Title: Supervised learning for text
1Supervised learning for text
2Organizing knowledge
- Systematic knowledge structures
- Ontologies
- Dewey decimal system, the Library of Congress
catalog, the AMS Mathematics Subject - Classification, and the US Patent subject
classification - Web catalogs
- Yahoo Dmoz
- Problem Manual maintenance
3Topic Tagging
- Finding similar documents
- Guiding queries
- Naïve Approach
- Syntactic similarity between documents
- Better approach
- Topic tagging
4Topic Tagging
- Advantages
- Increase vocabulary of classes
- Hierarchical visualization and browsing aids
- Applications
- Email/Bookmark organization
- News Tracking
- Tracking authors of anonymous texts
- E.g. The Flesch-Kincaid index
- classify the purpose of hyperlinks.
5Supervised learning
- Learning to assign objects to classes given
examples - Learner (classifier)
A typical supervised text learning scenario.
6Difference with texts
- M.L classification techniques used for structured
data - Text lots of features and lot of noise
- No fixed number of columns
- No categorical attribute values
- Data scarcity
- Larger number of class label
- Hierarchical relationships between classes less
systematic unlike structured data
- Nearest Neighbor Classifier
- Lazy learner remember all training instances
- Decision on test document distribution of
labels on the training documents most similar to
it - Assigns large weights to rare terms
- Feature selection
- removes terms in the training documents which are
statistically uncorrelated with the class labels, - Bayesian classifier
- Fit a generative term distribution Pr(dc) to
each class c of documents d. - Testing The distribution most likely to have
generated a test document is used to label it.
8Other Classifiers
- Maximum entropy classifier
- Estimate a direct distribution Pr(cjd) from term
space to the probability of various classes. - Support vector machines
- Represent classes by numbers
- Construct a direct function from term space to
the class variable. - Rule induction
- Induce rules for classification over diverse
features - E.g. information from ordinary terms, the
structure of the HTML tag tree in which terms are
embedded, link neighbors, citations
9Other Issues
- Tokenization
- E.g. replacing monetary amounts by a special
token - Evaluating text classifier
- Accuracy
- Training speed and scalability
- Simplicity, speed, and scalability for document
modifications - Ease of diagnosis, interpretation of results, and
adding human judgment and feedback
10Benchmarks for accuracy
- Reuters
- 10700 labeled documents
- 10 documents with multiple class labels
- 348566 abstracts from medical journals
- 20NG
- 18800 labeled USENET postings
- 20 leaf classes, 5 root level classes
- WebKB
- 8300 documents in 7 academic categories.
- Industry
- 10000 home pages of companies from 105 industry
sectors - Shallow hierarchies of sector names
11Measures of accuracy
- Assumptions
- Each document is associated with exactly one
class. - OR
- Each document is associated with a subset of
classes. - Confusion matrix (M)
- For more than 2 classes
- Mi j number of test documents belonging to
class i which were assigned to class j - Perfect classifier diagonal elements Mi i
would be nonzero.
12Evaluating classifier accuracy
- Two-way ensemble
- To avoid searching over the power-set of class
labels in the subset scenario - Create positive and negative classes
for each document d (E.g. Sports and
Not sports (all remaining documents) - Recall and precision
- contingency matrix per (d,c) pair
13Evaluating classifier accuracy (contd.)
- micro averaged contingency matrix
- micro averaged contingency matrix
- micro averaged precision and recall
- Equal importance for each document
- Macro averaged precision and recall
- Equal importance for each class
14Evaluating classifier accuracy (contd.)
- Precision Recall tradeoff
- Plot of precision vs. recall Better classifier
has higher curvature - Harmonic mean Discard classifiers that
sacrifice one for the other
15Nearest Neighbor classifiers
- Intuition
- similar documents are expected to be assigned the
same class label. - Vector space model cosine similarity
- Training
- Index each document and remember class label
- Testing
- Fetch k most similar document to given document
- Majority class wins
- Alternative Weighted counts counts of classes
weighted by the corresponding similarity measure - Alternative per-class offset bc which is tuned
by testing the classier on a portion of training
data held out for this purpose.
