Title: Workplace Counselling : Organisational Interventions
1Workplace Counselling Organisational
- The concept of employee assistance
- Stressors in the Workplace
- Stress-related absence
- Organisational responsibility for stress
management - Creating a healthy workplace
3The Concept of Employee Assistance
- early 1900s welfare provision
- 1920s industrial psychiatry
- Mayo (1936) a happy worker is a productive
worker - 1940s Employee Assistance
- Characteristics of early Employee Assistance
- aim employee regulation
- welfare team psychiatrists, social workers,
occupational psychologists and personnel officers - peripheral
- curative medical model
4Characteristics of Contemporary Approaches to
Employee Assistance
- Political pressure legislation (Health Safety
Executive, 1995) happy productive has led
to .... - Employee Assistance as a philosophy (Carroll,
1994) - Mental Health Counselling EAPs
- US litigation for cases of emotional damage,
stress-related illness (Carroll, 1996) - prevention better than cure
5Stress in the WorkplaceHow bad is it ?...
- Economic health employee ill-health (-ve
correlation) - Dutch Bureau for Social Statistics (SCP), 2000
5-15 pop. of Western European countries receive
social security benefits (UK approx. 10) - 1 in 3 unable to work due to mental grounds
(90 suffering exogenous reaction) - 30-60 of all sickness from work in UK due to
some form of mental/emotional disturbance (Health
Safety Executive,1998) 40 million working days
per year. - Mental Health Foundation (2000)
- 4 billion pounds lost annually
- line mgrs 75 felt anyone could suffer from
stress at some time - Most common musculoskeletal disorders
(back-problems) then work-related stress
6What is Stress ?
- stress as an outside stimulus (traditional/early
view) - stress as an internal response
- Cannon (1930s) first to link stress to
disease/physiological responses (animal, human
lab studies) - Selyle (1946) first to look at the process of
development of illness through stress 3 stages
- alarm reaction(lowered resistance
counter-shock gt defense mechanisms) ...
resistance (coping strategies) ... exhaustion
(adaptive mechanisms collapse)
7Causes of Stress Theory
- Cumming Cooper (1979) type of P x E model
- individuals try to keep their world steady
- each factor of a persons emotional and physical
world has a range in which that person feels
comfortable - the individuals behaviour which is aimed at
maintaining this state coping strategies - Smith et al (1978) stress occurs in all
occupations - NB. occupational differences (caring
professions, medics, PSYCHIATRISTS!!) gender
differences (men affected 2x women, although
women increasing)
- Adams (1963) Equity Theory
- High/systemic imbalance between employee
investments (time effort) employee
rewards - External vs Internal Investments
- External vs Internal Rewards
- Burnout ltltlt high external effort low internal
reward (Bosma et al, 1998 Evans Fisher,1993
Siegrist, 1996) - Roe Zijlstra (2000)
- increasing intensification of the working day
- work demands life demands
- N.B. Individual differences in peoples
interpretations of events hardy personality
9Causes of Stress Research
- Cooper et al (1988) 5 categories of work stress
- 1. Factors Intrinsic to Job
- hours of work (long hours, shift work) working
conditions (heat, light, noise) risk and danger
new technology work overload work underload - 2. Role in the Organisation
- role ambiguity (more stress when high ambiguity),
role conflict (job role job role, job role
other), level of responsibility (for people or
things Wardwell (64) for people is more
stressful than for things) - 3. Relationships at Work
- the importance of social support (Lazarus, 66
Cartwright Cooper, 97)
10Cooper et al (1988), continued...
