Title: How to Stay Sane While Writing a Thesis
1How to Stay Sane While Writing a Thesis
- Presented by Annette Stevenson
- Student ASSIST 6773 2897
- Building C37 between the Deli Café and
newsagent up top
2What today will aim to cover
- Identify your study goals as well as the
strengths and any weaknesses that you bring to
your study - Rollercoaster of peaks and troughs
- Procrastination traps
- Overcoming the dreaded writers block and
feelings of isolation - How to manage your time and to minimise stress
3Me and My Post-Graduate Study
- 1. My long-term goal(s) for my study is
- 2. The strengths I bring to studying are
- 3. The things that are impeding my study are
- 4. My good coping strategies are
4Research Thesis Rollercoaster (Elphinstone
Schweitzer, 1998)
- Normal to have highs and lows
- From excitement to sense of failure in a week
- 3 ds depression, doubt, desperation vs
enjoyment and elation - The self-saboteur
- The obsessive-compulsive side of you
- The anti-social you
- Post PhD blues
5High Dependency on Supervisor (Elphinstone and
Schweitzer, 1998)
6Medium Dependency on Supervisor (Elphinstone and
Schweitzer, 1998)
7Low Dependency on Supervisor(Elphinstone and
Schweitzer, 1998)
8Common doubts(adapted from Elphinstone and
Schweitzer, 1998)
- Ive picked the wrong topic
- Re-read proposal, review reasons for discarding
other topics - The data are all wrong
- Be open to results going either way and testing
hypotheses - I cant write anything
- Make writing a routine. Some writers block is
normal - The end is so far. I will never finish
- SMART goals (specific, measurable, attractive,
realistic, time-framed
9Common doubts cont
- This isnt good enough. It should be perfect
- No such thing as the perfect thesis. Not your
final work. Have other strings to your bow. - Ive left something out
- Maintain perspective. Clear rationale. Project
boundaries. - Im not up to this. Im not good enough.
- Progress journal. Identify strengths.
- Why am I doing this? Why am I putting up with
this pain? - Revisit why you took this on. Identify internal
and external sabouteurs. Support people. - If I finish this, I will never write another
thing - From burnout to book, article, etc. Visualise
10Study Spirals
- Downward spirals
- 1. Action (set a goal and didnt make it)
- Feeling (frustrated)
- Thought (This is frustrating)
- Action (set another goal and didnt make it)
- Feeling (anxious)
- Thought (Why bother?)
- 3. Action (not bothering, avoiding)
- Feeling (unmotivated or anxious)
- Thought (I could fail. I am failing)
11Study Spirals cont
- Upward spirals
- Action (set a minimal goal and make it)
- Feeling (feel in control of work)
- Thought (Ive achieved something)
- Action (set another goal and make it)
- Feeling (energised and motivated)
- Thought (I am getting there)
- Action (Achieving goals and doing well)
- Feeling (in control, motivated, happy,
energised) - Thought (I am going to finish this. Im passing)
12(No Transcript)
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14Staying motivated
- Remember that tenacity, endurance and motivation
are important attributes - Keeping a journal, or a web log blog
- Acknowledge and celebrate your progress
- Stay connected dont isolate yourself. Join
postgraduate peer support groups - postgrads_at_une
- http//blog.une.edu.au/natressociety/
- http//blog.une.edu.au/deassist/
- http//blog.une.edu.au/deassist/
- http//www.une.edu.au/library/eskillsplus/ -
online program for postgraduate students
(research, literature, endnote, career) - eSkills Plus Meeting Place a social space for
UNE postgraduates - Attend seminar/discussion groups
- Peer support and/or supervisory groups (formal,
15Procrastination Styles
- Perfectionist, dreamer, worrier, defier,
crisis-maker, over-doer (Grant and Greene, 2003) - How do I feel about the task that Im putting
off now? - What are the advantages of starting this right
now? - What are the disadvantages of leaving it until
later? - What excuses am I making for not doing this task
right now? - Will it kill me to do it for a few minutes at a
time? - How can I break the task down into manageable
sections? - What reward can I give myself for finishing it?
