Title: Chinese Dragons
1Chinese Dragons
By Mohamed
2The Dragon personality
The dragon person is self confident and impulsive
and consequ- tly does notalways listen to adivice
of others. He is also a perfe- tection and he
sets high standerds for him self
1916-Fire dragon 1928-Earth Dragon 1940-Metal
dragon 1952-Water dragon 1964-Wood
dragon 1976-Fire dragon 1988-Earth dragon
2000-Metal dragon 2012-Water dragon
4The Dragon personality
Fire Dragon The Fire Dragon is the most
extroverted and competitive dragon.
Wood DragonThe wood Dragon is creative,Imaginativ
e,and inquisitive.He is both a thinker and a doer
and is capable of brilliant new concepts.
EARTH DRAGON The earth dragon is a quieter,more
reflecitive dragon. Hes inflexable unbending
and combative.
5Oriental Dragons
Oriental dragons are associated with water. They
live underwater and in burrows in mountains.
6Dragons fear
Iron dragon are afraid of iron because you can
supposedly slay a dragon with a magical iron
sword,needle,or wand.
This is a picture of a dragon and a tiger
7Gilded Bronze Dragon
This is a Gilded Bronze Dragon.
Dragons are a most important part of the Chinese
8Thank you for listening to Mohamed speak