- 4. Career Development
- - job security development (high nAch)
- - retirement (role transition i.e. roleless
role) - - job performance and appraisal
- - unemployment (e.g. Fryer Payne, 86 low
happiness, low self esteem and poor psychological
well-being Eisenberg 38 Model of reaction to
unemployment stage one shock, stage two
optimism, stage three pessimism) - 5. Organisational Structure Climate
- Lack of autonomy and freedom (Career Anchors)
11Consequences of Stress
- Individual
- physical coronary heart disease, backache,
migraine, skin complaints, respiratory disorders,
stomach ulcers etc.etc.! - psychological decrease in job performance
(Yerkes-Dodson Law) depression panic attacks
etc etc. - Organisational
- Quick Quick (1984) absenteeism and turnover
- loss to organisations almost half of lost
employees salary - By 1970s absenteeism cost more to industry than
strikes and work stoppages - Litigation and Health Care Costs
- Societal economic and social consequences
12Indicators of Individual Stress
- Increase in unexplained absences or sick leave
- Poor performance
- Poor timekeeping
- Increased consumption of alcohol, tobacco,
caffeine (drug taking) - Headaches/Backaches
- Withdrawal from social contact
- Poor judgement/indecisiveness
- Constant fatigue
- Unusual displays of emotion
- Indicators of Group Stress increased bickering,
high staff turnover, increased grievances and
13N.B. The Criterion Problem Diagnosing
stress-related illness
- Relevant information is not registered
- Differences in procedures/legislation
- Unclear diagnostic criteria (International
Classification of Impairments, Diseases and
Handicaps - no international definition of
stress as a medical condition)
14Stress-Related Absence
- Absence figures absence due to - own illness,
injury, medical problems, childcare problems,
family/personal obligations, civil/military duty,
maternity/paternity leave. - Not included vacation, personal development
days, industrial action - and anything else not
given above. - N.B. Multiple job-holders
- Absence Rate No. workers with absences No.
workers in full-time employment (e.g. 25 100
1 in 4) - Absenteeism Rate Total no. lost working days /
no. workers in workforce x no. working days) x
100 - CBI survey 1996 - 187 million lost days (12bn)
- static among manual staff, increased by 2 days
(on average) in non-manual workers (N.B. manual
staff more) - public sector vs private sector (although gap
15How organisations perceive stress-related absence
- 98 said sickness absence genuine
- 20 increase in orgs using sickness record as a
selection criteria for redundancy - Traditionally, orgs responded to prolonged
absence by disciplinary process/termination. Now
- employee legislation prevents termination. - Organisations as Ostriches!
- Organisational costs of stress-related absences
- ? overtime payments, training efforts, insurance
premiums, admin. responsibilities, salary paid
for no work performance, disruption in normal
workflow - ? morale, safety risks, productivity, quality of
16Organisational Economic correlates of employee
- low unemployment
- growing organisation
- high employee turnover
- unionized organisation
- overtime pay available
- low wages
- employees have short tenure
17Creating a Healthy Workplace
- The individual and the organisation need to
- be aware and accept a problem exists (individual
is not incompetent, org. must monitor
sick/turnover rates) - identify and isolate the problem (stress diaries,
stress audits - employee satisfaction surveys) - attempt to change the problem in a way that is
mutually beneficial - or find appropriate coping
strategy - monitor and review the outcome of the strategy
18Cures for Stress
- Employee Assistance Programmes
- Are employee rather than org. directed - focus
on changing individuals behaviour (not stressors
in the work environment) - Feldman (1991) 75 of Fortune 5000
organisations use EAPs - Content of EAPs on-site fitness facilities,
relaxation classes, counselling.... - Evaluation of EAPs Organisations like them as
lead to significant financial benefits (due to
decreased absenteeism) do not disrupt
business present a high profile means whereby
org. is seen to be doing something about stress
19Stress Management Training Content
- Behaviour Modification techniques
- Health promotion (e.g. gym membership)
- Counselling
- Cognitive Approach maladaptive thinking
- e.g. Rational Emotive Therapy - challenge
irrational thoughts - Humanistic-Phenomenological Approach
- e.g. Q-Sort piles describing ideal vs
current self. - Encounter Groups hug me, man
- Erhard Seminars training 250 people in a field
shouting at each other
20Evaluation of Employee Assistance
- Reynolds et al (1993) SMT gt decreased
self-report of stress, and psychological indices
of strain - no improvement in job satisfaction,
work stress, blood pressure - Allison et al (1988) Counselling gt improved
mental health - no improvement in job
satisfaction or organisational commitment - Ivancevitch et al (1988) Fitness Programmes gt
70 failed to maintain the programme after
21Changing the sources of workplace stress
prevention rather than cure
- Elkin Rosch (1990) 10 strategies
include.... - Redesign -task, -work environment establish
flexible working encourage participative
management and employee development provide
social support and feedback share rewards have
fair employment policies - Evidence
- Guzzo et al (1985) increased empowerment gt
increased productivity - Dale et al (1998) Quality Circle Programmes
self-monitoring, autonomous work units - have
significant positive impact on productivity and
employee attitudes.
22Characteristics of the Healthy Organisation
- Cartwright Cooper (1994)
- Levels of stress are low
- org. commitment and job satisfaction are high
- sickness, absenteeism and turnover are below the
national average - industrial relations are good - strikes are
infrequent - safety and accident records are good
- fear of litigation is absent