Title: EBI: Weve Got the Results Now What
1EBI Weve Got the Results!Now What?
- Michael Scales
- Brandon Ice
2Session Agenda
- Overview of the EBI
- Key factors in student satisfaction
- Review data
- Suggestions for future initiatives
- Questions
3Educational Benchmarking, Inc.
- Measures the effectiveness of housing program
from students perspective - Based on ACUHO-I/CAS professional standards
- 3 Levels of Value
- Internal Analysis
- External Comparison
- Longitudinal Analysis
4The Assessment
- 3 Major Indicators of Satisfaction
- Resident Satisfaction Overall resident
satisfaction - Learning Outcomes Overall learning experience
- Full Resident Experience Overall program
effectiveness Full resident experience - 10 Institution Specific Questions
5Each indicator is comprised of several factors
6The 19 factors
- Satisfaction Hall/Apt Student Staff
- Satisfaction Hall/Apt Programming
- Satisfaction Room/Floor Environment - 4th
Predictor - Satisfaction Facilities
- Satisfaction Services Provided
- Satisfaction Room Assignment or Change Process
- 3rd Predictor - Satisfaction Safety and Security
- Satisfaction Dining Services - 2nd Predictor
- Climate Fellow Residents are Tolerant
- Climate Fellow Residents are Respectful
- Climate Sense of Community
- Learning Outcomes Personal Interactions - 1st
Predictor - Learning Outcomes Diverse Interactions
- Learning Outcomes Manage Time, Study, Solve
Problems - 5th Predictor - Learning Outcomes Personal Growth
- Satisfaction College/University
- Overall Resident Satisfaction
- Overall Learning Experience
- Overall Program Effectiveness Full Residence
Dependant Variable
7Fall 2008 Surveyn1740/5079 or 34.1
- Gender
- Race/Ethnicity
- Year in school
- Cum GPA
- Average number of hours studied per week
- Number of hours worked per week
- Transfer status
- Alcohol consumption behavior per event
- Alcohol consumption behavior per week
- Alcohol consumption beliefs
- Participation in designated academic community
Opportunities for cross-tabulations
8Results - Overview
9Results - Longitudinal
Not predictors of overall effectiveness
Dependant Variable
10Full Resident Experience
11Where should Temple Focus Efforts
Best use of resources
12Dining Services (Mean - 4.79)
- Concerns
- Students typically get tired of the food at some
point - Lack of options and proximity to facilities
depending on what part of campus you live on - Concerns with the cost and variety of meal plans
- Responses
- Renovated facility with have a positive impact on
perceptions of the dining experience - Different meal concepts will be well received
- Reduce the number of years students can live on
campus - Increase dining options
- New facilities will enhance dining options, such
as a possible new facility at Anderson Mezzanine
14Room/Floor Environment (Mean - 5.19)
- Concerns
- Overcrowding
- Unrealistic expectations
- With technology, students are doing more things
in their rooms, resulting in increased noise - Staff skills and training
- Physical building
- Responses
- Improve student to staff ratio
- Improve training
- More strict rules and greater accountability for
violators - Assist students develop realistic expectations
- Community Standards
16Room Assignment or Change Process (Mean - 5.22)
- Concerns
- Significant disparity in the range of housing
options available on campus - Students are only allowed to live on campus for
first 2 years - MyHousing may be too cumbersome
- Room change process is rigid for administrative
purposes - Unrealistic student expectations
- Responses
- Development of strategic plan to create more beds
and diverse housing options - Develop more streamlined assignment process
- Develop options that are more customer service
18Moving in the Right Direction
- We are doing well despite not meeting our goals
19Opportunities for Collaboration
- Expanded collaborations with dining services
including sharing of EBI data - Site visits to comparison institutions for Best
Practices - Secure additional residence halls
- Expand partnering opportunities with Office of
Facilities Management - Human resources to examine staffing models
- Others?
21Thank you!
- Michael Scales Brandon Ice
- University Housing Residential Life
- 215.204.7184