16Nearest neighbor classification
- Easy availability and reuse of of inverted index
- Collection updates trivial
- Accuracy comparable to best known classifiers
- Iceberg category questions
- involves as many inverted index lookups as there
are distinct terms in dq, - scoring the (possibly large number of) candidate
documents which overlap with dq in at least one
word, - sorting by overall similarity,
- picking the best k documents,
- Space overhead and redundancy
- Data stored at level of individual documents
- No distillation
- To reducing space requirements and speed up
classification - Find clusters in the data
- Store only a few statistical parameters per
cluster. - Compare with documents in only the most promising
clusters. - Again.
- Ad-hoc choices for number and size of clusters
and parameters. - k is corpus sensitive
- TF-IDF done for whole corpus
- Interclass correlations and term frequencies
unaccounted for - Terms which occur relatively frequently in some
classes compared to others should have higher
importance - Overall rarity in the corpus is not as important.
21Feature selection
- Data sparsity
- Term distribution could be estimated if training
set larger than test - Not the case however.
- Vocabulary documents
- For Reuters, only about 10300 documents
available. - Over-fitting problem
- Joint distribution may fit training instances..
- But may not fit unforeseen test data that well
22Marginals rather than joint
- Marginal distribution of each term in each class
- Empirical distributions may not still reflect
actual distributions if data is sparse - Therefore feature selection
- Purposes
- Improve accuracy by avoiding over fitting
- maintain accuracy while discarding as many
features as possible to save a great deal of
space for storing statistics - Heuristic, guided by linguistic and domain
knowledge, or statistical.
23Feature selection
- Perfect feature selection
- goal-directed
- pick all possible subsets of features
- for each subset train and test a classier
- retain that subset which resulted in the highest
- Simple heuristics
- Stop words like a, an, the etc.
- Empirically chosen thresholds (task and corpus
sensitive) for ignoring too frequent or too
rare terms - Discard too frequent and too rare terms
- Larger and complex data sets
- Confusion with stop words
- Especially for topic hierarchies
- Greedy inclusion (bottom up) vs. top-down
24Greedy inclusion algorithm
- Most commonly used in text
- Algorithm
- Compute, for each term, a measure of
discrimination amongst classes. - Arrange the terms in decreasing order of this
measure. - Retain a number of the best terms or features
for use by the classier. - Greedy because
- measure of discrimination of a term is computed
independently of other terms - Over-inclusion mild effects on accuracy
25Measure of discrimination
- Dependent on
- model of documents
- desired speed of training
- ease of updates to documents and class
assignments. - Observations
- sets included for acceptable accuracy tend to
have large overlap.
26The test
- Similar to the likelihood ratio test
- Build a 2 x 2 contingency matrix per class-term
pair - Under the independence hypothesis
- Aggregates the deviations of observed values from
expected values - Larger the value of , the lower is our belief
that the independence assumption is upheld by the
observed data.
27The test
- Feature selection process
- Sort terms in decreasing order of their
values, - Train several classifier with varying number of
features - Stopping at the point of maximum accuracy.
28Mutual information
- Useful when the multinomial document model is
used - X and Y are discrete random variables taking
values x,y - Mutual information (MI) between them is defined
as - Measure of extent of dependence between random
variables, - Extent to which the joint deviates from the
product of the marginals - Weighted with the distribution mass at (x y)
29Mutual Information
- Advantages
- To the extent MI(X,Y) is large, X and Y are
dependent. - Deviations from independence at rare values of
(x,y) are played down - Interpretations
- Reduction in the entropy of Y given X.
