1Workshop on the Development of ASEAN Short-Term
By Try Sothearith
Sponsored by UNSD, ESCAP and ASEAN
Secretariat 6-10 August 2001, Bangkok
2- Industry Establishment Survey
- Methodology and Survey Design
- Statistical Development Plan
3NIS National Institute of Statistics
- Principle Agency of the Government
- Conducting Surveys and Censuses
- - Data Collection,Compilation, Analysis, and
- Publication and Dissemination of Statistical
- Data and Information
Statistical Data Collection are
- - Socio-Econominc condition of the poeple
- Estsablishment and Price Statistics
- Social and Demographic Statistics
- And other related services within
- Kingdom of Cambodia
4NIS Editing, Compiling, Analysing and
Surveys and Cencuses NIS and Ministries
Administrative Data Ministries and Agencies
Administrative Data Provincial Level
5- For planning and policy formulation of the
government and private sector as well as the
International Organization.
- Provide a Scientific Methodology and Key
- Indicator for the Stattistical Development
- Provide Both Local and Foreign Readers with
- Comprehensive Statistical and Other
- Informations
- Use for the Compilation of National Account
Survey of Establishments, SE 1995
- Introduction
- - The first SE in 1993
- - The second series of the annual SE in 1995
- - The SE 1995 expanded to cover four more
- sectors in addition to Industrial sector
namely - Construction,
- Wholesale Trade,
- Transportation and
- Hotel Establishments
- - The survey conducted by NIS and sponsored by
- the UNDP and ADB
7- Mining and Quarrying
- Manufacturing and Electricity
- Gas and Water
The data collected establishment reported
covered the operations of the establishment for
the calendar year 1995.
8- The sampling unit used is the establishment
- An establishment is defined as an economic unit
- Under a ownership or control
- (under the single legal entity)
- - One kind of economic activity at a single
- fixed location
9- The frame used for each sector and the procedure
as follow
- Industrial Establishments
- Updated frame used 1993 SE list of est.
- Prepared by NIS
- Comparing the NIS list with the list of MIME
- - Establishment list which were not in the 1993
NIS list were included in the latter and were
assigned establishment control numbers (ECN).
10- Costruction Establishments
- The frame used was the list provided by the
Department of Construction and - Updated by the conduct of listing operation by NIS
- Transportation Establishments
- The frame used was the list provided by the
Department of Transportation and - Updated by the conduct of listing operation by NIS
11- Wholesale Trade Establishments
- The frame used was the register of trade provided
by the Ministry of Commerc
- The frame used was the list of hotels provided by
the Ministry of Tourism - Updated by the conduct of listing operation by NIS
12- Used a stratified simple random sample
- For the industry sector, the establishment were
stratified by 3-digit 1990 ISIC Code and by
employment size ü Manufacturing ATE 50 and
over 100 ü Manufacturing ATE 20 49
50 ü Manufacturing ATE 10 19 25
13- Hotel establishments were stratified by number
of rooms ü 71 and over rooms 100 ü 31
70 rooms 50 ü below 30 rooms
- - Construction, Electricity and Water, and
Transportation completely enumerated - Wholesale trading units were sample using the
Simple Random Sampling (SRS) methods (N 100 est.)
14Items of Inquiry
- Common major items collected
- ü Economic activity or business
- ü Period of operation
- ü Legal Organization
- ü Economic Organization
- ü Percentage of Foreign Capital Participation
- ü Number of Person Engaged
- ü Compensation
- ü Receipt (Income)
- ü Cost
- ü Indirect Tax and Subsidies
- ü Value of Stocks
- ü Fixed Assets
15- Survey operation prepare by NIS with
- technical assistance of ADB project staff
- Training on survey operations conduct
- by NIS participated in by selected staff
- Ministry of Industry Mine and Energy
- Provincial statistics services
- Method of data collection
- Personal interview
- Left questionnaire with Establishment
- and Collected after 10 days
16- Used the 1990 (ISIC) 3-digit ISIC
- Training on manual data editing conduct
- for the selected NIS staff
- Field and Office Verification
- Pre Computer Data Processig
17- Data Entry
- Verification
- Machine Editing and Tabulation
18- Broblem For Administrative Data Used
- Traditional Data Collection
- Solution Set-up Streering Commitee
- (Concern Line-Ministries and ADB)
- Statistical Problem Solving
- Time Line for Adm. Data Collection
- Standard Table Format
19- Broblem Large Number of Nonresponses
- Lack of Statistical Law
- Lack Knowledge on the Statistical
- Data Collection Purposes
- Solution
- NIS Establish Statistical Law
- Educate and Explane to the People
- Broblem
- Experience still Limited
- Finacial Suport
20- Cover in Phnom Penh Area only
- Industry 50 Establishment
- Hotels 50 Establishment
- Purpose
- For the Use of NA Purpose Only
- Broblem
- Data Very Limited and Not Enough
- Information to Compile and produce
- SE Quarterly Data
- Continue Discuss and Improvement on
- SE Survey Operation and Methodology
- Development and Conduct of SE 2001 in
- the year 2002
- Conduct SE Quarterly Survey starting
- 2002
22- ASEAN Country
- ü Learning Experience
- ü Adoption of Appropriate Methodology Used
- ü Coordination of ASEAN Secretariat
- Enhance a closer co-operation between the
- Royal Government of Cambodia and funding
- agencies including the UN and the
- Development banks, in ensuring a greater
- investment in Statistical Development
23Thank You Very Much