Title: Sports Week
1Sports Week!
2So Whats It all about?
We aim to encourage students to do more sport and
therefore get fitter and then join clubs that
they wouldnt have before. Not only is this a
competition it is also a chance to include
everyone in 5 different sports! This would not
only benefit the students but also extra
curricular clubs and sports clubs in the Maldon
3How its Gonna Work!
We have sorted forms into teams (refer to
The Teams sheet). These teams will then be
playing each other. (refer to Timetable) The
winner of the whole event will be awarded
certificates and of course the satisfaction of
winning. The teachers whom we have
selected are allocated a sport in which they will
referee. To make sure they are commited we have
created a contract which they will agree to
- The sports were going to include are
- Football
- Basketball
- Dodge ball
- Cricket
- Hockey
5The Teachers
- The Teachers that we have selected to be involved
are - Mr Rose
- Mr Bollan
- Miss Eastbrook
- Mrs Daniels
- Mr Ainscough
6What's Their Part?
Mr Rose Dodge Ball Miss Eastbrook
Basketball Mr Bollan Football Mrs
Daniels Hockey Mr Ainscough Cricket
7So What Do
you think of
Sports Week?