- MI(X Y ) H(X) H(XY) H(Y) H(YX)
- KL distance between no-independence hypothesis
and independence hypothesis - KL distance gives the average number of bits
wasted by encoding events from the correct
distribution using a code based on a
not-quite-right distribution
30Feature selection with MI
- Fix a term t and let be an event associated
with that term. - E.g. For the binary model, 0/1,
- Pr( ) the empirical fraction of documents in
the training set in which event it occurred. - Pr( ,c) the empirical fraction of training
documents which are in class c - Pr(c) fraction of training documents belonging
to class c. - Formula
- Problem document lengths are not normalized.
31Fisher's discrimination index
- Useful when documents are scaled to constant
length - Term occurrences are regarded as fractional real
numbers. - E.g. Two class case
- Let X and Y be the sets of length normalized
document vectors corresponding to the two
classes. - Let and be
centroids for each class. - Covariance matrices be
32Fisher's discrimination index (contd.)
- Goal find a projection of the data sets X and Y
on to a line such that - the two projected centroids are far apart
compared to the spread of the point sets
projected on to the same line. - Find a column vector such that
- the ratio of
- the square of the difference in mean vectors
projected onto it - average projected variance
- is maximized.
- This gives
33Fisher's discrimination index
- Formula
- Let X and Y for both the training and test data
are generated from multivariate Gaussian
distributions - Let
- Then this value of induces the optimal (minimum
error) classier by suitable thresholding on
for a test point q. - Problems
- Inverting S would be unacceptably slow for tens
of thousands of dimensions. - Llinear transformations would destroy already
existing sparsity.
- Recall
- Goal was to eliminate terms from consideration.
- Not to arrive at linear projections involving
multiple terms - Regard each term t as providing a candidate
direction t which is parallel to the
corresponding axis in the vector space model. - Compute the Fisher's index of t
35FI Solution (contd.)
- Formula
- For two class case
- Can be generalized to a set c of more than two
classes - Feature selection
- Terms are sorted in decreasing order of FI(t)
- Best ones chosen as features.
- How to decide a cut-off rank ?
- Validation approach
- A portion of the training documents are held out
- The rest is used to do term ranking
- The held-out set used as a test set.
- Various cut-off ranks can be tested using the
same held-out set. - Leave-one-out cross-validation/partitioning data
into two - An aggregate accuracy is computed over all
trials. - Wrapper to search for the number of features
- In decreasing order of discriminative power
- Yields the highest accuracy.
37Validation (contd.)
- Simple search heuristic
- Keep adding one feature at every step until the
classifier's accuracy ceases to improve.
A general illustration of wrapping for feature
38Validation (contd.)
- For naive Bayes-like classier
- Evaluation on many choices of feature sets can be
done at once. - For Maximum Entropy/Support vector machines
- Essentially involves training a classier from
scratch for each choice of the cut-off rank. - Therefore inefficient
39Validation observations
- Bayesian classifier cannot over fit much
Effect of feature selection on Bayesian
40Truncation algorithms
- Start from the complete set of terms T
- Keep selecting terms to drop
- Till you end up with a feature subset
- Question When should you stop truncation ?
- Two objectives
- minimize the size of selected feature set F.
