Title: Colonel James Scotty Scott
1Colonel James Scotty Scott Director, Individual
and Family Support Policy James.Scott_at_osd.mil
2Social Compact
For the U.S. Total Force
3A Social Compact promotes the advancement of the
military community through the reciprocal ties
that bind service members, the military mission
and families by responding to their quality of
life needs as individuals and as members of a
larger community.
4Changing Expectations Create Need for a
NewSocial Compact with Our Military Families
- Todays laws and policies based on yesterdays
environment - High School force
- Family separations acceptable
- Few dual career families and
- more stay at home spouses
- No Internet
- Less complex financial world
- Company town mentality
- Tomorrows laws and policies must...
- Keep pace with emerging US social trends
- Meet expectations of new generations
- Address American higher standard of living
--housing, medical care and education - Recognize needs of dual career families and
increased diversity - Operate in complex financial environments
- Reach the Total Force -- primarily off-base
- Quality Housing
- Housing that meets Service Members and families
needs. - Leverage partnerships with civilian communities.
- Improve access for 2/3s living off base.
- Ensure allowances do not require out of pocket
costs. - World Class Health Care
- Promote personal responsibility for health
through preventive care. - Meet beneficiaries expectations for access and
quality. - Strengthen TriCare management system.
- Underwrite Family Support
- Policies and laws that underwrite support to
families. - Work-Life Stress
- Respond to Service Members and families rising
work life stress - Grow child care
- Increase spouse employment
- Campaign for financial literacy
- Construct and replace sub-standard fitness
facilities. - Education
- Actively support Service Members and families
desire for education.
6Strengthen Reserve Forces Employer Support
GOAL DoD, employers, and RC members work
collaboratively in support of our Nation and its
- Employers support GR
Requirements - DoD facilitates employers and members fully
supporting military commitments - GR members fulfill obligations to DoD employers
- Surveys 1-800 call data
- Employer GAO reports
- symposia Call center
- Research tracking
- Partnerships, trusting relationships between DoD
and employers - Partnerships with Federal Agencies, Corporations,
Educational Institutions -
- Number of Employer Symposia recommendations
implemented - of employers supporting ESGR
- Frequency of DoD/
- Employer formal communications
7Twice The Citizen!
8Colonel Scotty Scott James.Scott_at_osd.mil (703)
693-7487 1500 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC