Title: Summary
Genetic Drift
Gene Flow
2Genetic Basis for Evolution
3How does DNA work?
4Mutational Errors during DNA Replication Repair
- Most NB mutations are those occurring in
production - of gametes
- Various kinds of mutations occur e.g.
- 1. Point mutation
- 2. Frame-shift mutations
- 3. Chunks of chromosome
- The rates of mutation can be measured estimated
5Diploid organisms inherit a double set of genes
- DNA is physically carried on chromosomes
- Gene is smallest unit of inheritance
- 2 sets of chromosomes diploidy
- Gametes have one set i.e. haploid (formed by
meiosis) - Different forms of genes alleles
6Population Genetics is concerned with Genotype
Gene Frequencies
- Genes genotypes are symbolized by alphabetic
letters - e.g. 2 alleles (A a) occur at a locus then
individual can - have three genotypes AA, Aa aa
- If alleles same (e.g. AA or aa) homozygous
- If alleles differ (e.g. Aa) heterozygous
- Genotype at locus produces a phenotype
7Population Genetics is concerned with Genotype
Gene Frequencies
- Theory of pop genetics at one locus
- e.g. one genetic locus with 2 alleles (A a)
- and 3 genotypes (AA, Aa, and aa)
- Total population Aa AA aa aa AA Aa AA Aa
- Genotype frequencies
- Frequency of AA 3/8 0.375
- Frequency of Aa 3/8 0.375
- Frequency of aa 2/8 0.25
- Can symbolize genotype frequencies algebraically
- Genotype AA Aa aa
- Frequency P Q R
8Population Genetics is concerned with Genotype
Gene Frequencies
- Theory of pop genetics at one locus
- e.g. one genetic locus with 2 alleles (A a)
- and 3 genotypes (AA, Aa, and aa)
- Total population Aa AA aa aa AA Aa AA Aa
- Gene frequencies
- Frequency of A 9/16 0.5625
- Frequency of a 7/16 0.4375
- Can symbolize gene frequencies algebraically
- Genotype A a
- Frequency p q
- (In strict sense p q are allele frequencies)
9Population Genetics is concerned with Genotype
Gene Frequencies
- Gene frequencies can be calculated from
- genotype frequencies
- p P ½Q
- q R ½Q
- Genotype frequencies CANNOT be calculated
- from gene frequencies
10Genotype frequencies in absence of selection
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Genotype AA Aa
aa Frequency p2 2pq
q2 (see page 94 97, M. Ridley)
11Assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
- No selection
- Random mating
- 3. Large population size
12Test if genotypes in population are at
Harvey-Weinberg Equilibrium
- Count the genotype frequencies
- Calculate the gene frequencies
- If observed homozygote frequencies (gene
freq.)2 - then population is in Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium - (see p98, Ridley)
13Simplest Model of Selection One Favoured Allele
at a locus
Genotype Chance of
survival AA, Aa 1 aa
1 s s
selection coefficient (between 1 0) i.e. if s
0.1, then aa individuals have 90 chance of
survival The chance of survival fitness of
14Simplest Model of Selection One Favoured Allele
at a locus
NB alleles dont increase just because they are
dominant! Changes in gene frequency are set by
the fitnesses If the recessive allele has a
higher fitness, it will increase and the dominant
allele will decrease in frequency
15How Rapidly will the Population Change in Time?
Gene frequency of A (p) in 1 generation i.t.o.
its frequency in the previous generation (p)
?p p p
__spq2__ (1-
16Three Methods to Estimate Fitness
- Measure the relative survival of the genotypes
- within a generation
- e.g. mark-recapture experiments
Peppered moth (Biston betularia)
17Three Methods to Estimate Fitness
2. Measure changes in gene frequencies between
generations then substitute measurements
into formula
?p p p
__spq2__ (1-
18Three Methods to Estimate Fitness
3. Use deviations of genotype frequencies from
the Hardy-Weinberg ratios. NB can only
be used when the gene frequencies in the
population are constant between birth
adulthood Thus, cannot be used if expect
directional selection against a
disadvantageous gene
Sickle cell anemia
19Selection can Favour Polymorphism if Heterozygote
Fitter than Homozygote
Genotype AA Aa aa Fitness
1 - s 1 1 t chance of
death of A gene chance of death of a gene
ps qt
ps (1 p)t
p t / (s t) (See Table 5.9,
20(No Transcript)
- In absence of NS, and with random mating in large
population the genotype frequencies at locus
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium - 2. In nature not H-W equilibrium because
fitnesses of genotypes not equal, mating is
non-random, and/or population small - 3. Theoretical equation of NS at single locus
frequency of gene in 1 generation as function of
its frequency in next - 4. The above relation is determined by fitnesses
of genotypes
5. Selection can maintain polymorphism when
heterozygote is fitter than homozygote