Title: Website Development
1Website Development Management
MIS 3353 -- Fall 2002
Instructor John Seydel, Ph.D.
2Student Objectives
- Increase understanding of basic XHTML elements
and attributes - Explain what a selector and a declaration do in a
style rule - Specify styles
- Within document head
- Via ltstylegt tag
- Via links to external files
- Inline via the style attribute
- Explain why stylesheets are cascading
- Summarize the document object model
- Create HTML forms that include any of the typical
3Some Administrative Items
- Note exam in 1 week
- First hour of class
- Will address material assigned from Chapters 1,
3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 15 - Should be able to
- Write code if given output
- Write output if given code
- Return quiz
- And now, todays plan . . .
- Stylesheets, forms, colspan/rowspan
- Cardinal presentation
- Quiz
4Where Are We?
5How to Set/Modify Web Page Displays
- Use display elements
- Typically inline elements
- Also, (misuse) tables, headings, etc.
- Mixes presentation and content on pages (XHTML is
moving away from this) - Most have been deprecated
- Provide specification in xmlns
- Incorporate style rules (CSS)
6Stylesheets Revisited
- Recall three ways to specify style rules
- In document ltheadgt element
- External file (use ltlinkgt element)
- Use the ltstylegt element
- Inline rules i.e., using the style attribute
- All three modify the same display properties
- Typical properties modified
- font-family
- font-size
- text-align
- margin-left
- Others . . .
- Syntax
- Always property1valueproperty2value . . .
- Example font-size10pttext-aligncenter
7When Where to Specify Styles
- Ideally, specify once
- Using embedded approach (before ltbodygt tag)
- Using separate file
- When multiple documents use same styles
- Creates theme
- Same concept as server side includes
- Inline useful primarily when one-time effects
8Specifying Styles
- Two parts
- Selector (e.g., body, h1, table, alink)
- Declaration (e.g., aligncenter, font-size 28px)
- Example body backgroundteal
- Typical format
- selector
- attributevalue
- attributevalue
9Containers for Style Rules
- The ltstylegt . . . lt/stylegt tags
- ltstyle typetext/cssgt
- . . . declarations go here . . .
- lt/stylegt
- Separate files
- Refer to text file using ltlinkgt tag
- Within ltheadgt . . . lt/headgt tags
- Example
- ltlink
- relstylesheet
- hrefstyles1.css
- typetext/css
- gt
- Use extension of .css
10Style Rules Example
- body backgroundcoral
- .copy
- colorBlack
- font-size11px
- line-height14px
- font-familyVerdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif
- .subhead
- font-size28px
- margin-top12px
- margin-left20px
- line-height32px
11Multiple Versions Classes
- Inventing your own styles use classes to define
more than one version of a style - Example declaring styles
- table.nav backgroundaqua
- table.other
- backgroundyellow
- text-aligncenter
- Example calling styles
- lttable classnav width100gt . . . lt/tablegt
- . . .
- lttable classother width400gt . . . lt/tablegt
12Classes for Divisions and Paragraphs
- Specification
- Define as class without selector
- Call from within ltdivgt or ltpgt tag
- Example
- .subhead
- font-size28px
- margin-top12px
- margin-left20px
- line-height32px
- . . .
- ltdiv classsubheadgt
13Some Typical Style Properties
- Set default properties for most tags
- Typical elements affected include
- Links
- Text
- Lists
- Body, paragraphs, divisions
- Margins
- Borders
14Styles Affecting Links
- Links attributes (use pseudo-classes)
- alink
- avisited
- aactive
- ahover
- Selectors (i.e., properties) include
- background (color)
- color
- font-family
- text-decoration (underline, overline,
strikethrough, none)
15Styles Affecting Text
- General background, color
- Also
- Common font properties
- font-family
- font- size
- font- style
- font- weight
- line-height
- Common text properties
- text-align
- text-indent
- text-decoration
- See Appendix D for possible values
16Styles Affecting Margins Borders
- Set for ltbodygt, ltpgt, ltdivgt
- For margins, specify
- Which margin left, right, bottom
- Use pixels (px), in, cm, points (pt)
- Examples
- body margin 100px 100px 50px
- div margin-left10margin-right5
- For borders
- Specify type (e.g., groove), width, padding
- Example
- .box
- bordergrooveborder-widththinpadding2px
- . . .
