Title: EU Antidiscrimination Policy
1EU Antidiscrimination Policy
Disability Interest Group, 25th April 2006
2About Blueprint Partners
- Leading Brussels-based independent consultancy
on public affairs, policy advice and strategic
communications - Areas of expertise environment, competition,
IT, telecommunications, financial services,
consumers goods, CSR and social, etc. - Clients blue-chip companies, industry and
business associations, NGOs and foundations
3EU antidiscrimination policy milestones
- Equal pay directive (1975)
- Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) Article 13 granted
the EU new powers to combat discrimination on the
grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion
or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation - 2000 Anti-discrimination directives
- Project of EU Constitution
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities
4Treaty of Amsterdam Article 13
- Without prejudice to the other provisions of
this Treaty and within the limits of the powers
conferred by it upon the Community, the Council,
acting unanimously on a proposal from the
Commission and after consulting the European
Parliament, may take appropriate action to combat
discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic
origin, religion or belief, disability, age or
sexual orientation
5Racial Equality Directive (I)
- Implements equal treatment principle irrespective
or racial/ethnic origin - Gives protection against discrimination in
employment and training, education, social
protection, social advantages, membership and
involvement in organisations of workers and
employers and access to good at services - Contains definitions of direct and indirect
discrimination and harassment and prohibits the
instruction to discriminate and victimisation - Allows for positive action measures to be taken
6Racial Equality Directive (II)
- Gives victims of discrimination a right to make a
complaint through a judicial/administrative
procedure, associated with appropriate penalties
for those who discriminate - Allows for limited exceptions to the principle of
equal treatment - Shares the burden of proof between the
complainant and the respondent in civil and
administrative cases - Provides for the establishment in each Member
State of an organisation to promote equal
treatment and provide independent assistance to
victims of racial discrimination
7Employment Equality Directive (I)
- Implements equal treatment principle in
employment and training irrespective of religion
or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation
in employment, training and membership and
involvement in organisations of workers and
employers - Includes identical provisions to Racial Equality
Directive on definitions of discrimination and
harassment, the prohibition of instruction to
discriminate and victimisation, on positive
action, rights of legal redress and the sharing
of burden of proof
8Employment Equality Directive (II)
- Requires employers to make reasonable
accommodation to enable a person with a
disability who is qualified to do the job in
question to participate in training or paid
labour - Allows for limited exceptions to the principle of
equal treatment
9EU Antidiscrimination Action Programme
- 2001-2006
- Launched following antidiscrimination directives
to assist ensuring EU antidiscrimination policies
would become a reality - Limited budget 100 million euros
- To be replaced by PROGRESS framework programme
from 1st January 2007
10Project of EU Constitution
- Establishes discrimination as a horizontal
principle - Article 2 includes equality and
non-discrimination as values of the Union - Article 3.3 defines combating discrimination as
one of the objectives of the EU - Article II-21 forbids discrimination on all
11EU anti-discrimination framework strategy
- Ensuring effective legal protection against
discrimination - Assessing the need for further action to
complement the current legal framework - Mainstreaming non-discrimination and equal
opportunities for all - Promoting and learning from innovation and good
practice - Raising awareness and cooperation with
stakeholders - Special effort to tackle discrimination and
social exclusion faced by disadvantaged ethnic
minorities - Enlargement
- Relations with third countries and international
12Rationale behind EU antidiscrimination policy
- Most comprehensive and far-reaching legislation
in the world - Building a social Europe legitimacy of EU
project - Lisbon Strategy - targets for economic and
employment growth - Need to go beyond anti-discrimination policies
- Need to tackle the structural barriers
- Transferability of sex antidiscrimination
experience to other grounds of discrimination
132007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All
- Background
- Persistent inequalities
- Changing nature of European society
- Ageing population
- International migration and increased mobility
- Diversity as a source of socio-economic vitality
142007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All
- Objectives
- Rising awareness on the right to equality and
non-discrimination - Stimulating debate on ways to increase the
participation in society - Celebrating and accommodating diversity
- Promoting a more cohesive society
- Working in partnership
15Key players at EU level
- EU Social Platform
- European Disability Forum (EDF)
- European Women's Lobby (EWL)
- European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)
- European Network Against Racism (ENAR)
- European Older People's Platform (AGE)
- European Youth Forum (YFJ)
- European Region of the International Lesbian and
Gay Association (ILGA) - European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
- UNICE (EU business umbrella organisation)
16Key documents
- Green Paper on Equality and non-discrimination in
an enlarged EU (2004) COM(2004)379 - Communication on Non-discrimination and equal
opportunities for all a framework strategy
(2005) COM(2005)224 - Proposal for a Decision of the European
Parliament and the Council on the European Year
of Equal Opportunities for All (2007) Towards a
Just Society COM(2005)225
17The Three Pillars of EU Disability Policy
- EU anti-discrimination legislation and measures
which provide access to individual rights - Elimination of barriers in the environment that
prevent disabled people from exercising their
abilities - Mainstreaming disability issues in EU policies
18EU Disability Action Plan
- 2005 Communication on the situation of disabled
people in the enlarged EU the European Action
Plan 2006-2007 COM(2005)604 final - Emphasis on employment Lisbon Strategy
- Accessibility of good and services
- Access to quality support and care services
- Increasing EUs analytical capacity
19Employment of people with disabilities
- Employment gap vis-Ã -vis non-disabled people (40
compared to 64.2) - Less than half of disabled people have a job
- Employment Equality Directive
- Regulation on State Aid in employment
- European Social Fund (operational programme for
fight against discrimination)
20Accessibility of good and services
- Accessibility of ICT Communication on
eAccessibility COM(2005)425 - Accessibility of built environment Structural
Funds (ERDF) - Accessibility of public transport system
Communication on Strengthening Passenger Rights
21Support and care services for disabled
- Promotion of quality, affordable and accessible
social services - Forthcoming Communication on Social Services of
General Interest - Develop policy cooperation on health and
long-term care - De-institutionalisation of disabled people placed
in large residential institutions
22Increasing EUs analytical capacity
- Studies analysing existing data regarding people
with disabilities - Eurostats module on the social integration of
disabled persons - VII Research Framework Programme (2007-2013) to
fund research in the disability area