Title: FGDC Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee
1FGDC Marine and Coastal Spatial Data
Subcommittee Chair Anne Hale Miglarese, NOAA
2Federal Geographic Data Committee
The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
is an interagency committee, organized in 1990
under OMB Circular A-16, that promotes the
coordinated use, sharing and dissemination of
geospatial data on a national basis.
3(No Transcript)
4MISSION Support and Promote the Marine and
Coastal National Spatial Data Infrastructure
5The Vision of Coastal NSDI
Current and accurate geospatial coastal and ocean
data will be readily available to contribute
locally, nationally, and globally to economic
growth, environmental quality and stability, and
social progress.
6MCSD Subcommittees Role
- Standards development
- Outreach
- Technology transfer
- Partnerships
- Coastal and Marine Data Stewardship
- hydrographic data, including all nautical
charting and bathymetric data - shoreline data
- marine cadastral data
- coastal remote sensing data
- benthic (ocean floor data)
7Building the Marine and Coastal Framework
Cadastral (Parcels/Boundaries)
Elevation and Bathymetry
Geodetic Control
Governmental Units
Orthoimagery (DOQ)
8MCSD Subcommittee MeetingCoastal GeoTools
Purpose To bring together Federal, State, Local
and Private sector participants in the Coastal
Priorities/ Work Items
1. Push for an offshore Cadastre as a framework
data set through the rewrite of OMB Circular
A-16. 2. Initiate the development of and FGDC
Marine Boundary Working Group. 3.
Development of "products" that document the
process associated with the Topo/Bathy
project. 4. Dedicate resources to keeping the
funding page updated. 5. Explore the development
of 3D/4D and marine and coastal data
models. 6. Prototype an intelligent nautical
9Accomplishments- 2001
- Marine Cadastre has been included as a
framework data - set in the revised version of OMB Circular
A-16. - Initiated the development of an FGDC Marine
Boundary - Working Group (two meetings have been held)
- Participated in initial meetings to develop
marine and - coastal ArcGIS data models.
- Held four, two-day metadata workshops.
- Conducted two Subcommittee meetings.
- Continued development of a national shoreline
data base. - Shoreline Profile of the FGDC metadata standard
was - endorsed in June 2001.
- Continued to develop the Hydrographic Data
Content - Standard for Inland and Coastal Waterways
10Accomplishments- 2001
- Continued to develop the Hydrographic Data
Accuracy - Standard (standard has completed public
review). - NOAA and the USGS completed the Topo/Bathy pilot
project - in Tampa Bay designed to produce a
high-resolution, - seamless digital database, from elevation down
to - bathymetry, including the shoreline.
- Continued to maintain and build an Email
directory of over - 400 GIS experts working in the coastal zone.
- Held a special meeting of the MCSD Subcommittee
at the - Coastal GeoTools conference to bring together
state, local - and private sector interests in the NSDI.
11Web Page
122002 Work Plan
- Priorities
- New Ideas
- State and local collaboration
- Marine and Coastal Framework Standards
- Data Models
13Recent FGDC Activities
- Tribal GIS Working Group
- Contact Ed Liu (Liu.Ed_at_epamail.epa.gov)
- Geospatial Applications and Interoperability
- Working Group
- Contact Marge Cole (cole_at_gst.com)
- Homeland Security Working Group
- Contact Alison Kiernan
(akiernan_at_usgs.gov) - Civil Imagery and Remote Sensing Task Force
- NSDI 2002 Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP)
- Announcement Late October, 2001