Title: Effects of Iron deficiency on
1Effects of Iron deficiency on Physical and Mental
functions in Children.
Dr. S.P. Srivastava
2Normal Child No Iron Deficiency
3(No Transcript)
4Functions of Iron
- Formulation of hemoglobin
- Formulation of cytochrome myoglobin
- Binding O2 to RBC and transport
- Regulation of Body temperature
- Muscle activity
- Catacholamine metabolism
- Immune system T cell antibodies
- Brain Dev function
- Depressed thyroid function
5Iron Deficiency (6-24 months)
- Difficulty with language
- Poor Motor Co-ordination and balance
- Poorer rating on attention
- Poor Responsiveness
- Poor Performance of motor
6Physical Growth and performance
- Weight gain, growth velocity
- Further compounded associated with
- infection anorexia
- Poor work capacity
- Endurance, work capability
- Rapid gain of weight endurance with
- iron therapy.
7Mental and psychomor dev
- Poor attentiveness
- Poor memory
- Poor academic performance vocabulary,
- reading, writing, arithmetic
- Disruptive, irritable, restlessness
- Poor performance in test
8Iron Acquisition In Brain
9The Basal Ganglia (Frontal Section)
10Iron In Brain
11Iron In Brain
12Concentration of Iron in Brain
- Highest at birth
- Decrease at weaning
- Increase at onset of Myelination
- Maximum at expression of Tf mRNA
13Iron Concentration In Brain
14Iron def, Infection, physical growth
- T cell and antibodies diminishes
- Cell mediated immunity defective
- Killing bacteria capabilities poor
- Capacity of leucocyte defense poor
15Iron and Neurotransmitor
- Dopaminergic system dev in early post natal life
- Rapid increase in number and density of
- DA transporter, receptor
- Monoamine for axonal growth and synapse
- formation
16Iron and Neurotransmitters
- Enzyme involve in N.T are Tryptorhan
- hydrolase (Serotonin)
- Tyrosin Hydolase (Ne. and Da)
- Cp factor for Ribonucleotide reductase
- Electron Transfer for lipid metabolism
- Brain Energy
17Restless leg syndrome
18Iron Deficiency Cognitive Development
19Behavioral and Emotion
65 Common Behavioral Midbrain Iron,
DA Transmitter D1 Receptors 35 Anxity DA
Transporter, D2 Rece Improve with Iron
20Critical Period
- Irriversible effect on nerve conduction in iron
- deficiency
- Timing of iron deficiency is of great importance
- Lead to toddler developmental delay if iron def
earlier - Sequence Cell migration significant
myelination - cellular differentiation increase expression
of - neuropeptides
21Study Scales
- BS.ID Bayley Scale of infant Dev
- IBR Infant behavior records
- MDI Mental dev index
- PDI Psychomotor dev index
- Wise Wechsler intelligence scale of
- childhood
22Stages of Iron Deficiency
- Decrease Iron Storage
- Latent Deficiency serum feritin - lt
- 10mcg/L
- Iron deficiency 0.80 to 1.8 mg/L
23Iron Value per 100gm for Common Food
Food Iron (mg) Food Iron (mg) Rice 6.4 Bengal G
Leave 23.8 Rice Pufed 4.6 Coriander
L 18.5 Wheat 11.5 Mustard L 16.5 Bengal
gram 10.2 Spinach 10.9 Bengal G Dal 9.1
Ginger 10.5 Rajma 5.8 Muster
Seed 17.9 Soyaneam 11.5 Date 7.3 Milk .1-.3
Fish Dried 20-25 Gagery 10.5 Fish
Fresh 1-4 Apple 0.66 Egg 2.1 Banana 0.36 Mutt
on 2.5 Amranth 25.5 Honey 0.69
Iron deficiency is major public health
problem It is an essential nutrition not only
for normal growth health and Survival of
children but also for their development and
congnitive Functioning iron deficiency anemia is
associated with significantly poorer performance
on Psychomotar and mental development scale and
behavioral rating is in infant and
children. Iron supplimentation improves mental
development score modestly and improve physical
capacity and endurance.0
Dr. S.P. Srivastava