- ltdiv classboxgt . . . content . . . lt/divgt
17Customizing Lists
- Use
- To set all properties list-style
- To set properties individually
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style-type
- Most common is the image
- Values none, inherit, url
- Example
- li list-style-imageurl(images/ball.gif)
18Working with Inline Style Rules
- Uses style attribute
- Works with most standard elements
- Syntax
- ltelement styleproperty1value . . . gt
- Customize text, colors, placement, lists
- For properties that can be modified, see CSS
appendix in text - If using often, generally better to use external
file or ltstylegt element
19Using the ltspangt Element
- Overcomes problems with lack of support for
pseudo elements - Use style attribute within opening tag
- Applies style info to all content between opening
and closing tag - For limited occurrences of desired display
characteristics - Typically ltspan style . . . gt
20Style Odds Ends
- Recall format for style rules
- Selector
- Type describes default element
- Attribute defines specific classes of elements
- Descendent what happens when two or more
selectors are used together - External in development (not well supported)
- Declaration
- Inheritance
- Site management issues
- Indentation
21References for Style Specification
- Textbooks
- Boumphrey et al Appendix D
- Proffitt Zupan Chapter 15 and Appendix B
- Examples of what styles can achieve
- www.microsoft.com/typography/css/gallery/
- General overview of styles
- wdvl.internet.com/Authoring/Style/Sheets/
- Complete reference summary for style syntax
- www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/propidx.html
- Materials that are no longer available (!)
- webreview.com/pub/guides/style/style.html
- webreview.com/wr/pub/guides/style/mastergrid.html
22Forms A Review
- Main element is ltformgt
- Attributes
- name (for object references in scripts)
- action (where the form processor is, if
server-side) - method (usually POST but sometimes GET)
- Should be only one per page (for our purposes)
- All controls must be within ltformgt ... lt/formgt
- Form controls
- input (many types)
- button
- select
- textarea
- Forms also typically contain standard inline
(e.g., ltemgt) and block (e.g., lttablegt) elements
23Intro to the Document Object Model
- Browser objects objects that provide access to
the browser
24Input Elements Their Attributes
- Empty element with many controls (per the type
attribute) - One line text box (text)
- Check boxes (checkbox)
- Option buttons (radio)
- Submit/reset button (submit or reset)
- Other buttons (button)
- Other common attributes
- name (always specify)
- size (also maxlength, but not same)
- value
- Event handlers (e.g., onChange, onSelect,
onFocus, onClick)
25The value Attribute (All Controls)
- Can be preassigned to a control
- Shows up in text controls and on buttons
- With other controls, values are hidden and are
assigned to variables associated with controls - When form is processed value is whatever is
entered into control - If text box or text area, then text string
- Otherwise its a preassigned value
- Check boxes
- Buttons submit, reset, option, button
- Select (combo) boxes
- A brief demonstration
26Naming Controls
- Use conventions from programming languages
- Java
- C
- Visual BASIC
- Typically
- First 3 characters lowercase and type of control
- Uppercase only when words joined
- Examples txtFirstName, cmbMajor, optAgree
27Select (Combo) Box
- Involves two elements
- ltselectgt (main element container)
- ltoptiongt (contained in select element)
- Main select attributes
- name
- size
- Event handlers (e.g., onChange)
- Primary option attributes
- value
- selected
28Buttons, Buttons, Everywhere
- Three kind of buttons (not including reset)
- ltinput /gt element (empty element)
- Server-side processing ltinput typesubmit ...
/gt - Client-side processing ltinput typebutton ...
/gt - ltbuttongt element contains inline block
elements - Client-side processing only
- Allows control over display (images, font, etc.)
- Format
- ltbuttongt
- . . . content . . .
- lt/buttongt
- A note on client-side processing
- Button requires the onClick attribute
- Invokes the JavaScript function specified
29Tables Controlling Spans (a Correction)
- Use with lttdgt element
- Attribute for merging horizontally is colspan
- Attribute for merging vertically is rowspan
- That is, either one essentially merges cells
- Do NOT even attempt until after table layout has
been completely developed - Draw table initially with no spanning rows or
columns - Then created overlay of merged cells
- One of the main reasons to use FrontPage, etc.
30Summary of Objectives
- Increase understanding of basic XHTML elements
and attributes - Explain what a selector and a declaration do in a
style rule - Specify styles
- Within document head
- Via ltstylegt tag
- Via links to external files
- Inline via the style attribute
- Explain why stylesheets are cascading
- Summarize the document object model
- Create HTML forms that include any of the typical
31Now . . .
- Presentation by Cardinal Health
- Quiz following the presentation