Title: SKA 2004
1SKA 2004
- Exploration of the Unknown
- R. D. Ekers
- CSIRO, Australia Telescope National Facility
- Penticton
- July 20 2004
2Be prepared for the unexpected
- Most major discoveries in science are not
predicted - Serendipity
- Astronomy is different from other sciences
- We can only explore the distant universe by
observing the radiation which reaches us - We can not normally do experimental physics
- A time of rapid change
- The excitement of the SKA will not be in the old
questions which will be answered, but the new
questions which will be raised by the new
observations. - This puts a premium on SKA for the exploration of
the unknown
3Technology leads scientific discoveries
- De Solla Price most scientific advances follow
laboratory experiments - Martin Harwit most important discoveries result
from technical innovation - Discoveries peak soon after new technology
appears - usually within 5 years of the technical
capability - Many examples from radio astronomy
- Quasars, Pulsars, CMB.
- Successful telescopes are built by visionaries
but often for the wrong reason
4Predicting v Explaining
- When there are few degrees of freedom there may
be only a few solutions given the rules - Predictions are possible
- Even small observational constraints are
important - Eg CMB
- When there are many degrees of freedom there are
many solutions - Predictions are now become unlikely and are less
valuable - Observations guide interpretation
- Common user facilities are mostly used as an
analytic tool - How to separate unexpected discoveries from errors
5Galileo Galilei - 1609
- Galileo builds his first telescope and he sees
the moons of Jupiter.
Four planets, never seen since the beginning of
the World right up to our day
6Karl Jansky Bell Telephone Laboratory 1933
7Beginning of Radio Astronomy
- Jansky
- signal arrives 4 min earlier each day
- reaction from Bell Labs so faint not even
interesting as a source of radio interference! - not accepted by the astronomical community at
the time - no theoretical framework
- Pasteur
- In the field of observation, chance favours the
prepared mind
8VLA Science
- Funding Proposal (1967)
- Key scientific drivers (8 pages)
- radio galaxies, quasars, cosmology
- Other science which may benefit
- planets, galactic studies, 21cm Hydrogen line
- Science being done (1980-1991)
- stars (16)
- galaxies (14)
- radio galaxies (13)
- Quasars (9)
- star formation (9)
- solar system (6)
- AGN (5)
- Supernovae (4)
- Intersellar medium (4)
- cosmology (4)
- molecules (3)
- galactic centre (3)
- VLBI (3)
- pulsars (2)
- Xray etc (1)
- Astrometry (1)
9Large radio telescopes make discoveries!
- Quasars and radio galaxies
- 21cm HI line
- Cosmological evolution of radio sources
- Cosmic Microwave Background
- Jets and super-luminal motions
- Dark matter in spiral galaxies
- Mass of the blackhole in AGN NGC4258
- Gravitational radiation (pulsar timing)
- First extra-solar planetary system
10Large radio telescopes make discoveries!
- Quasars and radio galaxies
- Cosmological evolution of radio sources
- Cosmic Microwave Background
- Jets and super-luminal motions
Dark matter in spiral galaxies
- Mass of the blackhole in AGN NGC4258
- Gravitational radiation (pulsar timing)
- First extra-solar planetary system
11Discovery Space what is left, where are the
gains ?
- New wavelengths - just about finished
- Angular resolution
- radio already in space,
- plenty of scope at other wavelengths
- Time resolution
- Polarization
- Volume of space sampled ? biggest gains now here
- Increases sample of rare objects
- Sensitivity ELTs, EVLA, SKA
- Field of view SKA
- Statistics as well as signals
Sensitivity Dynamic range
12SKAs 1o field-of-view
- surveys and transient events in 106 galaxies !
SKA 20 cm
15 Mpc at z 2
Now 10x10o !
13New observing paradigms
- Multiple simultaneous FoV
- Changes observing style
- Dedicated beams
- High risk experiments
- Beams for other communities (educational)
- Transients before they happen
- Baseband buffer
14SKA Poster
15Multi beams
Element antenna pattern
Station antenna patterns
Synthesized beams
- Observing teams with their own beams
- like particle accelerator, but can have all beams
simultaneously - Baseband buffer
- Observe before trigger !
NFRA 1998
16What does this mean for the SKA?
- Maximum flexibility in the design
- Exploit areas of fastest changing in technology
- Signal processing hardware late
- Software development early
- Maintain the technical expertise in community
- Not the VLA example
- Clear user interface
- Open system design?
- Software, hardware
- Multiple reuse of expensive components
- Area, wavelength, bandwidth
- Pathfinders
- Technical and scientific to adapt to change