Title: ORourke Irish Dancers
1ORourke Irish Dancers
ORourke Irish Dancers, LLC is under the
direction of LuAnn ORourke Boyd. LuAnn
consistently ranked among the top ten and top
five dancers in the Mid Atlantic region until the
age of 22. LuAnn qualified for the Irish Dancing
World Championships held in Ireland twelve
consecutive years in a row and participated in
the 1978 World Championships held in Dublin,
Ireland. LuAnn received her T.C.R.G. (Teachers
Certificate Rinci Gaelacha) from An Coimisiun Le
Rinci Gaelacha of Ireland in 1994, and later
received her A.D.C.R.G. from An Coimisiun Le
Rinci Gaelacha in 2007 which allows her to
adjudicate Irish Dance competitions throughout
the world. The school is based in White Plains
and is well known throughout the Irish community
for its participation in competitions and
community events.
2ORourke Irish Dancers
Performing outside Good Morning America Studios
on St. Patricks Day, 2006 in Times Square, NYC
3ORourke Irish Dancers
Performing inside the Good Morning America
Studios on St. Patricks Day, 2006 in Times
Square, NYC
4ORourke Irish Dancers
Performing on The View at ABC Studios in NYC, 2006
5ORourke Irish Dancers
On the Jo Falcon show, White Plains, NY with
entertainer Padraig Allen in 2005
6ORourke Irish Dancers
Competitive Dancers in their Solo Costumes
7ORourke Irish Dancers
Competitive Dancers in their Solo Costumes
8Parades and Festivals
9ORourke Irish Dancers
National Champion Adult Dancers
10ORourke Irish Dancers
National Champion Adult Dancers
11ORourke Irish Dancers
Competitive Dancers in their School Costumes
12ORourke Irish Dancers
To book the ORourke Irish Dancers for your
event, please contact LuAnn ORourke Boyd at
917-453-0375 or email us at info_at_orourkeirishdance
Visit us at www.orourkeirishdancers.com