Title: Colonial District
1TROOP 680
- Colonial District
- National Capital Area Council
Sponsored by St Louis Catholic Church Meetings
Tuesdays 700 PM - 830 PM Location St Louis
Catholic School 2907 Popkins Lane, Alexandria
VA Scoutmaster Wade Harvey (517)
215-9101 wadeharvey_at_gmail.com
2The Aims of Scouting
Character The qualities in a young man that
scouting is trying to develop are confidence,
honesty, moral values and a high sense of
responsibility. Citizenship Citizenship not
only includes respect for one's country and his
heritage, but a recognition of the rights of all
people. Fitness Not only physical fitness is
important, but moral and emotional fitness are
also important to a scout.
3Scout Oath
- On my honor, I will do my best
- To do my duty to God and my country,
- And to obey the Scout Law
- To help other people at all times
- To keep myself physically strong,
- mentally awake, and morally straight.
4Scouting Values
The Scout Law A Scout is Trustworthy Loyal Helpf
ul Friendly Courteous Kind Obedient Cheerful Thrif
ty Brave Clean and Reverent
The Scout Motto Be Prepared
The Scout Slogan Do a Good Turn Daily
5The Boy Scout Badge
The shape of the Scout badge means that a Scout
can point the right way in life as truly as does
a compass in the field.
The badge is shaped like the north point of an
old compass and resembles a trefoil- a flower
with three leaves known as a fleur-de-lis, which
means lily in French.
There are two stars on the badge. They symbolize
truth and knowledge.
The eagle and shield stand for freedom and a
Scouts readiness to defend that freedom.
There scroll bearing the Scout motto is turned up
at the ends as a reminder that a Scout smiles as
he does his duty.
The three points of the trefoil stand for the
three parts of The Scout Oath.
The knot at the bottom of the scroll Represents
the Scout slogan, Do a Good Turn Daily.
6Basic Scout Equipment
Sleeping Gear
Sleeping Mats Additional Shielding (temperature/te
BSA Handbook
Mummy Sleeping Bag
Emergency Gear
Walking Gear
Eating/Cooking/Drinking Gear
7Trail to Eagle
What is Your Goal ?
8Eagle Required Merit Badges
9Positions of Responsibility
- Senior Patrol Leader
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
- Patrol Leader
- Troop Guide
- Order of the Arrow Troop Representative
- Den Chief
- Scribe
- Librarian
- Historian
- Quartermaster
- Bugler
- Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- Chaplain Aide
- Instructor
10Summer Camp
Scouting is Fun!!
13Order of the Arrow
To recognize those Scout campers who Best
exemplify the Scout Oath and Law In their daily
To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness
into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful
service to others.
To develop and maintain camping traditions and
To promote Scout campering.
14Joining Requirements
- 1. Meet age requirements, be a boy who has
- Completed the 5th grade and is at least 10
years old, - Or is 11 years old,
- Or has earned the Arrow of Light Award and is
at least 10 years old - and be under 18 years old.
- Complete a Boy Scout Application and health
history signed by your parent/guardian. - Find a Scout troop near your home.
- Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute and handshake.
- Demonstrate tying a square knot (a joining knot).
- Understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath,
Law, motto, slogan and Outdoor Code. - Describe the Scout badge.
Join the Fun!!!
St. Louis Catholic Church 2907 Popkins
Lane Alexandria, Virginia
And Much More!!