Title: Connecting Life Skills and Careers
1Connecting Life Skills and Careers
- Rebecca Dedmond, Ph.D., George Washington
University - Doris Humphrey, Ph.D., Career Solutions
Publishing - ACTE Charlotte, 2008
2Cutting Edge Careers
- Simulation Developer
- Data Miner
- Wellness coach
- Asian Business Development Specialist
- U.S. News and World Report, June. 08
3Millennials at Work
- Liabilities
- distaste for menial work
- lack of skills for dealing with difficult people
- impatience
- lack of experience
- confidence
- Assets
- multitasking
- goal orientation
- positive attitude
- technical savvy
- collaboration
4(No Transcript)
5Todays Students Need to See Immediate Relevance
in What They Learn
- Data from a study on dropouts1
- 47 said classes werent interesting
- 81 called for more real-world learning
- 69 said they were not motivated to work hard
- 88 had passing grades, and 70 said they could
have graduated if they tried - 1 From The Silent Epidemic Perspectives on High
School Dropouts, March 2006, as cited at
6Freshman Transition Initiative
7How Can We Help These Students Connect?
- Connect instruction to things they care about
- Themselves
- Their lives now
- Their future
- Their family
- Their career
- Making money
8Project into the Future and Understand
Consequences of Actions and Choices
9Project into the Future and Understand
Consequences of Actions and Choices
10Project into the Future and Understand
Consequences of Actions and Choices
11Project into the Future and Understand
Consequences of Actions and Choices
12Preparing Students for Life and Careers
- Meet them where they are now.
- Connect the future to topics they care about now.
- Familiarize them with careers of the future.
- Give them a strong grounding in what employers
expect. - Communication
- Work ethics
- Readiness to work
- Prepare them for the disconnect between what they
believe work should be like and what work is