- Keep the distorted distribution Pr(CF) as
similar as possible to the original Pr(CjT)
41Truncation Algorithms Example
- Kullback-Leibler (KL)
- Measures similarity or distance between two
distributions - Markov Blanket
- Let X be a feature in T. Let
- The presence of M renders the presence of X
unnecessary as a feature gt M is a Markov blanket
for X - Technically
- M is called a Markov blanket for
if X is conditionally independent of
given M - eliminating a variable because it has a Markov
blanket contained in other existing features does
not increase the KL distance between Pr(CT) and
42Finding Markov Blankets
- Absence of Markov Blanket in practice
- Finding approximate Markov blankets
- Purpose To cut down computational complexity
- search for Markov blankets M to those with at
most k features. - given feature X, search for the members of M to
those features which are most strongly correlated
(using tests similar to the 2 or MI tests) with
X. - Example For Reuters dataset, over two-thirds of
T could be discarded while increasing
classification accuracy
43Feature Truncation algorithm
- while truncated Pr(CF) is reasonably close to
original Pr(CT) do - for each remaining feature X do
- Identify a candidate Markov
blanket M - For some tuned constant k, find
the set M of k variables in F \ X that are most
strongly correlated with X - Estimate how good a blanket M is
- Estimate
- end for
- Eliminate the feature having the best
surviving Markov blanket - end while
44General observations on feature selection
- The issue of document length should be addressed
properly. - Choice of association measures does not make a
dramatic difference - Greedy inclusion algorithms scale nearly linearly
with the number of features - Markov blanket technique takes time proportional
to at least . - Advantage of Markov blankets algo over greedy
inclusion - Greedy algo may include features with high
individual correlations even though one subsumes
the other - Features individually uncorrelated could be
jointly more correlated with the class - This rarely happens
- Binary feature selection view may not be only
view to subscribe to - Suggestion combine features into fewer, simpler
ones - E.g. project the document vectors to a lower
dimensional space
45Bayesian Learner
- Very practical text classifier
- Assumption
- A document can belong to exactly one of a set of
classes or topics. - Each class c has an associated prior probability
Pr(c), - There is a class-conditional document
distribution Pr(djc) for each class. - Posterior probability
- Obtained using Bayes Rule
- Parameter set consists of all P(dc)
46Parameter Estimation for Bayesian Learner
- Estimate of is based on two sources of
information - Prior knowledge on the parameter set before
seeing any training documents - Terms in the training documents D.
- Bayes Optimal Classifier
- Taking the expectation of each parameter over
Pr( D) - Computationally infeasible
- Maximum likelihood estimate
- Replace the sum above with the value of the
summand (Pr(cd, )) for arg max Pr(D
), - Works poorly
47Naïve Bayes Classifier
- Naïve
- assumption of independence between terms,
- joint term distribution is the product of the
marginals. - Widely used owing to
- simplicity and speed of training, applying, and
updating - Two kinds of widely used marginals for text
- Binary model
- Multinomial model
48Naïve Bayes Models
- Binary Model
- Each parameter indicates the probability that a
document in class c will mention term t at least
once. - Multinomial model
- each class has an associated die with W faces.
- each parameter denotes probability of the face
turning up on tossing the die. - term t occurs n(d t) times in document d,
- document length is a random variable denoted L,
- .
- .
49Analysis of Naïve Bayes Models
- Multiply together a large number of small
probabilities, - Result extremely tiny probabilities as answers.
- Solution store all numbers as logarithms
- Class which comes out at the top wins by a huge
margin - Sanitizing scores using likelihood ration
- Also called the logit function
- .
50Parameter smoothing
- What if a test document contains a term t
that never occurred in any training document in
class c ? - Ans will be zero
- Even if many other terms clearly hint at a high
likelihood of class c generating the document. - Bayesian Estimation
- Estimating probability from insufficient data.
- If you toss a coin n times and it always comes up
heads, what is the probability that the (n 1)th
toss will also come up heads? - posit a prior distribution on , called
- E.g. The uniform distribution
- Resultant posterior distribution
51Laplace Smoothing
- Based on Bayesian Estimation
- Laplace's law of succession
- loss function (penalty) for picking a
smoothed value as against the true' value. - E.g. Loss function as the square error
- For this choice of loss,the best choice of the
smoothed parameter is simply the expectation of
the posterior distribution on having observed
the data - .
52Laplace Smoothing (contd.)
- Heuristic alternatives
- Lidstone's law of succession
- .
- derivation for the multinomial model
- there are W possible events where W is the
vocabulary. - .
