnt get up and spit
it out during the long long lecture from the
admissions staff at Bradley University. I hate
those kinds of headaches. but i loooove Bradley.
Nice little campus. Everything you'd ever need in
walking distance. Nice dorms. Nice People. Good
programs. yay!Livejournal user ttragickingdom
- I am now in a dorm room at Bradley University.
This place is so bangin. I am participating in a
special weekend for those who have been offered
admission to Bradley Unversity. I am now 15000
sure that I will be attending Bradley in the
fall.myspace.com User Blog
13RSS Feed
- RSS is a family of web feed formats, specified
in XML and used for Web syndicationWeb
feeds provide web content or summaries of web
content together with links to the full versions
of the content, and other metadata.From
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/
14RSS Feed
15RSS Feed
16RSS Feed
17RSS Feed
- Feed Aggregator
- Portal (My MSN, My Yahoo)
- E-mail Client Plug-in (Attensa for Outlook)
- Web Service (Bloglines)
- Web Browser Plug-in (Sage)
- Combination Service
- Podcasting is the method of distributing
multimedia files, such as audio programs or music
videos, over the Internet for playback on mobile
devices and personal computersPodcasting's
essence is about creating content (audio or
video) for an audience that wants to listen or
watch when they want, where they want, and how
they want.From Wikipedia, the free
Content Producer
Content Producer
Content Producer
22Text Message (SMS)
- Short Message Service (SMS) is a service
available on most digital mobile phones that
permits the sending of short messages (also known
as text messages, or more colloquially SMSes,
texts or even txts) between mobile phones, other
handheld devices and even landline
telephones.From Wikipedia, the free
23Text Message (SMS)
- Example
- Creighton University
- Bradleys Take
- Individual Counselor to Student Messages
- Bulk Messages
24Online Social Network
- A social network is a social structure made of
nodes which are generally individuals or
organizationsSocial networking also refers
to a category of Internet applications to help
connect friends, business partners, or other
individuals together using a variety of tools.
These applications, known as online social
networks are becoming increasingly
popular.From Wikipedia, the free
25Online Social Network
- MySpace.comNov. 2004 4.9 millionNov. 2005
26.7 million
- Facebook.comNov. 2004 N/ANov. 2005 11.1
Teens hang out at MySpace, Janet Kornblum, USA
TODAY http//www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2006-01-0
26Online Social Network
- Mark Kingdons Recommendations
- 1. Respect the community. These are clubs where
you arent necessarily welcome, says the CEO of
marketing agency, Organic. So learn the unwritten
rules Dont intrude on conversations in a way
that irritates members, dont divert users to
other sites, and dont disguise yourself.
The power of TheirSpace, Brian Niles, An E-mail
Minute http//blogs.targetx.com/targetx/emailminu
27Online Social Network
- Mark Kingdons Recommendations
- 2. Engage people, dont advertise. Forget banner
ads, says Kingdon. Instead, connect with people
by offering advice about college search,
admissions hurdles and financial aid issues.
Showcase your institution by offering something
of value to the community.
The power of TheirSpace, Brian Niles, An E-mail
Minute http//blogs.targetx.com/targetx/emailminu
28Online Social Network
- Mark Kingdons Recommendations
- 3. Get ready for a wild ride. Expect irreverent
and profane content. And expect to get flamed
a searing message in response to your content or
institution. Think carefully before posting a
rebuttal, explanation or even apology, advises
Kingdon, since that can further inflame the
The power of TheirSpace, Brian Niles, An E-mail
Minute http//blogs.targetx.com/targetx/emailminu
- A wiki is a type of website that allows users to
easily add, remove, or otherwise edit all
content, very quickly and easily, sometimes
without the need for registration. This ease of
interaction and operation makes a wiki an
effective tool for collaborative writing. The
term wiki is a shortened form of wiki wiki which
is from the native language of Hawaii (Hawaiian),
where it is commonly used as an adjective to
denote something "quick" or "fast" (Hawaiian
dictionary).From Wikipedia, the free
- Wikipedia
- wikipedia.org
- Over 1,100,000 entries
- Constantly changing
- Examples
- Wikipedia entry for Bradley Universityen.wikipedi
a.org/wiki/Bradley_University - Wikipedia entry for NACACen.wikipedia.org/wiki/NA
- Jim CroneElectronic Communications
ManagerBradley UniversityPeoria, ILE-mail
jcrone_at_bradley.edu - PowerPoint Downloadadmissions.bradley.edu/go/iaca