(Grant and Greene, p. 83, 2003)
16Procrastination Stoppers
- Warm up your mind
- Be specific about what you are avoiding
- List advantages and disadvantages to doing or not
doing the task - Challenge the part of you that doesnt want to do
the task - Plan tasks in advance
- Visualise yourself completing the task
- Do a mental warm up revision, brainstorming,
etc - Swiss cheese technique do anything related to
task - Set yourself goals
- Set time limits
- Review progress, learn from mistakes
- Record progrss/achievements on wall chart, in
journal, etc - Salami technique break task into steps do one
at a time - Aim to spend 10 min a day on unpleasant tasks
- Contract with others what you want to achieve
17Procrastination stoppers cont
- Make physical changes
- Stretch, change posture, exercise
- Attractive and inviting work environment
- Go to distraction free place
- Work alongside someone who works well
- Have a sounding board
- Stay positive
- Dont look at decisions as right vs wrong most
decisions have pros and cons - Replace negative thoughts such as I cant, I
wont - Visualise self completing task
- Pretend to be the well-organised
non-procrastinator - Say no to requests. Be assertive. State your
needs. - Ask for help
18Hints for Pushing Through Writers Block
- Drafts for your eyes only at first
- Dont wear critical and creative hats at the same
time - See writing is an evolutionary act
- Proofreading vs rewriting with critical hat on
- Copy editor for final draft
- Write about anything get creative juices
flowing - Speak, verbalise, have conversations about your
ideas - Mindmap your ideas
- Mental warm ups revising drafts, chapters
- Be physical
- Change physical environment
- Carry a notebook
- Focus on the smaller chunks vs bigger picture
- Do something creative
- Write how you feel about your thesis (unblock
19Time Management Exercise
- Think about areas in your life in terms of time.
Do you give each area of your life your preferred
proportion of time or would you like to
re-balance the way you allocate your time? - NB 7 x 16 waking hrs/day 112 hrs
- 70 hrs 63
- 35 hrs 31
- 20 hrs 18
- 10 hrs 9
20Time Management Exercise cont
- ....0 HOME DUTIES eg housework, shopping,
showering, cooking, etc - ....0 RELATIONSHIPS WITH SIGNIFICANT OTHERS eg
things we do to enhance our relationships with
those with whom we are very close - ....0 SOCIAL eg things we do to meet people,
enjoy friends extended family - ....0 PERSONAL eg things we do for ourselves
- ....0 OTHER eg paid employment
- ....0
- ....0
- ....0
- ....0
- ....0
- ....0
21Time Management The Central Skill
- Yearly planner set deadlines for each step
- Reading - define general area
- Reading - designing study (have just in case
time) - Reading - collecting data (asap)
- Reading - analysing data (computer hold-ups)
- Writing - rough draft
- Editing to final copy stage
- References/Appendices
- Proof-reading
- Printing and Binding
- Hand in Time!
22Minimising stress
- Physical (body)
- Exercise
- Yoga
- Diet
- Sleep
- Emotional (feelings)
- Talk to significant others
- Writing
- Asserting needs
- Humour
- Cognitive (thoughts)
- Positive self-talk
- Improving concentration
- Communication
- Social interaction
- Behavioural (actions)
- Time management
- Holiday time during candidature
- Negotiating supervision contract/arrangements
23Organising Yourself
- Read down the list of statements, ticking those
you feel apply to you. Alter statements so that
they apply to you better. Note down any
reservations or differences you have.
24Organising Yourself cont
- I dont think I work as hard as I could
- I couldnt tell you how many hours I put in last
week. - I often seem to leave things like essays/writing
till the last minute. - I find it hard to get down to work.
- I dont seem to be able to stick at a task (like
reading through a chapter) for very long. - I think that others do more than me.
- I dont find it easy to talk to others openly
about how much work Im doing. - Im never quite sure what Ive got to do next.
- I sometimes take ages to get going.
- Im not sure whether Im doing enough or not.
- I tend to flit from one task to another.
- I seem to work better in some places than others.
- I work rather irregularly, putting in lots of
time one week and practically none the next. - Im generally behind, sometimes several weeks
behind schedule. - There is no way I could do all the work Im
expected to. - Im not sure I always do the most important
things first. - Im not sure Ill be able to keep going right to
the end of this course. - I dont have any sort of long-term plan for my
25Source - http//web.missouri.edu/kleinp/images/ca
- Grant, A. and Greene, J. (2003) Coach Yourself.
Cambridge, MA Perseus Publishing. - Elphinstone,L and Schweitzer, R. (1998) How to
Get a Research Degree A survival guide.
Australia Allen and Unwin.