53Performance analysis
- Multinomial naive Bayes classifier generally
outperforms the binary variant - K-NN may outperform naïve Bayes
- Naïve Bayes is faster and more compact
- decision boundaries
- regions of potential confusion
54NB Decision boundaries
- Bayesian classier partitions the multidimensional
term space into regions - Within each region, the probability of one class
is higher than others - On the boundaries, the probability of two or more
classes are exactly equal - NB is a linear classier
- it makes a decision between c 1 and c -1
- by thresholding the value of
(bprior) for a suitable vector
- Strong bias
- fixes the policy that (tth
component of the linear discriminant) depends
only on the statistics of term t in the corpus. - Therefore it cannot pick from the entire set of
possible linear discriminants,
56Bayesian Networks
- Attempt to capture statistical dependencies
between terms themselves - Approximations to the joint distribution over
terms - Probability of a term occurring depends on
observation about other terms as well as the
class variable. - A directed acyclic graph
- All random variables (classes and terms) are
nodes - Dependency edges are drawn from c to t for each
t.(parent-child edges) - To represent additional dependencies between
terms dependency edges (parent child) are drawn
57Bayesian networks. For the naive Bayes
assumption, the only edges are from the
class variable to individual terms. Towards
better approximations to the joint distribution
over terms the probability of a term occurring
may now depend on observation about other terms
as well as the class variable.
58Bayesian Belief Network (BBN)
- Parents Pa(X)
- nodes that are connected by directed edges to a
node X - Fixing the values of the parent variables
completely determines the conditional
distribution of X - Conditional Probability tables
- For discrete variables, the distribution data for
X can be stored in the obvious way as a table
with each row showing a set of values of the
parents, the value of X, and a conditional
probability. - Unlike Naïve Bayes
- P(dc) is not a simple product over all terms.
- .
59BBN difficulty
- Getting a good network structure.
- At least quadratic time
- Enumeration of all pairs of features
- Exploited only for binary model
- Multinomial model
- Prohibitive CPT sizes
60Exploiting hierarchy among topics
- Ordering between the class labels
- For Data warehousing
- E.g. high, medium, or low cancer risk patients.
- Text Class labels
- Taxonomy
- large and complex class hierarchy that relates
the class labels - Tree structure
- Simplest form of taxonomy
- widely used in directory browsing,
- often the output of clustering algorithms.
- inheritance
- If class c0 is the parent of class c1, any
training document which belongs to c1 also
belongs to c0.
61Topic Hierarchies Feature selection
- Discriminating ability of a term sensitive to the
node (or class) in the hierarchy - Measure of discrimination of a term
- Can be evaluated with respect to only internal
nodes of the hierarchy. - can' may be a noisy word at the root node of
Yahoo! - Help classifying documents under the sub tree of
62Topic Hierarchies Enhanced parameter estimation
- Uniform priors not good
- Idea
- If a parameter estimate is shaky at a node with
few training documents, perhaps we can impose a
strong prior from a well-trained parent to repair
the estimates. - Shrinkage
- Seeks to improve estimates of descendants using
data from ancestors,
- Assume multinomial model
- introducing a dummy class c0 as the parent of the
root c1, where all terms are equally likely. - For a specific path c0,c1,.cn,
- shrunk' estimate is determined by a convex
linear interpolation of the MLE parameters at the
ancestor nodes up through c0 - Estimatation of mixing weights
- Simple form of EM algorithm
- Determined empirically, by iteratively maximizing
the probability of a held-out portion Hn of the
training set for node cn.
64Shrinkage Observation
- Improves accuracy beyond hierarchical naïve
Bayes, - Improvement is high when data is sparse
- Capable of utilizing many more features than
Naïve Bayes
65Topic search in Hierarchy
- By definition
- All documents are relevant to the root topic
- Pr(rootd) 1.
- Given a test document d
- Find one or more of the most likely leaf nodes in
the hierarchy. - Document cannot belong to more than one path,
- .
66Topic search in Hierarchy Greedy Search strategy
- Search starts at the root
- Decisions are made greedily
- At each internal node pick the highest
probability class - Continue
- Drawback
- Early errors cause compounding effect
67Topic search in Hierarchy Best-first search
- For finding m most probable leaf classes
- Find the weighted shortest path from the root to
a leaf. - Edge (c0,ci) is assigned a (non-negative) edge
weight of Pr(cic0,d) - .
