Title: Commodities Futures Price Prediction An Artificial Intelligence Approach
1Commodities Futures Price Prediction An
Artificial Intelligence Approach
2Commodities Markets
- Commodity
- A good that can be processed and resold
- Examples corn, rice, silver, coal
- Spot Market
- Futures Market
3Futures Markets
- Origin
- Motivation
- Hedgers
- Producers
- Consumers
- Speculators
- Size and scope
- CBOT (2002)
- 260 million contracts
- 47 different products
4Profit in the Futures Market
- Information
- Supply
- Optimal production
- Weather
- Labor
- Pest damage
- Demand
- Industrial
- Consumer
- Time series analysis
5Time Series Analysis - Background
- Time Series examples
- River flow and water levels
- Electricity demand
- Stock prices
- Exchange rates
- Commodities prices
- Commodities futures prices
- Patterns
6Time Series Analysis - Methods
- Linear regression
- Non-linear regressions
- Rule based systems
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Genetic Algorithms
- Daily price data for soybean futures
- Chicago Board of Trade
- Jan. 1, 1980 Jan. 1, 1990
- Datastream
- Normalized
8Why use an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)?
- Excellent pattern recognition
- Other uses of ANN and financial time series
analysis - Estimate generalized option pricing formula
- Standard Poors 500 index futures day trading
system - Standard Poors 500 futures options prices
9ANN Implementation
- Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator, version 4.2
- Resilient propagation (RPROP)
- Improvement over standard back propagation
- Uses only the sign of the error derivative
- Weight decay
- Parameters
- Number of inputs 10 and 100
- Number of hidden nodes 5, 10, 100
- Weight decay 5, 10, 20
- Initial weight range /- 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125,
10ANN Data Sets
- Training set Jan. 1, 1980 May 2, 1983
- Testing set May 3, 1983 Aug. 29, 1986
- Validation set Sept. 2, 1986 Jan. 1, 1990
11ANN Results
- Mean Error
- 100 input
- 12.00
- 24.93
- 10 input
- 10.62
- 25.88
- Cents per bushel
12Why Evolve the parameters of an ANN?
- Selecting preferred parameters is a difficult
poorly understood task - Search space is different for each task
- Trial and error is time consuming
- Evolutionary techniques provide powerful search
capabilities for finding acceptable network
13Genetic Algorithm - Implementation
- Galib, version 4.5 (MIT)
- Custom code to implement RPROP with weight decay
- Real number representation
- Number of input nodes (1 100)
- Number of hidden nodes (1 100)
- Initial weight range (0.0625 2.0)
- Initial step size (0.0625 1.0)
- Maximum step size (10 75)
- Weight decay (0 20)
14Genetic Algorithm Implementation (continued)
- Roulette wheel selection
- Single point crossover
- Gausian random mutation
- High mutation rate
15Evaluation Function
- Decode the parameters and instantiate a network
using them - Train the ANN for 1000 epochs
- Report the lowest total sum of squared error for
both training and testing data sets - Fitness equals the inverse of the total error
16Parameter Evolution - Results
- GANN Mean error 10.82
- NN Mean error 10.62
- Conclusions
- GANN performance is close and out performs the
majority of networks generated via trial and
error - Genotype / Phenotype issue
- Other, possibly better GA techniques
- Multipoint crossover
- Tournament selection
17Evolving the Weights of an ANN
- Avoid local minima
- Avoid tedious trial and error search for learning
parameters - Perform search of broad, poorly understood
solution space and maximize the values for
function parameters
18Weight evolution - Implementation
- Galib, version 4.5 (MIT)
- Custom written neural network code
- Real number representation
- Gausian Mutation
- Two point crossover
- Roulette wheel selection
19Weight Evolution objective function
- Instantiate a neural network with the weight
vector (I.e. the individual) - Feed one epoch of the training data
- Fitness equals the inverse of the sum of the
squared network error returned
20Weight Evolution keeping the best individual
- Fitness function evaluates against training set
only - Objective function evaluates against training set
as well, but only for retention of candidate best
network - Meta-fitness, or meta-elite individual
21Weight Evolution - Results
- Mean Error
- GANN-Weight 10.67
- GANN 10.82
- NN 10.61
- Much faster
- Fewer man hours
- Pure ANN approach is very man hour intensive and
expert experience is valuable - Evolving network parameters requires few man
hours, but many hours of computational resources. - Evolving the network weights provides most of the
performance for smaller cost in both human and
computer time