Title: The Red Devil Way
1The Red Devil Way
- Russell-McDowell Intermediate School
- Positive Behavior Approach
2Todays Discussion
- Where it all began
- PBS Model
- 3 Rs
- Classroom Behavioral Management
- Common Area Expectations
3 Where it all Began
- 1st Year Principal Observations
- Approaching Learning Environment Committee
- Vision for Consistency
- Researching KYCID/ KASA Models
- Paying it Forward
4Positive Behavior Supports
- Aims to build effective environments in which
positive behavior is more effective than problem
behavior - Is a collaborative, data-based approach to
developing effective interventions for problem
behavior - Emphasizes the use of preventative, teaching, and
reinforcement-based strategies to achieve
meaningful and durable behavior and lifestyle
5Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline
- Training and technical assistance is designed to
enhance the capacity of districts and schools to
develop and implement effective, positive,
data-based interventions addressing problem
behaviors within schools
6School-wide Systems(All students all settings
all times)
- School environment is predictable
- 1. common language
- 2. common vision
- 3. common experience
7Organizational Features
Common Vision
Common Language
Common Experience
8The 3 Rs of Being a Red Devil
- Respectful Always use polite words and actions.
- Responsible Make good choices. Keep the school
neat. Take PRIDE in your work and in your
school. - Ready Stop, listen, and follow directions.
9Common Area Expectations
- A.M. Bus Expectations
- Hallway Expectations
- Restroom Expectations
- Recess Expectations
- Afternoon Bus Expectations
- Assembly Expectations
- Field Trip Expectations
10A.M. Bus Expectations
- Respectful Speak in a level 2 or less, unless
the adult on duty is talking. - Responsible If you need help, go to the adult on
duty for assistance. Students who need to leave
the gym, present pass to teacher on duty. - Ready Sit in your classroom line facing your
teachers name. If you are eating breakfast, put
your book bag in your line and get in line as
soon as you arrive in the gym.
11Hallway Expectations
- Respectful Keep hands, feet, and objects to
yourself. - Responsible Walk only on the right side of the
hall. Keep your hands to your sides. Walk in a
single file. No talking between 815 and 315.
Walk only to areas that you have permission to
attend. - Ready Stop to let another class or student in or
out of your room. Listen for directions.
12Restroom Expectations
- Respectful Students will respect the privacy of
self and others. - Responsible students will use the facilities
appropriately, flush toilet, use only one paper
towel, place towell in trash can. - Ready Go in when it is your turn. Leave when
13Recess Expectations
- Respectful Students will Keep hands feet to
themselves. Respect the property of others. - Responsible Students will Stay inside the play
area. Follow safety instructions. Line up when
told to do so. Use equipment properly. - Ready Students will be ready to Use polite
words. Share and play well.
14Afternoon Bus Expectations
- Respectful Listen, ziplocked.
- Responsible Facing forward. Have your
belongings. - Ready sitting at your bus table. Be on time.
15Assembly Expectations
- Respectful absolutely no talking during
assemblies. - Responsible Students will sit Indian style.
Keep hands feet to yourself. - Ready Eyes on speaker or performer. Classes
visit the restroom water fountain before
16Field Trip Expectations
- Respectful Keep hands, feet objects to
yourself. Use the words please, thank you, and
excuse me. Stay quiet. Do not interrupt the
tour guide or speaker. Wait until they ask for
questions, then raise your hand. - Responsible Do not bother any exhibits or any
property at the place we are visiting. Stay
quiet and in your seat at all times. Follow all
directions given to you about the trip. Follow
all the directions during the trip. - Ready Listen for directions.
17Mrs. Westenhofers Classroom Expectations
Mrs. Westenhofers Classroom Expectations
Mrs. Westenhofers Classroom Expectations
Mrs. Westenhofers Classroom Expectations
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21Positive Approach
- Individual / Group Class Rewards
- Fitness Friday
- Gotcha Tree
- Lunch with the Principal
- Beta Club
- Work Ethic Certificate
- Spin the Wheel
22Class Rewards
- Corn hole
- Pet Day
- Pajama Day
- Game Day
- Walk to Dairy Queen
- Luau Party
- Favorite Sport Day
- Crazy Hair Day
- Crazy Mixed up Backward Day
23What do your schools do?
Pair Share
24Fitness Friday
- Present
- Have not moved clip
25Gotcha Tree
- Students can be nominated for the gotcha tree by
any staff at R-MIS. - Students are nominated for showing exemplary
character! -
26Lunch with the Principal
- Once a month four 4th and four 5th grade students
names are selected form the gotcha list. These
students eat a lunch from McDonalds with Mrs.
27Beta Club
- Have a 3.5 Grade point average for the second
semester of your fourth grade school year, - Pay a one time 20 membership fee
- Participate in service projects
- Complete 6 hours of community service
28Russell-McDowell Work Ethic Program
29Work Ethic ProgramStandards
- Discipline
- Attendance
- Absence
- Tardiness
- Community Service
- Academic Performance
- Work Habits
- Punctuality and Preparedness
- Respect
- Cooperation
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Consistently follow classroom behavior guidelines
with little or no prompting. - Quickly respond to behavior corrections when they
are needed. - Consistently take responsibility for their
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Attend school more than 96 of the time.
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Have no more than one unexcused absence per
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Have no more than one unexcused tardy per
34Community Service
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Find ways to help others in the classroom and the
community. - Reflect on their community service experience and
tell others about it.
35Academic Performance
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Meet or exceed academic expectations for grade
level. - Make continuous progress.
36Work Habits
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Successfully complete projects in a timely
fashion. - Work well in groups.
- Respect the ideas and views of others.
- Stay on task and make continuous progress.
37Punctuality and Preparedness
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Arrive at class on time and with the required
materials and supplies including books, pencils,
paper and completed work. - Seldom ask to leave class for forgotten supplies
or materials.
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Are polite when dealing with others.
- Respond with respect, even when they do not get
their way. - Are aware and accept /respect the differences
among their peers and dont make fun of these
differences. - Demonstrate proper etiquette when interacting
with others. This includes calling people by
appropriate title/name, shaking hands and looking
at the people to whom they are speaking. - Demonstrate respect for the rules and policies of
the school and/or other environments. - Demonstrate respect for the property of others.
Elementary students that demonstrate this
- Accept the different roles and share
responsibilities when doing group work. - Share ideas and listen to the ideas of others.
- Are willing to accept a group decision.
40Work Ethic Celebration
- The students who received a work ethic
certificate for at least three nine weeks were
invited to attend a celebration in their honor at
41Work Ethic Celebration
42Work Ethic Celebration
43Work Ethic Celebration
44Work Ethic Celebration
45Work Ethic Celebration
46School Culture
- Facilitating the Plan
- Training faculty before year began
- Introduction with students
- Consistent modeling/monitoring by teachers
- Red Devil Way shirt/ pride days
- Principal grade level lessons based on 3 Rs
- Guest speakers
- Continued training for refinement
47SWIS (School-wide Information System) Data
Driven Program Assessment
- Average Referrals Per Day Per Month
- Referrals by Problem Behavior
- Referrals by Location
- Referrals by Time
- Referrals by Student
Big 5 Basic Reports