- To make Best first search different from greedy
search - Rescale/smoothen the probabilities
68Using best-first search on a hierarchy can
improve both accuracy and speed. Because the
hierarchy has four internal nodes, the second
column shows the number of features for each.
These were tuned so that the total number of
features for both at and best-first are roughly
the same (so that the model complexity is
comparable). Because each document belonged to
exactly one leaf node, recall equals precision in
this case and is called accuracy'.
69The semantics of hierarchical classification
- Asymmetry
- training document can be associated with any
node, - test document must be routed to a leaf,
- Routing test documents to internal nodes
- none of the children matches the document
- many children match the document
- the chances of making a mistake while pushing
down the test document one more level may be too
high. - Research issue
70Maximum entropy learners Motivation
- Bayesian learner
- first model Pr(dc) at training time
- Apply Bayes rule at test time
- Two problems with Bayesian learners
- d is represented in a high-dimensional term space
- gtPr(dc) cannot be estimated accurately from a
training set of limited size. - No systematic way of adding synthetic features
- Such an addition may result in
- highly correlated features
- high subsumption
71Maximum entropy learners
- Assume that each document has only one class
label - Indicator functions fj(c,d)
- Flag jth condition relating class c to document
d - Expectation of indicator fj is
- .
- Approximating Pr(d,c) and Pr(d) with their
empirical estimates - .
72 Principle of Maximum Entropy
- Constraints dont determine Pr(cd) uniquely
- Principle of Maximum Entropy
- prefer the simplest model to explain observed
data. - Choose Pr(cd) that maximizes the Entropy of
Pr(cd) - In the event of empty training set we should
consider all classes to be equally likely, - Constrained Optimization
- Maximize the entropy of the model distribution
Pr(cd) - While obeying the constraints for all j
- Optimize by the method of Lagrange multipliers
73Maximum Entropy solution
- Fitting the distribution to the data involves two
steps - Identify a set of indicator functions derived
from the data. - Iteratively arrive at values for the parameters
that satisfy the constraints while maximizing the
entropy of the distribution being modeled. - An equivalent optimization problem
74Text Classification using Maximum Entropy Model
- Example
- Pick an indicator for each (class, term)
combination. - For the binary document model,
- For the multinomial document model
- What we gain with Maximum Entropy over naïve
Bayes - does not suffer from the independence assumptions
- E.g.
- if the terms t1 machine and t2 learning are
often found together in class c, - and would be suitably
75Performance of Maximum Entropy Classifier
- Outperforms naive Bayes in accuracy, but not
consistently. - Table of figures
76Discriminative classification
- Naïve Bayes and Maximum Entropy Classifiers
- induce linear decision boundaries between
classes in the feature space. - Discriminative classifiers
- Directly map the feature space to class labels
- Class labels are encoded as numbers
- e.g 1 and 1 for two class problem
- Two examples
- Linear least-square regression
- Support Vector Machines
77Linear least-square regression
- No inherent reason for going through the modeling
step as in Bayesian or maximum entropy classifier
to get a linear discriminant. - Linear Regression Problem
- Look for some arbitrary such that
directly predicts the label ci of
document di. - Minimize the square error between the observed
and predicted class variable - Widrow-Hoff (WH) update rule.
- Scaling to norm 1
- Two equivalent interpretations
- Classifier is a hyperplane
- Documents are projected on to a direction
- Performance
- Comparable to Naïve Bayes and Max Ent
78Support vector machines
- Assumption training and test population are
drawn from the same distribution - Hypothesis
- Hyperplane that is close to many training data
points has a greater chance of misclassifying
test instances - A hyperplane which passes through a no-man's
land, has lower chances of misclassifications - Make a decision by thresholding
- Seek an which maximizes the distance of
any training point from the hyperplane
79Support vector machines
- Optimal separator
- Orthogonal to the shortest line connecting the
convex hull of the two classes - Intersects this shortest line halfway
- Margin
- distance of any training point from the optimized
hyperplane - It is at least
80Illustration of the SVM optimization problem.
81SVMs non separable classes
- Classes in the training data not always
separable. - Introduce fudge variables
- Equivalent dual
82SVMs Complexity
- Quadratic optimization problem.
- Working set refine a few at a time holding
the others fixed. - On-demand computation of inner-products
- n documents
- Recent SVM packages
- Linear time by clever selection of working sets.
- Comparison with other classifiers
- Amongst most accurate classifier for text
- Better accuracy than naive Bayes and decision
tree classifier, - interesting revelation
- Linear SVMs suffice
- standard text classification tasks have classes
almost separable using a hyperplane in feature
space - Research issues
- Non-linear SVMs
84SVM training time variation as the training set
size is increased, with and without sufficient
memory to hold the training set. In the latter
case, the memory is set to about a quarter of
that needed by the training set.
85Comparison of LSVM with previous classifiers on
the Reuters data set (data taken from Dumais).
(The naive Bayes classier used binary features,
so its accuracy can be improved)
86Comparison of accuracy across three classifiers
Naive Bayes, Maximum Entropy and Linear SVM,
using three data sets 20 newsgroups, the
Recreation sub-tree of the Open Directory, and
University Web pages from WebKB.
87Comparison between several classifiers using the
Reuters collection.
88Hypertext classification
- Techniques to address hypertextual features.
- Document Object Model or DOM
- well-formed HTML document is a properly nested
hierarchy of regions in a tree-structured - DOM tree,
- internal nodes are elements
- some of the leaf nodes are segments of text.
- other nodes are hyperlinks to other Web pages,
- In turn DOM trees
89Representing hypertext for supervised learning
- Paying special attention to tags can help with
learning - keyword-based search
- assign heuristic weights to terms that occur in
specific HTML tags - Example.. (next slide)
90Prefixing with tags
- Distinguishing between the two occurrences of the
word surfing, - Prefixing each term by the sequence of tags that
we need to follow from the DOM root to get to the
term, - A repeated term in different sections should
reinforce belief in a class label - Using a maximum entropy classier
- Accumulate evidence from different features
- maintain both forms of a term
- plain text and prefixed text (all path prefixes)
- 10705 patents from the US Patent Office,
- 70 error with plain text classier,
- 24 error with path-tagged terms
- 17. Error with path prefixes
- 1700 resumes (with naive Bayes classifier)
- 53 error with flattened HTML
- 40 error with prefix-tagged terms
- Prefix representations
- ad-hoc
- inflexible.
- Generalisibility
- How to incorporate additional features ?
- E.g. adding features derived from hyperlinks.
- Relations
- uniform way to codify hypertextual features.
- Example
93Rule Induction for relational learning
- Inductive classifiers
- discover rules from a collection of relations.
- Example solution for above
- Goal Discover a set of predicate rules
- Consider 2 class setting
- Positive examples D and negative examples D-
- Test instance
- True gt positive instance. Else negative instance.
94Rule induction with First Order Inductive Logic
- Well-known rule learner
- Start with empty rule set
- learn new (disjunctive) rule
- add conjunctive literals to the new rule until no
negative example is covered by the new rule. - pick a literal which increases the ratio of
surviving positive to negative bindings rapidly. - Remove positive examples covered by any rule
generated thus far. - Till no positive instances are left
95Literals Explored
- where Q is a relation and Xi
are variables, at least one of which must be
already bound. - not(L), where L is a literal of the above forms.
- Can learn class labels for individual pages
- Can learn relationships between labels
- member(homePage, department)
- teaches(homePage, coursePage)
- advises(homePage, homePage)
- writes(homePage, paper)
- Hybrid approaches
- Statistical classifier
- more complex search for literals
- Inductive learning
- comparing the estimated probabilities of various
classes. - Recursively labeling relations
- E.g. relating page label in terms of labels of
neighboring pages - classified(A, facultyPage) -
- links-to(A, B), classified(B, studentPage),
- links-to(A, C), classified(C, coursePage),
- links-to(A, D), classified(D, publicationsPage).